Gone Workin' ( Comments / Complaints / Shenanigans Welcome )


Jun 11, 2013


For those who know and for those who are contacting me for RP, my work schedule has transitioned from 4 10's to 6 10's and 7 12's are on the horizon as there's an accelerated Shut Down at the Refinery I work at.

Essentially everyone else has finally caught up to the SRU 1 & 2 ( Sulfur Recovery Unit 1 and 2), the Unit I'm with is filled with Retirees and me, they're a bunch of a high speed low drag grouchy leatherneck motherfuckers and I'm a drooling imbecile with a speech impediment, two left feet, broken thumbs and a lazy eye.

It's a great learning experience.

I've got one day off most weeks, which is usually spent working on replies. I've got partials for my partners, it may take me a bit to send them out as I've got a house to maintain.

I have not abandoned any of you, yo.

So, how are you?
No rush Vita! You're an absolute gem to work with, so I'm fine with waiting for as long as need be for a reply! Glad you seem to enjoy the madman shift you work!

Glad to hear that AE! I'm working on replies right now.

I love my madman shifts. It'll slow down in 2020, right now I'm laughing all the way to the bank. Gotta make up for the past few years of "Gas, Food or Rent - pick two".

Well, tomorrow starts my 17 hour day of bullshit. . . 10 hours of work with 3 hours of school with a combined total of 4 hours on the road, then I get to do it all over again the day after that!

Technically gives me 7 hours of sleep, but I read at night and well. . . I'm proper fucked, especially with Day Light Savings screwing up my already compromised sleeping schedule.

Fuck it, let's do it live.

I'll get back to replies when I can, but it probably won't be until after these two days of Hell.

Only five more years of this.


*cries into pile of money*
I do got this Little Bear!

I can sleep in on Sunday and by sleep in, I mean 0600. . .

What have I become?! Being an adult sucks ass.

Younger me might be disappointed in my lack of free time, but then again I just about completed his childhood fantasy, so that's off the bucket list.
:eek: what was your childhood fantasy? Mine was to marry Bon Jovi. I'm still workin on that
Get a complete set of Alpha/Beta Magic The Gathering, use a pre-existing set to create what is now called a "Cube" and to own three top tier competitive decks.

Younger me was a huge nerd.

You can still marry Bon Jovi! I have faith in you.
Oooh you were a nerd. But nerds are better anyways! ;)

I still have faith!!! That man is too fine to give up hope haha
Can't forget your roots, they're what made you who you are today. One day I'll be able to play at FNM's and in local leagues again.

That's what they tell me. At the very least the nerds are never bored, always something to do.

Have you tried kidnapping? Pro-tip, don't skimp on the good duct tape.

Ugh, so my puppy cut her paw and I had to apply first aid, she took the super glue like a trooper through, so I'm super proud of her.

I won't be able to do any replies today though as I have to keep watch and make sure she doesn't try to remove the patch while she's in her crate.

Plus, I have to clean up the trail of blood she trailed throughout the house. The carpets look like I murdered someone.

On the bright side, there was a BBQ at the Refineries Rod and Gun Club, got tasty Brisket and Chicken for completing 50% of the project, which is why I got to go home early and still get counted for doing ten hours.

There's only 1.5 million more man hours to go until completion and when that happens, there's going to be 180 days for SRU Unit 1 and Unit two back to back.
Awww, I'm so sorry your puppy got hurt! I hope she heals quickly! Big kisses from Bear!!!
Things should be fine. Got the wound super glued and wrapped with gauze and medical tape. Being a Medic helps.

I should be back to some replies tonight once I get home.

Thank you Bear <3

Finished another six hour test session for work, signed up for another twelve hours. . . "Principles of Petroleum Refining" and "Safety as it Pertains to Crafts", both of which are essentially "Don't play with open flame/sparks near the fuel, dumbass."

I'm going to have all the Certs. . .

So, I've been busy with the aforementioned and work. I've done a couple more sentences for the replies I still owe for everyone since my last post, but nothing of substance, yet.

Just keeping everyone in the loop.

Finally got some replies sent out, just been busy with my crazy work schedule and house maintenance, the backyard is starting to get there, removed a lot of hedges and I'm going to probably plant some rose bushes in the next couple of weeks and a few other succulents to help with a particular scent that I'm chasing whenever the wind blows, cause olfactory memory.

Have a couple more replies to send out, just tweaking them and well. . . you'll know when you get them alongside a PM.


Got Finals in my two courses, so replies will be on the back burner this week, but I have been working on them, just have to concentrate the majority of my "free time" on Math and OSHA 30 stuff.

I should have some time this Saturday and Sunday though.

Apologies to those who I'm writing with.
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