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Mx Female Women of Adventure Wanted. Apply Within.


Mar 11, 2015
Eastern US
I want a tough lady. Maybe she's a powerful mage, or a sort of hero with powers. Perhaps she's a big barbarian warrior with a literal ax to grind.
Not looking for a character who wants to emotionally dominate my guy, nor be submissive, though they might play that as a game for fun.

As the title states. I'd like a partner who is desiring to play as Brilliant and/or powerful (in many possible forms)

I'm not setting a limit on size or form, wanting to hear how you see her. My choice of male partner will delend on your prefs and her abilities.

I am also not setting a limit on species. Human, deminhuman (Elves, orc and such), monstergirls, anthros, even pokemon are all possible.

But I do want this to be a romantic, story driven RP, not just smut and no oneliners please.

Tell me what you want her to be and then we will discuss the setting, I have many for you to add to.
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