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RP: The Walking Dead : Black Bird[ Horror_Show & randomname98766789]


Feb 15, 2010
A young woman known as Maggie Rae Washington, sat in a rocking chair on the wrap around porch, looking out past the front of the farmhouse she had been raised in. It was a quiet summer night, almost to quiet. It would otherwise be a very peaceful night if the world hadn’t gone to shit. It was hard to describe the catastrophic apocalypse that was happening, they said it was a viral outbreak, making people very sick, very crazed….it also reanimated them after the virus took their life, which was still hard to understand. It started off slow, just people getting deathly sick, you would hear about random crazy encounters. It was easily ignored nationally, just a homeless man going crazy, just a kid being bullied who took it to extremes….it only started to get scary when the attacks were left and right and they realized they wasn’t prepared to deal with the outbreak. After a few weeks, communication was cut, electric had gone out within the first week but luckily, they had self-sufficient generators at the farm and solar panels installed on top of the farm house. They had fresh water that ran from a nearby underground well and was purified. That didn’t mean they had it made. They manually had to pump the water which took a lot of man power and time, the generators had to be charged and didn’t run off oil.


Sill they were doing better than survivors in huge cities of suburbs. They had lots of land, going for miles, putting a lot of distance between their home and the nearest city. They still had food, a well-stocked pantry and was managing well, just not emotionally. They had only run into a few terrifying instances when everything was first happening and escaped a few people while trying to run back into town for errands. Maggie’s father, Hershel had to put down a few who somehow must have caught the virus in nearby houses. Maggie was screaming and in tears begging her father to shoot before he stalled to long, almost getting attacked. They now had the farm house secured, all doors stayed locked and most of the windows on the first level had been boarded up, they had blocked all side doors, leaving only the front and back doors accessible with a key.

Maggie was trying so hard to be strong, to stay optimistic, but so far, they were alone out here. As soon as the outbreak started, not everyone thought it was dangerous. After communications went down, phone services and the internet died, leaving Maggie absolutely no way to contact Chandler.


Chandler was her other half, her best friend, her lover and last but least, her husband and had been for over a year. They had gotten married over twelve months ago right on this farm, it was a gorgeous rustic wedding, held outsight on a beautiful cool summer day, with lots of family and friends. For their honeymoon he had taken her to Disney World for two weeks, as she had never gotten to go growing up, being on the farm meant a lot more responsibilities. She still had a happy childhood, even without a mother who had died when she was little, she was home schooled and eventually went to a local middle and high school, graduating. She had been taking online classes for college before everything happened.


She had contact with Chandler almost every day or every other day, if not by phone, it was through texts or emails. She was use to minimal contact when he was on assignments as he was in the military. Days before they lost contact, he had promised he would be home and for her to stay at the farm and take care of her father and family. That he loved her with every breath of his body. That had been almost four to five weeks ago.


She was positive with him being in the military, they would be more prepared to deal with an apocalyptic situation, a natural disaster. She assumed he would come home but day after day went by. Nothing. She had tried to tell her self he may have had other responsibilities, other duties, in such an event, that he was safe and helping other survivors or doing something on a government level to help aid rescue missions. After seeing how bad things were before communications made her fear he might be dead.


After dinner had been cooked and served, laundry had been done along with other house work, she checked on Beth and retired to sneaking outside for fresh air. She wasn't the only one upset and scared, so was her younger sister, Beth. She rocked with a stoic gaze, lost in her own mind. She was exhausted, she had been losing sleep since it all happened, sometimes she would manage to get more than a couple hours but even then, she would pass out. She closed her eye’s listening to the crickets. She slouched, sinking deeper into the rocking chair.

Love this song actually, when I saw the episode where they played it, I was actually really touched. My favorite part is 2:55 - 3:45. Love it, not that I think you pay attention to my music but still lol good song.
With a strong, rich family history of serving in the military, it only felt natural for Chandler Washington to join the United States Army when he graduated high school. It had always been a goal of his, so it was a proud moment for everyone involved when he enlisted. Proud of himself, Chandler spent the last twelve years of his life fighting for his country. This was his intention: pull his twenty years, retire from the military and collect his cash. Not even at forty, he had the potential to be set for life while doing a job less risky and a job that allowed him more freedom to stay with his family and friends.


Unfortunately, that was no longer a possibility. The Sergeant Major had an important job when the infection started spreading. Every military resource was mobilized. Sergeant Major Washington was in charge of a large quadrant just outside of Atlanta. Everything ran smoothly for a couple weeks, but shit hit the fan when a group of rogue bandits attacked. The soldiers were overrun, and the entire fucking place was torn down and burned. Chandler barely escaped with his life, but he was far from unscathed. A bullet had struck him in his shoulder, nonlethal, but it hurt like a bitch.

The emotional and psychological pain were great, too. The past two weeks had been hell because phone lines were down, and he was unable to keep his wife informed of new events. Now? He had no capability of telling her what happened. Not only would he have to travel the city and reach the Farm on foot, but he needed to survive on his own and hope that nothing had went to hell back home. It seemed like impossible odds, but one could be surprised what a man would and could do when it involved getting back to the woman he loves.


So, for the next three weeks, Chandler fought with everything he had. From encountering other bandits and rogue survivors to surviving the undead, Chandler finally reached the farm. It was getting late and everything looked peaceful from afar. Hopefully, it was peaceful like he could see. He craved to have Maggie in his arms again, to feel her lips against his, to have her back in his life. It had been brutal without her, honestly. It was not a feeling he ever wanted to experience again. Besides, he had no idea if she was safe. Even worse, Chandler was unable to stick around and protect her like he wanted, but duty called. Never again would anything separate the pair, though. Someone would have to kill Chandler before he left her side again. It was that serious and he was that committed to finding her again. Pulling out a small, shining, silver key, Chandler unlocked the latch on the front gates, letting himself in. Honestly, Chandler looked like shit. Beyond the bloody shoulder wound that he self-remedied (thankfully, it was a through and through wound), there were the typical bruises, bumps, marks, and other minor injures one would expect. The man even walked with a slight limp, mostly from exhaustion and partly from a recovering twisted ankle he gained after jumping from a fence when he was trapped in an alleyway back in Atlanta.

Slowly, the tall, strong man made his way up the driveway. It was so good to feel a familiar sight again. Though he tried to remain optimistic, Chandler could not help thinking that he might never make it back. Yet, here he was. The young man was only seconds away from embracing his wife, of returning to her, and never leaving her again. At this point, Chandler was no longer wearing his uniform. He had found something simple: jeans, a dark blue t-shirt (mostly stained red with blood and dirt mixed in now), and combat boots. Back on the front porch, Beth was still clutching to her sister. It was at a time when Maggie was not looking towards the driveway, but Beth happened to look that way. Her blue eyes grew wide when she saw something of interest, something that Maggie might want to see herself. She was speechless. Poking her sister gently, Beth nodded her head. “Maggie… look… is that… Chandler?” She asked, almost not believing it herself.


Meanwhile, Chandler was getting closer, but his legs were giving out. About ten steps from the front set of stairs, Chandler finally collapsed down onto both knees. He was panting, he was in pain, and he had given everything he had. He just needed to take a rest and hope that someone could at least help him somewhat. Everything was drained now that he finally made it back safely and made it back in one piece.
Maggie was silently slouched back in the rocking chair peacefully zoning out, letting the sounds of both the crickets and summer breeze take the edge off her nerves. It wasn’t long before she heard the front door open and close, she turned to see her younger sister, Beth. Beth gave her a soft smile and walked over taking a seat in another rocking chair beside her older sister. She could see Maggie’s exhaustion, her fear, she could read her like an open book and let a hand reach over to squeeze her sisters. She knew Maggie was trying to be strong, trying to take care of everybody, including her. She stayed quiet, just holding her sisters hand while also listening to the sounds of the night. It was hard to believe the world was turning into a completely different place, where the weakest would soon to be dead. None of them had any idea of the horror and trials to come. All they could do was stick together and take it day by day.

Several minutes passed, Maggie had dozed off in the rocking chair and Beth didn’t want to wake her considering she hadn’t gotten much sleep lately. She didn’t mind sitting out here enjoying the night as her sister slept. It was when she noticed some strange sounds from afar that she became on alert, but still kept quiet. She didn’t want to be scared anybody if it was nothing. Something was slowly approaching the farm, almost limping…. like one of them. Beth squeezed Maggie’s hand hard which made her mumble and toss her head but didn’t wake her. The figure got closer and closer till Beth thought she was imaging things, it was Chandler. She finally spoke, shaking Maggie, letting her know. Maggie opened her eyes, half out of it when Beth spoke. Her eyes immediately widened as she saw Chandler collapse below the porch. He was weak, vulnerable and injured but still had a smile across his tired face. He was home, the girls were fine…Maggie was alive and unharmed.


Both Maggie and Beth, jumped up and rushed down to his aid, Maggie nearly tripping on the porch steps, landing hard on the grass below. She crawled near Chandler, already sobbing, both tears of joy and relief as she lifted him up enough to embrace him. He used what strength he had to hug her, he put all his weight on her, which she could barely hold which made them both fall down on their sides, but she didn’t care as she sob out clutching onto his body. Beth was on her knee’s hugging them both. It wasn’t long before Hershel rushed out to see all the commotion and he was stunned to see it was his son in law. He ran down to his girls, to help them with Chandler. At the moment they were to busy just embracing him.

“I’ll be damned….” Was all that came out of Hershel’s mouth as tears stung his eyes at the sight.

It took all three of them to get Chandler into the house and upstairs to Maggie’s and his room. She had kept her childhood room and it changed with her over the years and when she got married to Chandler she kept the same room with him welcome to stay in it. Beth went to go get medical supplies, while Maggie got Chandler in the bathroom and cut off his shirt. Hershel came in with the medical kit and did his magic to clean and patch up his shoulder, putting on a supportive bandage. Hershel would quietly converse with Chandler, letting him know they were managing but that the girls were a mess, especially Maggie. He was happy he came home. Hershel would give him a soft hold on his good shoulder before letting Maggie finish getting him cleaned up. Maggie was able to get him into a hot bath, letting him soak. As he rested, she washed his hair and shaved his beard, she preferred him without one. She drained the tub, helped dry him off and got him into clean comfortable clothing to rest in, sweats and a t-shirt. He was able to manage to stay awake long enough for Beth to give him a trim and to get fresh food in his system before he passed out asleep, but not without Maggie in the room.



Maggie had eventually passed out asleep, underneath the covers, sleeping on Chandler, half her body on his un-injured side as his good arm held her securely. They had both slept for several hours late into the morning. Beth had checked on them earlier in the morning and decided to let them sleep, she knew both of them needed the well-deserved rest. She had also gotten a better night’s sleep knowing her brother n law was home and safe. Beth had gotten to work, making breakfast for everybody but putting’s there’s up. It was a cloudy, warm humid afternoon with a storm coming in, causing thunderstorms. The thunder had caused Chandler to wake, he was a light sleeper from being in the military. His eye’s flashed opened, but he saw he was safe, at home, with Maggie in his arms, he must be in heaven. He held her quietly not wanting to wake her, figuring she also had not slept in days being worried sick. An hour or so later Maggie started to stir.

She opened sleepy eye’s, her eyes were a mixture of blue, green and browns…. the most beautiful eye’s Chandler had seen. Although Maggie always argued, saying his blue eyes were the prettiest she had ever witnessed. She smiled, burying her head into his chest, snuggling up close, closing her eye’s, not wanting to move. She felt Chandler let his good hand move up to ruffle her messy hair, kissing her head. They could hear the distant sounds of thunder and rain. Chandler knew Maggie always loved storms and the rain, it seemed like a perfect coinqudence with him returning home.

After a while Maggie sat up, pushing off the covers, she rubbed her eye’s leaning over the edge of the bed. She needed to get up and get them food, check on Beth and make sure Chandler’s bandage was still clean. She was always keeping busy, always on the move. She was going to get up when Chandler leaned over softly grabbing her arm, making her look back at him. She smirked back at him. He shook his head, letting her know he didn’t want her to go, it could wait. She saw that look she had seen before, but now it was more intense, the gaze was both invasive and vulnerable at the same time, pleading. She laughed out and pulled her arm away from him.


“No…you need rest and food…. I will be back, okay…I promise.” She said getting up leaving him on the bed. Chandler was already out of bed, even with an injured arm, he blocked her from the door, smiling playfully, cockily almost. He moved back, his hands slyly locking the door. She heard the door lock and she stood there with raised eyebrows.


“Thad bad huh?” She said, only half amused, while waking up still. Chandler walked forward and without even asking grabbed her hand and stuck it inside his sweats, her hand would be forced to grasp his hard erection. She breathed out, tired…but smiled up at him as he leaned down to plant soft kisses on her neck and jaw.


“Please…. I’ll be quiet…” he breathed. Already Maggie was in his undertow, her eye’s closed, enjoying his touch, his erection in her hand. She nodded and felt his lips brush across her forehead.
Love was a strange emotion. Despite the many close brushes with death Chandler encountered, the man only cared about Maggie’s safety. When he returned to the farm, the smile on his face existed because she was alive, breathing, not because he was back at the farm (but that obviously played a huge role, too). The woman crawled towards him after tripping from the porch. Seeing the tears fall from her eyes caused the same reaction from Chandler as well. When the familiar hold of her gentle arms captured his body, Chandler immediately returned the sentiment and fell onto his side. This woman was perfect: even while teary-eyed, with puffed out cheeks, and bags under her eyes from lack of sleeping, Chandler still found Maggie as the most beautiful woman in the entire world. Nothing would ever change his opinion. Besides, it was not only her appearance that he fell in love with: it was the small things like the sound of her voice when he woke up, the way her hand fit perfectly into his, the way she giggled when he made a corny joke, the way she didn’t want to let him go on his first tour at the airport – it all made her beautiful.


It took everyone to move the strong man inside the house and into the bathroom. Chandler attempted to support himself as much as possible, but every last drop of energy was drained. It was about time he reached the crashing point of his adrenaline. During the time spent with the three as they helped him get undressed and cleaned up, Chandler’s hand never left Maggie. Not always could he hold her hand directly, but he did something from placing his hand onto her waist, bicep, or thigh. Chandler craved close proximity with Maggie. They had not cuddled in weeks. Never in his entire life since their relationship started had Chandler and Maggie not cuddled every day. It was foreign and he hated the feeling. His wife was the love of his life. She completed him in every way. Being without her hurt his heart. Being without her drained his life. Yet, the knowledge that he could get back to her gave him a reason to fight. In reality, Maggie saved his life and that was something he intended to make clear. She might not have known it yet, but she was the reason he made it back.

For the first time in forever, Chandler was shaved, had a clean haircut, and had cleaned his body. The scrapes, bruises, and scars still remained, but other than that, the dirt and grime was wiped away. It was especially nice to have something like a t-shirt and sweatpants on his body instead of that forsaken military gear that stuck to his body and felt uncomfortable as hell. Everything about being back home brought a sense of relaxation to the soldier. It made him believe that everything was truly going to work out in the end. It had been difficult to maintain the optimism at times. The remainder of the night went smoothly. Since he had been away from his home, Chandler had not slept well at night. In fact, he barely slept at all, always afraid that falling asleep meant he would not wake up. After all, one could not defend himself if he was asleep. Tonight? Tonight, was much different. He fell asleep quickly and stayed asleep, only waking the next morning to the sound of a clap of thunder in the distance. The pair always enjoyed sitting on the porch, watching and listening to the storm and rain as it fell.


It was a peaceful feeling, so Chandler decided to watch his wife for a while. Watching her gave him an idea: they loved each other and it had been quite some time since they last made love. What better way to say that he missed her than giving the woman his body right now? Besides, he was a grown man with needs. The weeks without her had been treacherous. They had never really been that long without each other before. They both had unusually high sex drives, so Chandler knew that Maggie would be feeling the need as well. When the woman finally relented, this smile spread across Chandler’s face. Keeping her hand inside his sweatpants, Chandler placed his other hand onto her waist, pulling her towards the bed. When they reached the bed, Chandler simply pulled her onto his body, pulling her on top. He felt the woman begin stroking his erection, naturally sliding into position as she hovered his body. In this position, Chandler could easily cup her face with both hands, so that was exactly where he placed his hands. Their eyes locked and there was silence, but it was comfortable silence. The way Maggie smiled at him made his heart beat faster.

“Maggie, I love you. I love you more than life itself. I don’t know if you realize it, but you are the only reason I made it back to the farm. Whenever shit got tough, I would just close my eyes and picture your face… I would picture you in my arms, kissing me as we cuddled and watched some cheesy horror flick on the couch like we love to do. I pictured you in your wedding gown, the happiest day of my life. You gave me the strength to fight, to make it back. I know I wouldn’t ever want to be without you. I wanted to make sure you were safe, that there was a home for me to come back to. I was so worried that I wasn’t here to protect you from something. I tossed and turned every night, wishing I could just have at least one more minute with you so I could tell you that I love you deeply. I just want you to know that, baby. I feel like I don’t ever tell you enough.”


In reality, Chandler told Maggie that he loved her every day, multiple times a day. However, with so much time lost between them, he felt the need to make up for it. The way her hand slowly started stroking him while he spoke started turning him on. His breathing was hitching when he tried to talk and his eyes were growing dark with love and desire, but love was still shining through. His hands slowly slid down lower, resting against her chest. His fingers dug into her breasts, fondling them through the material of her shirt while he continued his outpour of love and affection.

“No matter what challenges we face in the future, I promise to never leave your side again. I am so sorry that I did in the first place. I thought I would have a simple job to do and return when it was finished. Things didn’t go as expected. I’ll tell you more about everything that happened when we have time, but now, I just need you… I need to feel you… your breath on my skin, your lips on mine, your hands in mine… I’m afraid this is just some kind of dream, that I’m still out there, lost somewhere. I need to make love with you, because words alone do not do my emotions justice. You deserve the entire universe and I want to give that to you. Maggie, you are everything to me. My wife, my soulmate, my best friend… I love you so much.”

When he finished talking, Chandler suddenly pulled her down for a kiss, his tongue gently sliding over her lower lip, his legs protectively wrapping around hers, keeping her pulled taut against his own body, not willing to ever let go again.
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