Just Add Fire: A Emporium of Story and Sensuality


Feb 15, 2018
A land of rain and coffee

I am a roleplayer of many years, here to create lush, hungry worlds. My goal is for my partner and I to join in a dance of vibrant story of character and eroticism. I love to create in the fantastical. Let’s build empires and gods, spin realms out of everything from our own dirt to the stars beyond. I’m particularly fond of narrative that explores the fantastical differences between us--monster, man, light, dark, human, not human--and thread by thread spin the cord that bring them together and makes them one. I love to dance along the line between the intense carnal desire and intimate passion.

I am very capable and comfortable playing a wide variety of characters with variable sexualities from shy submissives all the way up to a queenly dominants, often multiple within a single story. Usually though, the characters will be somewhere in between.

With my writing I aim for both quality and quantity--quality as a standard, and quantity as required by the beat of the scene.

My hope is to find a tiger of a similar stripe. Maybe you will be that rare individual?


You can find my F-List here. Some of my favorites include rough sex, playing with the themes of dubious and nonconsent, breeding, voyeurism and romance.

In terms of inspiration, I’m an avid reader of science fiction, world mythology and fantasy. I am a great fan of Dungeons and Dragons and DM my own homebrew campaign. Games like the Witcher series, Shadow of the Colossus and Mass Effect had a lasting impact on my creative developments.

I roleplay primarily through PMs and email, but I can be persuaded to do threads on occasion.


Here is a sampling of some stories I would be interested in building up (more to be added). These are rough hewn guidelines meant to seed a story and leave room for it to grow between us. Always feel free to approach me with your own ideas--I am an eager listener!

The Last Days of Dusk

The world is bronze from the light of a dying, swollen sun. Gods and devils are killing each other in the temples of the sky and the pits of the hells. On mortal planes, men and monsters fight for what scraps of verdant land are left, using the shells of broken citadels to shield their armies, bristling with rust. They say these are the end times.

In their last moments, three gods--a god of the sun and harvest, a god of moonlight and dance, and a god of water and storm placed what essence they had left in the bodies of 1-3 young women (of whatever races we’d like to have), hoping that they would be able to give birth to the new gods, like themselves.

But it takes a man who is more than just a man to conceive a god, and the women must be found and rescued/conquered/romanced from the clutches of hostile kings, and lands guarded by desperate armies. In this grim world this man could be a fallen angel, a half-devil cambion, or a holy knight, a humble mercenary touched by a great power, a prince or fighter of some glowing lineage--whatever kind of person you want to play.

This story would showcase the epic journey of this conqueror as well as his different relationships with his wives as he gains them in whatever ways we’d like to explore them against this grim and terrible backdrop, with the seed of hope planted between them all.

***The Songs of Spiders***

The blood of Lolth’s sacrifices run in rivulets off black stone altars, towers of quartz and cobalt rise from the depths to scrape the vaulted ceilings of the Underdark. The city dances, vibrant, dichotomous with the song of victorious steel and the cries of the defeated and enslaved, beneath the false stars above. Men bow their heads to women here and hide their throats.

It is here you have found yourself, and the goal is to flee to the surface and to freedom (either the surface of your characters dreams if he is a male drow, or possibly the surface of your character’s origins if he is otherwise). You have been captured and enslaved, possibly as a pit fighter or a consort. Possibly both. There is no way to escape on your own.

Thankfully, you are not on your own anymore. Through chance or circumstance you find an ally in a drow woman with aims to escape herself--a follower of Elistraee perhaps, or a member of a noble house on the wrong side of a war, a falsely accused queenkiller, etc. She aims to steal you, a worthy companion and together you’d battle and sneak up the echelons of the Underdark to a brighter life above, all the while contesting worldviews, sexuality, and culture, forming either a lasting enmity or a deep bond. In this game my character would be used to dominating, and this could form the basis for a very exciting and variable sexual and character-based exchange.

The Code of Stars and Blood

There is an entity that haunts the star lanes at the edges of Federation Space. Most say he is a myth, a thing of fairy tales belonging to a different time. A creature that cannot die, a thing of immortality and frustration and vision, spun from the dark matter of the universe, possessed of technology so wonderful and fantastic mages of old would weep for fear and awe.

It’s goal: to breed into existence a perfect race, a private race of witches. Some say angels, other say monsters. People spun from starstuff.

And within this world, we can be anything. The first thing that comes to mind is a scenario of a mercenary, raider or smuggler (your character), who comes across my character, who might be an engineered creature from the Entity’s genetic menagerie who sought to escape her fate there, we could be captives thrust into his service looking for a way out, or you or I could play the Entity itself and lord over the other’s character in the context of having found the perfect consort. This story could even take place in a variety of settings, from space opera, to post apocalyptic, to high fantasy, etc.
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