Chewy's Request Thread (FxM)


Feb 25, 2018
About Me

So if you haven’t read my introduction thread, hello! You may call me Chewy. I am 27 years old and I’ve been role playing since I was about 10. I am recently married and I work full time as a manager in retail and so some weeks I may be less active than others.

If I am gone for more than a week I will be sure to let my partners know. I make myself plenty available for my partners. I have Kik so my partners may contact me off site for any reason. I’ve had partners in the past who I’ve grown to know as close friends so I am happy to get to know someone outside of role playing! But I can also keep it strictly business as well.

Need to Knows: Partners

As someone who has been role playing for many years, I do not have strict ideas for my partners or how I wish them to be. I believe everyone is who they are for a reason meaning I will not ask someone who can only dish out a paragraph to write a novella like post. I’d rather my potential partners just be honest with me. If you can’t write a lot, we might be able to come to an agreement. I am quite adaptable.

That being said, I do tend to write no less than 2-3 paragraphs depending on my level of inspiration and my partners preference. I really love diving deep into a Roleplay and getting so lost within the Roleplay that the paragraphs just flow from my fingertips and that is when I tend to go overboard and do very long posts.

I’d also love a partner who could post once a day at least. But I would be fine if I get a post every three days or a few rimes a week. If it’s going to take you a week to post, I’m gonna tell you right now, that’s how you lose me as a writing partner because I post at least once a day to every few days but no longer than 2-3 days between posts unless it’s a special circumstance.

Need to Knows: Roleplaying Platform

I am going to make it known here: I prefer to Roleplay by threads. Threads will always be my go to. To me messages are for private conversations and OOC talking as well as discussing role plays. This is an adult forum so roleplaying adult scenes should be no problem. If this were another forum where it was frowned upon, then I’d move sex scenes to messages. So please, try to keep roleplaying in the forums. I don’t mind chat roleplaying but I won’t be available often for it because I spend a lot of time at work and away from work with my husband.

Need To Knows: Limitations

I am not picky when it comes to the actual Roleplay. There’s not much I won’t Roleplay. Everything is honestly case by case. I don’t have many limits. I think depending on the Roleplay will be depending on the limits, if there are any at all. Sometimes a Roleplay requires some things that are hard for most people to Roleplay but as long as it doesn’t cross my comfort zone, I’m good. And again, it’s a case by case basis.


So I have a few ideas for a few roleplays right now. These are just what I have been craving lately;

Ancient Egypt - I’ve been watching a lot of ancient documentaries lately and I like the idea of playing a royal woman who is either married to a Pharoah or related to one in some way. Maybe something at the height of ancient Egypt that brings it crashing down. I’m not exactly sure. I’m completely open to ideas for this!

Greek Gods - This will ALWAYS be a love of mine - Greek Gods/mythology. More importantly Hades/Persephone and Persephone/Other Deity. I once did a Roleplay where many religious beliefs were brought together and that like the earth there are many of countries and leaders, there are many are religions and leaders and Persephone was introduced to the ancient Egyptian god, Osiris where she had an ongoing affair with him. I also love the idea of there being some kind of war of the gods. I am also open to ideas for this!

Nirvana - Been thinking about something that seems like it might be kinda fun. So my character is an eighteen year old trying to find her way in the world of ancient Greece. Her parents want her to get married a good man and have babies and live a good, fruitful life. She on the other hand is unsure what she wishes to do and when she meets this certain man (my partner's character), she grows even more unsure of what she wants. My idea is that either he is a god in disguise, a demi-god or simply a man who has flown through life by the skin of his teeth and pulls her in. This is one idea I'd love to explore!

Hands Up - This would be an Angels and Demons type thing. I'm thinking my character is a human girl who gets caught in the crossfire between angels and demons, the war between god and the devil. Her best friend turns out to be a fallen angel who's switched sides and hiding out in disguise as a human. She is also engaged to a man who is not who he says he is either. She later finds out that her fiancee is a demon who turned good when he lost his lover and his mentor in the same week because of the war and has too been hiding out in the form of a human. Now my character has to choose if she is going to help her best friend who she begins to have feelings for while he tries to persuade her to come to the demonic side and her fiancee fights to show her that there is no place in the war between the god and the devil.

So far those are the only ideas I have but I’m willing to listen to others!


I’m only looking for male characters for my female characters. I myself am bisexual but I tend to Roleplay FxM pairings! Mainly because most of my roleplays call for FxM pairings. I don’t care if my partner is a man or woman. As long as the character is male.

If you would like to inquire about role playing with me, please feel free to message me any time! I do not give my KiK account out to people unless asked for and I feel comfortable enough to give it out! So please, PM me before anything. I’d rather you not reply to the thread. Just message me.

I am open to other plots as well. The two I’ve listed are just two ideas I’ve had lately and would LOVE to do! But do not be discouraged! I love role playing and if you have any ideas and would like to possibly talk a little more in-depth, I’m open for discussions!


So as promised; here are a few examples of one of my posts.

So for this, it was a starter I did for a recent roleplay. I play Raven/Mystique and my partner is playing Bruce Wayne/Batman. It is a Marvel/DC crossover I'm working on.
Charles, Erik, Hank and Raven made their way through the restaurant toward the back of the dinning room. They were all dressed in their black suits and Raven dawning a knee length black dress and a pair of black strappy heels, hair hair simply curled and about shoulder length down. They had to look their best tonight for this meeting and it was important that they don't screw this up. The billionaire was their last hope.

"Mr. Xavier, I'd like you to meet Bruce Wayne of Bruce Wayne Enterprises." the man escorting them to the back private room said as he stepped back for Bruce and Charles to shake hands. Meanwhile, Erik, Raven and Hank stood behind and just off to the side of Charles. This was their first encounter with the 'Mutant Sympathizer" as Bruce has become to be known outside of Gotham. Especially in politics.

"Mr. Wayne, believe me when I say, it is an honor and a privileged to meet you." The 32 year old Charles said with a smile while gingerly and firmly shaking Bruce's hand. "I have heard so much about you and I want to say thank you so much for meeting with us." Charles explained further.

This was a long time coming. For years now, Charles has been trying to find someone to help him with his 'Xavier's School for the Gifted'. The few students they had lived on campus and Charles was quickly running out of his parents money as well as his own. Eric did his best but the former concentration camp survivor didn't have much. Raven sure as hell didn't have anything but what she got from Charles anyway and Hank was working for nothing at the school as a teacher and scientist for Charles.

They've had many potential clients, trustees and hopeful board members but all seemed to fall through the moment Charles mentioned the word 'mutant'. Charles had been working for months to get this meeting with Bruce Wayne since he came out as being the 'Mutant Sympathizer' and Charles knew that with the sort of money Bruce had along with his love and admiration for mutants, he could really help them.

"Please, let me introduce you to my staff and closest friends." Charles said before stepping out of the way. "First, I'd like you to meet Dr. Hank McCoy. Hank here is our scientist, doctor and engineer at the school. Dr. McCoy is one of the smartest and brilliant men I know and has helped us come up with most of our technology that we use at the school."

"It's wonderful to meet you, Mr. Wayne. I've read so much about your company's research in weapons technology. It's brilliant work." Hank said, almost nervously while shaking the mogle's hand.

"Next, I'd like you to meet Erik Lehnsherr. Erik specializes in Research on our students and finding potential mutants to attend our school. He is also in contact with many organizations that we are working closely with to campaign for equal rights for mutants. Erik is working on a campaign with PETA to ban experimentation on mutants as well."

"Nice to meet you, Bruce. I hear good things." Erik said with a side grin. He wasn't the most warm or the most welcoming person but as long as he wasn't jumping down potential clients throats, Charles was perfectly fine with him saying less than the others.

"And finally, I'd like you to meet my oldest and most very near and dear friend. This is Raven Darkholm. Raven is also one of the teachers at our school and she teaches Special Ops training as well as teaching the students different styles of fighting and weapons training." Raven stepped forward from between Erik and Hank. She was not in her blue form, seeing that most potential clients seemed to feel more comfortable when she was in her blonde hair, blue eyed state and not her natural form.

"Hello, Mr. Wayne." Raven said with a genuine smile. "I've heard a lot about you. Charles doesn't seem to stop talking about you." Raven said with a chuckle. "I really hope you do consider helping to fun our school. Charles is the smartest man I know-" From behind her came Hank clearing his throat. Raven let out a chuckle. "My apologies, one of the smartest men I know. We could really use your help." Raven said to the billionaire.

For this next example, it is an example of one of my longer posts. I am playing Buffy from Buffy The Vampire Slayer and my partner is playing Spike. This is mid-roleplay when it was at it's peek.

The room spun slightly when Spike helped Buffy to stand. 'Come on, luv. Let's get you home.' Spike's words barely registered in Buffy's mind. Suddenly it was like tunnel vision as she looked over at the door. Her palms began to sweat, a dry lump formed in her throat, her ears began to ring and her stomach began to flop. The slayer held onto her boyfriend's hand as they headed toward the door. She only hoped she could make it to the door in time. She could only force it back for so long.

As soon as they had gotten past the threshold of the door to leave the Bronze, Buffy used her hand to push off of Spike and sprint past the line of people who were ready to get into the night club. The mother was going to throw up and she wasn't going to be able to hold it in for much longer. Buffy also didn't want to throw up in front of these complete strangers standing in line. So without further thought, Buffy rounded the corner to the dark alley beside the Bronze and bent forward with a hand bracing the wall and the other pushing her hair out of her face as she let it all out.

She parted her lips and wretched onto the wall and concrete of the alley. The only thing that could be heard was the sound of her violently vomiting in this dark alley. Buffy shuddered when she finally stopped. Something was wrong. The only time she seemed to vomit if it wasn't in the morning, was when the baby sensed some bad stuff was about to happen or when she simply became upset. The slayer was becoming more familiar with her baby's habits and signs and this was definitely a sign.

Spike came up behind the slayer. The vampire reached across Buffy's back and hooked his hand onto her side with one hand and held her hair back with the other. "Are you alright, pet?" Spike asked. He could hear the beating of two very loud and fast bumping hearts along with the sound of Buffy's panting. His worry was growing and even he felt a little off too. "Come on. We need to get home. I'll carry you. Throw your arm aroun-." Spike was about to lean forward to tuck his head under Buffy's arm when there was a clash with his face.

Buffy's eyes widened when Spike's face appeared below her. He had been knocked unconscious and onto his back. Buffy didn't feel the long black tendrils of power coming from the Djinn's fingers and flowing right into Buffy's brain, causing her to gasp momentarily before the Djinn used his power to make the slayer stand up straight. His eyes were glowing blue while her eyes had turned black. Her heart pounded in her chest which caused her chest to rise and fall quickly but with his power, he caused Buffy to settle so that he could pull her further into the darkness of the alley and make his escape with her simply following.


Buffy's eyes widened when Spike's face appeared below her. He had been knocked unconscious and onto his back. Buffy quickly tilted her head to the side to see the Djinn coming toward her, glowing blue in his fury. "You bastard." Buffy growled. Her sickness was gone immediately. Her body kicked into motion. The slayer spun around and raised her leg, spinning a kick right into the Djinn's chest which caused him to fly back onto his back and land a few feet from them. Buffy looked to see that the Djinn wasn't moving.

The blonde took the moment, turned and knelt down beside Spike. "Spike... Spike come on. Wake up." Buffy said, slapping his face a little. He looked as if he were beginning to stir when she was grabbed from behind and throw into the wall where she let out an "umpf" sound. The slayer whispered momentarily before the Djinn grabbed her again around the shoulders. This time Buffy used her elbow and slammed it into the demon's chin. He stumbled back but kept a hold on one of her shoulders which caused her to stumble back with him.

The slayer used her leverage of the Djinn holding onto her and picked her foot up behind her, kicking him right into his groin. He let go and let out a howl of pain. Buffy turned quickly and put her fist into his chest. He flew back and onto the ground. Buffy pressed the heel of her boot into his chest. "Who sent you and what do you want with me?" Buffy asked, demanding an answer from the demon but he didn't speak. He simply grabbed Buffy's foot, twisted and pulled her off of her feet.

The Djinn took the advantage and stood. He chanted something in another unknown language and suddenly a portal opened. Buffy was trying to get to her feet when the demon turned around and grabbed the slayer be her arms. Buffy struggled against the demon but he was too strong and with all of his might and power, he forced the slayer into the portal where everything went black for the mother to be. Little did she know what lay ahead of her and what she was about to face in the world she had just been tossed into.


Once back at his hideout, the Djinn scooped Buffy off of her feet. He grinned, rubbing his hands together as he looked down at the beautiful pregnant Buffy. Slowly he ran a finger down the middle of her torso which burnt the fabric of her shirt and bra. He pushed them away to reveal her beautiful sternum. He ran his hand over her barely showing belly. He bent forward and licked from her belly button to the middle of where her breasts began. "You my pregnant slayer, your baby will be the sweetest of them all." The Djinn growled, his voice haunted and dark just before he stood up straight and placed his palms over the belly. His eyes lit up like before. Buffy's body arched as she jerked forward by her stomach. Her mouth dropped open and her eyes flashed open, still black while the Djinn began to pull energy from Buffy and the baby.

UPDATE: I added "Nirvana" and "Hands Up" -- Still looking for patrons to help me out with the Ancient Egypt and Greek Gods ideas!
UPDATE: New Idea

No Man's Land - "Following the destruction of Gotham in an earthquake, the ruins of the city were declared a No Man's Land. Rather than fight over territory like most of Batman's enemies, Ivy held dominion over Robinson Park, and turned it into a tropical paradise. Sixteen children who were orphaned during the quake came to live with her, as she sympathized with them, having suffered a traumatic childhood herself. She cared for them like sons and daughters, despite her general misanthropy. That winter, Clayface paid Ivy a visit, hoping to form a bargain with her. This would entail her growing fruits and vegetables, while the orphans harvested them, and then he would sell the produce to the highest bidder. She wanted nothing to do with the plan and attempted to kill him with a kiss. Clayface overpowered her and imprisoned she and the orphans for six months in a chamber under the lake in the park. He fed her salt and kept her from the sun to weaken her. Eventually, Batman came and discovered the prisoners. The two agreed to work together to take Karlo down." --- So this is a little snippet I read about one of the Batman Comics and I'd LOVE to play this out. Karlo/Clayface and Pamela/Ivy. Maybe there's more than just emotional but physical abuse as well. I would love to show Ivy as more maternal to the orphans like she is with her plants, seeing that she understands having a troubled childhood. She shields them from the abuse and such and does what she can to keep their spirits high. Open for discussion as well.
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