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Thirsting for Adventure


Mar 1, 2018
Hello there dear reader,

First off let me thank you for taking the time in reading my request, and I hope that you may find something that catches your interest.

I am searching for a partner for an adventure focused RP, that may be long or short term, all of that can be discussed later, but I would like one of us taking the role of an GM, setting the stage for one or maybe multiple characters to experience an adventure, with a maybe kinkier twist in it.

The setting for that could be either a pre existing setting, or one that we create our self, the following list would just be an incomplete list of settings that we might find ourselves in, but I'm completely open to any idea that you might have.

Azeroth from WoW, TES, Hyrule from LoZ, Fallout, Star Wars, Pokemon, Digimon, Yugioh, Warhammer, Warhammer 40.000, etc.

For kinks am I'm open and as well, but one of my preferences would be Bondage and BDSM on its varying forms, and my only limits would be gore and scat. Everything else would depend on the planned story, and on your preferences.

Maybe as some ideas that I might have, and maybe to get your creative juices flowing, would I like to give some examples.

The classical would be the wandering Adventurer, maybe a young farm boy who finally managed to get the chance to wander and see the wide world, maybe a young Pokemon trainer at the beginning of his quest to become the very best, or a traveling explorer, who is flying from star system to star system, in search of new planets to colonize, or new races to trade with.

Maybe one of us finds himself in a new place, maybe in a new form, and would need to find a way back home, or begins to like his new surroundings, or the complete opposite, and he would be held there by force.

I prefer to write in one to three paragraphs, but can also write longer or shorter, depending on the situation.

If you found anything interesting, or got any idea for something, then you can PM me, and we can discuss the rest and get going.

I thank you for reading threw all of this, even if you did not find something for your interest, and wish you a nice day.
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