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The Jaeger Project


May 30, 2012
Cities laid wasted, millions of people forced from their homes and into safe zones were they hope to not have to see the horrors outside the very wall that protects them. This is life on earth now. 4 years ago, a dimensional rift opened up at the bottom of Challenger's deep, and at first it simply opened the door to an odd alien race who only wanted to help us humans in further advancing our race, but this piece would not last forever. They told us not send drones into the rift and explore their homeland, but humans never listen when they are curious about something, and we fucked up...bad They weren't coming to us simply to help us evolve, they were coming to us to run from the monsters destroying them. Our once alien friends abandoned us as they jumped ship to yet another planet that hopefully wouldn't befall the same fate, and now we're stuck being the ones running, but not only are us humans stupid; we're stubborn.

The Jaeger project was soon initiated and for once we actually stood a chance in fighting back, but the pilots of these mechs constantly suffered from PTSD and loneliness as most were employed on solo missions, and never had any human contact besides command, so the government enacted a plan to give every pilot an almost human-like AI who would not only be there to help out the pilots with whatever they needed, but to be someone they could talk to on their downtimes. It was a tremendous success, but with the AI helping them. We were still losing more and more pilots everyday, and while the AI could be salvaged and used to help another. There was naught be could do to save their human pilots. The world was in constant need of newer and newer pilots, but none ever stood out like PC(me). No one really knew who he was, but they all knew of the deeds that him and his Jaegar had done. She was a much older model having been previously a converted WW2 fighter jet(Also comes in two different flavors. Both are slightly NSFW), but she had much more fight in her than any of the newer models ever could. The bond between PC and her was like no other. The kind of bond that no other pilot and AI had ever come close to, but that's what happens when you've been piloting a mech for almost 7 years now.

I need someone for this little idea of mine, but my own ideas do not end where this little background does as a few of them require my partners input. Expect plenty of giant monsters, fighting said monsters, saving the earth, and a few cutsey moments between PC and his AI~ After all, she won't always be in the body of a giant robot ;)
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