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Strike Of A Clock (Cinderella and Jarrod)


Feb 11, 2017
She looked out the window, staring at the the men that were leaving in the sports cars. All three peeled out of the long driveway, and down the road that headed in to town. Elle sighed, sitting on the little stool. She could catch her breath with them gone. She hoped they would be gone for hours, but she had no idea knowing if they would.

Elle had been happen when her mother had brought home her new stepfather and her two new step brothers, they were only three and four years older then her, and when she was 10, they seemed older and wiser and exotic. Not at 17, with out the protection of her mother, she could tell you just how horrible they were. It had started with one of her brothers pinning her down in the months after her mother had died and tickling her, and then had escalated from there. Elle now was glad for the moments that they were away, it meant she was thankfully, completely, alone.

She walked over to her bed and put her dress back on, moving her arms to zip her dress made her wince. She had been hung up too long. Her shoulders ached, her wrists hurt, even her toes hurt. She sighed, slipping from her room and down to the kitchen to get herself something to eat, who knows when it would happen again. She curled up in the chair and eat her English muffin and sighed.
The Tremaine brothers didn't return home until 10 o'clock at night - announced by the front door swinging open with a loud BANG.

It was universally acknowledged that the Tremaine brothers - 21 year-old Kyle and the younger Derek - are handsome hunks. But these two are far more notorious for the vile minds and black hearts. Blame their privileged upbringing and zero accountability. Since they were kids they had repeatedly gotten into trouble, but Mr. Tremaine would often dismiss complaints against them with a wave of his hand, and his favorite phrase - "Boys will be boys." These days, they have both flunked out of college - Kyle is a self-titled 'entrepreneur', but in truth is a conman in training. Derek spends his days getting drunk or high with his friends.

As they were prone to do, the brothers had returned home intoxicated with alcohol. Derek was in a particularly foul mood - tonight all his romantic advances at the dive bar were roundly rebuffed.

"I'm starving." slurred Derek to no one in particular. "Shit," he suddenly mused, "did we let Elle down?" But he said that with no concern in his voice.

Poor Elle was often the outlet of the brothers' sadistic vices. All these years they treated their younger stepsister with such cruelty. It used to be the standard bullying and pranking ("dad started it by treating her like a servant"). But this morning, it had finally gotten kind of... inappropriate. It was Kyle's idea: they took her from her attic room, stripped her down to her underwear, and strung the scrawny girl up on Derek's monkey bar. The hapless girl's body was all stretched out... half-naked in her sheer bra and panties, toes barely touching the floor. When Derek began to slap the back of her thighs with a ruler Kyle found himself hard, and bestial thoughts had crossed his depraved mind...

"Let's find out!" said Kyle.

He bellowed so his deep voice would reach upstairs. "Hey 'lil sis. We're back! Where you at?"

"And we're starving!" added Derek. "Come on down and run along to the kitchen to fix us something!"
Elle was hiding in the library. She heard them bang into the house. She stood up and made her way in to the kitchen, tiptoeing as quiet as a mouse. She went over to the fridge and pulled out eggs, cheese, meat, tortillas. She knew they liked it thick and greasy. She figured breakfast burritos was the best bet. She was quick and quiet, she had learned long ago the quieter that she was the better. It wasn't long however before the boys were in the kitchen.

She felt Derek run his hand over her thigh and then down towards between her legs. She struggled to move away, but it only made him bolder. Soon her was cupping her. "Please..please Derek stop. I'll burn the food if you keep this up. " She knew what was going to happen next, and just like clockwork it did. The hand, like a brand, across her face. "I'm sorry...I'm sorry."

"Just shut up and cook, I can do what I want with you lil sis. Anything I want." Derek said. He began to pull up her dress. Elle knew better then to struggle. She felt his hand go back between her legs, but this time inside her panties. She could feel his hardness pressing into her. It was to much, she wanted to cry, she knew they were going to cross a line tonight. She could sense it. "Are you already wet for me my little Elle? You want this don't you?"

She bit her lip and said nothing. She knew no matter what she said, she was sunk.
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