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Naoto's new universe (Yummy x Potter)


Jan 5, 2018
((NSFW image link))

Naoto Shirogane had finally settled into a somewhat regular life. The murder case of the last year was over and done with, now finally behind her and all of the new friends she had made as a result. Now all she had to do was sit back and relax, enjoying a mostly normal school life. Oh sure she still helped out the police now and again, but in a town like this there weren't exactly a lot of things for the police force to do, certainly nothing so intense that they required additional assistance. Still, that worked out well enough since it meant Naoto got to enjoy spending time with the others.

Lately though she'd had a weird feeling, one she couldn't quite identify. It sort of felt like it had when the group had gone inside the TV world, but she knew she hadn't done that. Not one to let a mystery go Naoto had gone out alone to the TV department at Junes, it was a quiet day so she wouldn't be disturbed. She knew that maybe she should've told the others but she didn't want to risk involving them, not yet at least. As she approached the largest TV though it suddenly flickered to life, filling with static for a few brief moments, before it suddenly switched to showing a desert landscape, sand stretching as far as the eye could see. Was it some kind of nature documentary? No, couldn't be....the picture was showing 2 suns. Was it some kind of sci-fi show? But if it was why did Naoto feel so drawn to it? She never normally paid much attention to fiction, but this...
Without even realising Naoto found herself moving closer to the TV, slowly reaching towards it. As soon as her fingers made contact with the screen Naoto felt her hand passing through it, but something was different this time. Despite her efforts she couldn't pull her hand back...for a moment it was stuck, but then suddenly she was being pulled, some kind of force on the other side pulling her in! Naoto tried to pull her arm, but it was no good, with every passing second she was being pulled more and more inside of the TV. There wasn't even time to yell for help as the pull increased, and Naoto suddenly found herself being pulled entirely through the TV screen.

When she awoke Naoto groaned, reaching up to rub at her head through her hat. As she opened her eyes though she had to move her hand to shield them, the light was so bright, brighter than even the brightest day. And her other hand, she could feel...sand? Naoto squinted and blinked a few times, then gasped as she managed to take a look around. She was in the desert, the one she had seen on TV, two suns in the sky above. But unlike normally there was no TV around, nothing for her to get back. She was trapped here! Trapped in this desert that stretched as far as the eye could see!
Fortunately though it seemed she wasn't alone for long, a figure coming up over one of the dunes. "Oh thank god!" Naoto rushed towards the figure, but stopped as he suddenly raised what looked like a rifle towards her. "H-hold it! Wait!" Naoto raised her arms in surrender quickly. "L-look I...I don't know where I am and I need some help!" The figure responded in some strange language that she couldn't understand, but it moved closer with the gun still trained on her. It was weird, the gun, the clothes, they were like nothing she had ever seen before. A few moments later though the gun seemed like it might have been lowering, only to be flipped around, Naoto barely registering the strike to the head before she blacked out.

Upon waking Naoto found herself on a stone floor, odd noises filling the air, like a hundred different languages all being spoken at once. "Ungh...where...where am I....?" She rubbed her head, her blurred vision starting to clear. Wherever she was it wasn't as bright if nothing else.
Jabba sat on his dias, having just finished the transaction of buying the boy slave in front of him. He needed more humans for menial tasks, so it was perfect and cheap. His long and fat tail swayed back and forth idly as his massive tongue hung out of his gaping mouth, dropping saliva onto his glistening fat rolls coated in slime and drool. His feline eyes locked onto Naoto as she began to stir, letting out his trademarked guttural laugh as he bellowed out some words in Huttese.

Two of his pig faced Gammorean guards stepped forward and lifted Naoto up, basically dragging her to the front of the dias and standing her up. Then, once they did that...their grubby and fat fingers began to rip into her clothes, tearing them to shreds and slowly revealing the secret that Naoto was hiding underneath...the fact that she actually had quite the feminine body and was in fact, female.
"H-hey! Let me go! Put me down damnit!" Naoto struggled as she was picked up off the cold floor, though she froze up as she saw the strange creature sitting before her. Was it sitting? It didn't seem to have any could have been sitting, could have been standing, it was impossible to tell. All she did know was that she wanted to get the hell away from it. "If you can understand me then let me go! You have no right to do this to me! You're going to be-" She cut off as the creatures began to tug and pull at her clothes, ripping the fabric like it was nothing, revealing her tightly bandaged breasts beneath, though the bandages were soon caught and tugged away, Naoto gasping as her breasts spilled free for every creature in the room to see.

"Y-you bastards...what the hell are you planning on doing with me?!" Naoto was trying to hold o to some kind of fighting spirit, though it was rather difficult when most of her body was now exposed and her breasts were bouncing around from her attempts to struggle.
As Naoto's body was exposed, Jabba's feline eyes widened at the sight of her marvelous as he let out a deep, guttural laugh. It seemed like he had purchased quite the treasure for dirt cheap. He bellowed something out the guards again and they let out a grunt as they began to push Naoto up towards Jabba. One of them reached out and grabbed a chain collar that was connected to a leash Jabba held and snapped it around Naoto's neck. It should have been very clear now to the detective girl what was happening to her...

She was pressed right up against Jabba's gelatinous form, her breasts molding against his glistening fat rolls as her front side was covered in his slime which acted like an aphrodisiac. He muttered something out in his unintelligible language before his fat tongue began to lick up Naoto's bare neck and cheek before finally reached her lips, licking them while trying to wiggle its way into her mouth...coating her lips in his rather sweet tasting drool.
Naoto squirmed and struggled as the guards started to pull her forwards, especially when she saw the strange chain collar one of them was picking up. Forget her modesty, the girl didn't care about trying to cover up her naked form anymore or the fact her breasts were bouncing quite wildly, getting away was more important. Despite her best efforts though these things were far stronger than her, there was no way she could pull herself free from even one of them, let alone two. "N-no! Get that away from me!" Naoto made one final protest as the collar snapped around her neck, then yelped as she was suddenly pulled in, stumbling and falling against the large creature's body.

She winced in disgust at the slimy feel of it, the entire front of her body pressing and sinking into it, coated in the slime, though after a moment she gasped as a heat rushed through her body. Suddenly her nipples grew very hard and a heat began to build between her legs, Naoto fidgeting as several of the creatures around the room made noises that sounded something like laughter. When the tongue started to lick up her neck Naoto shivered, but when she realised what it was trying to do and where it was trying to go she quickly closed her mouth tightly, gritting her teeth behind her closed lips in one final act of defiance.
Jabba laughed at Naoto's defiance, but it would do her little good...after all, what a Hutt wanted, a Hutt got. Her body continued to be coated with his slime. Indeed, her white skin seemed to glisten now so covered was she in his liquid. She seemed to almost sink into his fat rolls as his massive tail slowly coiled up around her slim leg as it made its way towards her ass. His massive tail gave her bubbly rear a nice spank, her rear jiggling from the impact.

When she let out a gasp, his fat tongue darted into her mouth, pushing its massive form deep into her throat. It wiggled around wildly inside her mouth, depositing drool for her to swallow as his fat and long tongue pressed up and rubbed against her own.
Naoto continued to try and defy this...thing, though the fluid now covering her body was making her squirm around, which only furthered to coat her even more. When something suddenly came up and slapped her ass though Naoto couldn't help suddenly gasping and squeaking, though it seemed to provide the creature with the opening it needed, a thick tongue thrusting into her mouth. She let out a muffled gurgling noise, attempting to pull away from the Hutt's grasp, though it wasn't exactly doing her much good. This thing was far stronger than she was physically, far stronger than almost any human could be it seemed.

She attempted to tell it to stop, but all that came from Naoto was another muffled noise, her hands slipping on the slimy coating on its body as she tried to push herself away from it, and when her hands didn't slip all they seemed to do was sink into the flesh, pressing down at various points on the Hutt's body without really knowing where or what she was touching.
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