I am a shameless RIVERDALE fan. It is a guilty pleasure, simply because it is so incredibly corny/teeny and provides SO MUCH MATERIAL for kinky pairings.
You can check out my gallery of RIVERDALE images for inspiration.
That said, I am here specifically to fulfill all you lady-fans wildest dreams... And that is FP-smokeshow-Jones. I'm interested in solely playing his character, Forsythe Pendleton Jones II. Or better known as FP JONES.

Characters I'm interested in pairing against him:
- Toni Topaz
- Elizabeth "Betty" Cooper
- Veronica "Ronnie" Lodge
- Cheryl Blossom
- Alice Cooper
I am also interested in original characters to be paired against FP Jones.
I do have a preference for younger characters, as large age gaps is a primary kink.
I have a general outline for a few Female OC characters that would pair well against a character like FP. The name/ details of the character will be very basic (and easily changeable) for you to mold her into your own character. The outline is more of an IDEA/concept. Check it out below!

FP Jones x Toni Topaz
Primary Kinks: Young and Old (Age Gap), Underage, Gang, Bad Blood
You character is Toni Topaz, a young Southside Serpent and high-schooler. She is good friends with Jughead Jones, FP's son, and is an active member of the young-blood Serpents. Although she had a brief and short romance with Jughead Jones, it's always truly been his father, FP, that she has been interested in. Although FP and Toni have always shared chemistry even since she was a young teen, FP has left that potential unexplored as Toni is much younger and ultimately underage. Somehow, though, it becomes harder and harder to avoid each other and soon give in to their desires.
FP Jones x Betty Cooper
Inspiration: Sweater Weather & All I Need
Primary Kinks: Opposites Attract (Good & Bad), Young and Old (Age Gap), Underage, Son's Girlfriend, Daddy Issues
Your character is Betty Cooper, an overly kind and subdued Northside teen. Not only is Elizabeth (Betty) the daughter of FP's past lover, Alice Cooper, but she is also the girlfriend of his own son, Jughead Jones. Additionally, Betty and FP are complete opposites. While Betty represents everything good and holy about the Northside, FP represents everything bad about the Southside - being the leader of the notorious Southside Serpents gang. While FP is rough around the edges and walks on the other side of law, the two find themselves drawn to each other.
FP Jones x Veronica Lodge
Inspiration: What You're Doing To Me & Hella Feelings For You
Primary Kinks: Opposites Attract (Good & Bad), Young and Old (Age Gap), Underage, Rich and Poor, Daddy Issues
Your character is Veronica Lodge, a socialite and Riverdale aristocrat. She is the daughter of infamous Hiram Lodge, a city mobster who has recently relocated with his family to small-town Riverdale to pursue business avenues. However, these business avenues include taking over Southside Riverdale and impeding on Southside Serpent turf. Leader of the Serpents, FP Jones, considers Hiram to be his biggest enemy; an even bigger snake than any Serpent. However, his teenage daughter - in all of her sophisticated grace - is much less slimy, and far more impressionable.
FP Jones x Cheryl Blossom
Inspiration: Invisible & Just Tell Me
Primary Kinks: Both Bad, Young and Old (Age Gap), Underage, Rich and Poor, Daddy Issues
Your character is Cheryl Blossom, a twisted, conniving, feisty redhead from the Northside. She is as infamous as her family name, the Blossoms being the richest family in all of Riverdale. Or at least, they were, until their father's drug ring fell to pieces, he murdered his own son, and FP Jones had to clean it all up. Because FP actively participated in discarding Jason Blossom's body, Cheryl has had a blood-lust for FP Jones since before the discovery. Though, as time passed, her hatred for him transferred more from FP to the true devil, her father Clifford Blossom. Still, Cheryl's distaste for FP, the Southside, and all of the Serpents remains - leaving her and FP at continuous odds. She is left with many unanswered questions after her cowardly father hanged himself dead. However... as manipulative and sassy as Cheryl may be - she can't help finding herself attracted to the rugged FP. More so than just attraction, there is a hole in her heart that is left by Jason's death, and only FP can fill it.
FP Jones x Alice Cooper
Inspiration: Crazy In Love & Bring Us A Dream
Primary Kinks: Opposites Attract (Good & Bad), Adultery, Past Love
This is the only pairing featuring a woman FP Jones' age. However, I've made an exception to my primary kink simply because, well, Alice Cooper is hella hot. And the chemistry between her and FP Jones on the show is off the charts. I'd like to explore a scenario where both FP and Alice end up in a steamy, adulterous affair with one another (both are married but sort-of separated from their spouses). Additionally, Alice used to be a Serpent and it is hinted on the show that the two of them have previous history together - possibly sexually/romantically. In this RP, these sexual and romantic feelings would be rekindled.

If you want your female counterpart to indulge in FP Jones' wheel passion, here is some motor inspiration.
FP Jones x OC Option 1
Theme/Title: LONE RIDER
Primary Kinks: Young and Old (Age Gap), Underage, Bad-Asses
Your character (OC Option 1) is a young, newcomer in town, and she's tearing up the streets with her rebellious style and shredding tire with her motorcycle (can be a speed bike, dirt bike, or classic motorcycle). She is a lone rider and comes as a mystery to the Southside. She catches the eye of FP Jones, leader of the Southside Serpents gang, who's attention is brought to the fact that she is invading Serpent turf. She could pose a threat (or potential threat) of some kind. This idea is very malleable.
FP Jones x OC Option 2
Theme/Title: ON THE RUN
Primary Kinks: Young and Old (Age Gap), Underage, Bad-Asses
Your character (OC Option 2) is a young fugitive/ criminal who has been on the run, jumping from town to town in an effort to escape police efforts to locate her (she could also be running from someone else, like an abusive ex-boyfriend, father, etc.). She winds up stumbling in to Southside, where she begins squatting on Southside Serpent turf until she can plan her next move. Leader of the Serpents, my character FP Jones, ends up finding her. He can possibly "save" her from a dangerous situation, as well. Another idea is that perhaps she breaks in to Jones' mobile home either to steal or to squat, and gets caught. FP soon comes to realize that she is homeless and has nowhere else to go.
FP Jones x OC Option 3
Primary Kinks: Young and Old (Age Gap), Underage, Bad-Asses
Your character (OC Option 3) is a young member of a rival gang (or another gang from another state entirely). She comes in to town specifically to cause trouble, OR perhaps to seek out FP Jones directly to either negotiate a deal, or maybe to ask for help. There are a lot of ways to go about this. The two are bad-to-the-bone personality types, which will cause tension as they will butt-heads often.
FP Jones x OC Option 4
Primary Kinks: Young and Old (Age Gap), Crime and Law
Your character (OC Option 4) is a young rookie cop who has been sent from another town or state to investigate the Southside Serpents and/or the strange dynamic shift in Riverdale. This character can also be undercover, and/or also work with the FBI. She wouldn't be a teenager, but she can still be a fairly young Agent (early to late 20s).
FP Jones x OC Option 5
Primary Kinks: Yound and Old (Age Gap), Foreigner, Crime and Law
Your character is a teen or young woman/adolescent who stumbles into FP Jones... NAKED. It is a dark, cold, rainy night in Southsidd RIVERDALE and she either runs (literally) into FP or FP finds her somewhere (or she shows up banging at his doorstep). She will be be buck-naked from head-to-tie and in visible distress, having been tying to run away or escape someone/something. She will be a foreigner of some kind, and initially, will only appear to speak a foreign language (one that is not English). In reality, your character can speak English but is afraid to do so until she gains the trust of FP, having been illegally trafficked into the United States as part of a big human sex slave ring. She managed to escape, for now. But is under the refuge and mercy of Serpent leader, FP Jones.
FP Jones x OC Option ?
Theme/Title: N/A
Primary Kinks: ?
Idea/Concept: ?
SEND ME YOUR IDEAS? You can even blend aspects of the first 3 OC options, or propose an entirely new character and idea to me. Send it my way ~
More Details About Me:
- Here is my F-List.
- I roleplay in first person (but you do not have to - third is awesome!).
- Dominant males of the bad-boy persona, usually my forte.
- I prefer story-driven, not sex-driven, but love me some smut.
- Also, I tend to like interactive RPs where image links and GIFs are used.
- Check out my other Request Threads
- WORLD WAR II - War, Race, and even Romance
- DarkMind's [MxF] Request Thread (All in the Family + Crime & Delinquency)