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Flickering Flame (Apple x Sho)

Hekapoo leaned against a large boulder and traced spirals in the sandy grime with the tip of her scissors. He should be here by now... She thought. With no small amount of frustration and impatience, she kicked a pebble. Nachos watched it fly over the horizon and snorted morosely. Hekapoo frowned and patted his side. "I know, you miss him too. But he's supposed to be here today. I know he'll come back." As she watched the sky grow a darker red and bathe the desert terrain in a twilight gloom, she felt that she was trying to convince herself more than the dragon-cycle.
Suddenly, as if on cue, a supernatural line ripped through the space that was a few feet ahead of Hekapoo. A familiar red hooded latino boy sighed in relief as he appeared only seconds later. He rubbed his eyes and said, "God, why do my parents always ask me if I want to celebrate another pointless thing?" After thinking aloud, he blinked and saw Hekapoo and smiled. "Hey Heka-" However, he was cut off as Nachos came rushing towards him. "Hey girl!" he said happily, hugging his long time companion. The dragon cycle wasted no time, forcing Marco to lift her with affection. At times he forgot how Hekapoo's dimension affected his appearance; he was ripped once more and it meant his voice was different again. He acknowledged Hekapoo once more. "Hey!"
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