My current craving!!!
I love pairings like this where opposites attract. When odd ball couples come together because of a connection that few outside of their closest friends understand. Sometimes not even their closest friends completely get it. They just work because they connect in a way that maybe isn't easy to put to words.
My idea with this pairing is to take someone who is completely accepted and adored by mainstream society (your character) and to pair her with someone who has his own fame (or perhaps infamy) who isn't accepted by mainstream society. I'll break down what I'm picturing for the two characters to try and give you an idea of what I'm imagining to get things started.
The Characters
The Girl
So your character should be someone that people just absolutely adore. Most people don't have a single bad thing to say about her. Maybe she's a singer, or an actress on a beloved show, or even just an heiress who isn't a hot mess. I'm picturing her as someone who gives of herself, is actively involved with charities, giving back, could be politically active as well. She wants to use her celebrity status to make this world better.
Lucas Graves
I've been thinking about this character so much I thought I'd share the bio I've been fiddling with over on google docs.
Name: Lucas Graves
Age: 42
Place of Birth: New York
Lucas Graves is a shock rocker and revels in the title. He got his start in some semi-successful horror punk bands twenty years ago. It was in the early 2000's that he formed Legion out of two lifelong friends (lead and rhythm guitars) and the bassist and drummer from his old punk bands. Shortly after forming Legion they had some major success with their brand of angry, in your face rock n roll.
He's been banned from a number of talk shows, he's been arrested for his antics both on and off stage a number of times, he gets death threats on a daily basis, and most recently he's been nominated for a Grammy in Best Metal Performance by the Recording Academy. Or rather, his band Legion has been nominated.
He's a parent's worse nightmare, his band combining punk, metal, glam, and sleaze to create an attitude filled soundtrack to teenage rebellion. Lucas has never really felt like he fit in and the band was an escape for him. As they grew popular with a certain crowd, Legion toured and toured leading to an even bigger following. Lucas interacted with the fans in a mock arrogance, claiming to loathe his fans even writing a song about how they make him want to slit his wrists. However his actions say otherwise, having surprised fans by crashing birthday's, graduations, and so on. Lucas has also given a lot of people a sense of belonging who might have otherwise not had a place to fit in.
No one really sees this positive side of things though. Instead they simply see the shock. Since their third album, halfway through every concert the band does a mock pagan ritual where fan's can come on stage and be inducted into the Serpent Society, Legion's official name for their fans. This has only driven more controversy for the band. The use of violence, gore, and half naked dancing ghouls in the show have added to the controversy as well.
The Look
As for what I'm picturing for Lucas these are the images I'd likely use:
In Makeup

Out of Makeup

Though I have to say that I've been considering this look as an alternative for him.
In Makeup

Out of makeup

I thought I'd also share what I picture the band, their back up dancers, etc looking like.
The Band

The Dancing Girls

Plot Seeds
Now how these two wind up together is up for discussion. I'm going to leave a few different ideas here to hopefully give you a general idea of what I'm thinking or get the creative juices flowing at the very least.
- Idea One: They Meet at the Grammy Awards - With this idea she's either a singer as well or just a celebrity who got invited. She's recently gotten out of a bad relationship with another celebrity who was more acceptable by the general public but he treated her poorly in private. She's looking for something different, wanting to break out of the mold and that's when she meets Lucas. He's just gotten nominated for his first Grammy and is backstage in his full getup. Everyone is nervous that he's going to do something entirely inappropriate but she can see he's cool as a cucumber and having fun toying both with the Grammy people as well as the press. They get to talking and hit it off and she blows his mind by inviting him to do something with her. She's just being friendly, not expecting him to accept but when he does they have a wonderful time and things go from there...
- Idea Two: She Reaches Out - With this idea I was thinking that his controversial nature nearly gets him killed. He was being crazy in his favorite muscle car and has a brush with death. The whole world waits to see what the shock rocker will say after he's released from the hospital but to everyone's surprise he doesn't talk to anyone about it. In fact he withdraws for a little while. The less he talks to the media the more curious people get. Speculation gets intense and soon it's all anyone wants to talk about. Your character is being interviewed and happens to get asked about her opinion of his accident and withdraw from the public. She does what comes naturally and says that if he IS feeling down he's welcome to reach out to her. Despite her sweet nature, people are shocked that she would extend the offer to such a "grotesque" man. Irritated by public reaction she makes it a point to get in touch with him and to schedule a lunch with him. Once again, they have a good time and get along and things go from there. Is he bothered by his near death experience? Probably. But what's ultimately going on can be discussed!