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Fantastical Stories

Aug 5, 2014
I like telling stories with other people:

Your character(s) + my character(s) = Our Story.

The interaction is key to me; if I wanted to read something (or indeed write my own), I'd go read them somewhere else.

Who am I looking for?
To my mind, there are three virtues for online RP: politeness, elegance, and articulatene... articulari... bein' able to talk proper. I'm not a grammar Nazi (at least not yet), but syntax is sexy. The player(s) I'd be after should therefore be literate, but we won't necessarily write literature. I don't mind typos, and am indeed guilty of making more than one or two myself. I can't promise to be able to write 20-paragraphs of Dickens; to me, story is about interaction. Quality is more important than quantity.

What am I looking for?
What I would like would be someone to ArrPee with. The rest of this paragraph is going to be a bit cliche to anyone who has browsed this forum, but I'll try and use different imagery.

To my mind, it's kind of like cookery. The E is like hot-sauce or spices; sure, it makes things more interesting, but I wouldn't want to live on a constant diet of the stuff. As one wise and witty friend put it, I'm a human being rather than sex-robot. I'd hope that you're the same. I'd rather do one-on-one, because getting a group of online gamers together for anything is like trying to herd greased weasels.

What can I offer?
I roleplay because I like telling, hearing, and sharing stories. I'm flexible, drama-free, eager to learn, and creative (but then I'm not exactly going to put an advert up that says I'm dull).

What stories would I particularly want to tell?
I think of stories in the same way I'd think about TV shows I'd want to watch. I adored Altered Carbon, Punisher, and so on. To my mind, an adventure is a story, world, and characters that mutually create each other.
⦁Swashbucklery (musketeers, pirates, corsetry!)
⦁Cyberpunk and near-future (Altered Carbon, The Expanse, Pacific Rim)
⦁Space Opera (from Star Trek to Star Wars, by way of Mass Effect)
⦁Have you played Pathfinder: Kingmaker on Steam? Does the idea of SimCity meets DnD appeal? Sort of like Districts & Depots I guess...? If so, we should talk!

What about the E- stuff you mentioned earlier?
It is, I realise, entirely unhelpful to say "I'm open minded"... but... well... I am! I made the mistake in the past of saying that I'd try anything, and that resulted in character wanting to snort spice from the head of a shaved Ewok. I find the listing of kinks like shopping lists to be... off-putting. I am more than a collection of kinks, lusts, and depravities (I hope). But then this advert is kind of pointless without. It's probably easier to list the things that I do not want:

The "I'd rather not" or "maybe" are the unholy trinity of toilet-play, vore, and ewoks. Especially all three combined - there's nothing more off-putting than the smell of an ewok with poo-stained fur. I'm not really a fan of futa - it simply doesn't float my boat. Strap-ons are way more exciting.

Last Words?
They couldn't hit the side of a barn at this ra...


If any of the above tickled your fancy, drop me a PM. Tell me your favourite kind of pie in your reply so I know you've read this.
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I want to tell stories! Fun and interesting ones!

At the moment, that might include:

Something Sci-Fi-y inspired by Altered Carbon / The Expanse / Lost in Space (yes, I have netflix... >.>)
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