Ashley's Adventures


Feb 23, 2018
Hello all!

My name is Ashley, I'm new to the site but not to roleplaying! In this request thread I'm looking to do something a little bit different from what you might be used, read all the way through to see if you like it and if you do please send me a message!

I'm always looking for more!!

The idea
The basic idea is similar to a traditional RP, except with one change: I'd do all the writing. What would you do you ask? You'd help me come up with the story and after each post provide suggestions and ideas for what happens next and help me work the story out. You'd also help me come up with the characters, come up with the story, design the setting with me and so on and so forth. Essentially you do everything you'd normally do except write.

I understand that to some this may seem objectionable and I understand completely. But I guarantee you will still be as involved as you would be in a normal RP and you'd have the same amount of influence on how the story would turn out.

The stories in question would be (very) smutty in nature and would usually involve a girl called Ashley who gets involved in various (mis)adventures. I lean towards a modern-day setting but I'd be okay with a sci-fi or fantasy setting if we can make that work out.

The idea is that Ashley starts out as a relatively normal (young) woman who is perhaps a bit more interested in sex then most and ends up indulging in her sexuality unexpectedly and from there she begins to indulge more and more and loses her restraints more and more. How far this goes is up to us but I will say that I am not afraid to go all the way down the rabbit hole....

Expectations & requirements
I have a few expectations and requirements for those I write with, I don't think there's anything too unreasonable in here.

Communication is easily the most important. I expect a message at least once a week, if you can't manage that then that's no problem but I'd like you to let me know. If I hear nothing after two weeks I will consider the story abandoned and move on. If you have any wants or needs I want you to communicate them. I can't read your mind, after all! If you think something wasn't written in a way you like then let me know and we'll work out how to change it!

Second off, even though your not writing I still expect your messages to be clear and articulate. That means you capitalize the start of your sentences and you use correct grammar and spelling, NO bloody t4xtspk! I'm not a grammar nazi, since that would make me a hypocrite, but basic writing is no more then natural on a site like this, I'd say.

If you still have questions, send me a message and we'll work it out!

Hope to talk to you soon....
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