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Do Not Open: Dead Inside (randomname98766789 and BellaB)

Dec 22, 2014
United States
Glenn Rhee’s experience at the farm had been lackluster. Carl was not doing well, and Glenn had himself a close call with death during an impossible mission that sent him down a well WITH an alive, bloated walker. Somehow, the young man managed to escape death and live to see another day (evening, at least). Out of the misery, one bright spot emerged: Maggie Greene, the farmer’s daughter. Undoubtedly, the long-haired brunette was the prettiest woman Glenn had ever seen in his life with such deep, green eyes and full, kissable lips. More than once, Glenn caught himself gawking at her.

Why was that relevant? Well, Glenn caught himself gawking at her again. Just minutes before, when Glenn was pulled from the well, the first person to rush by his side and ensure he was safe: Maggie Greene. It surprised him because Glenn felt their interactions were awkward (all to the fault of himself). Face it, he had never been great with beautiful women. They were in the middle of the apocalypse and he found himself hopelessly crushing on this young woman that was way out of his league. If she rejected him, it was not for a lack of trying.

Glenn had managed to speak with Maggie multiple times each day since they arrived. Lately, he managed to earn a smile from her and a few angelic laughs. Other than that, he feared no progress was being made, but the way she reacted to almost losing him had his mind swirling. The two horses were saddled up and they were prepared to ride into town. To help with Carl, they would check out the local pharmacy since the farm was low on medical supplies. Maggie knew what they needed, and Glenn was the “go-to-town expert” as coined by Rick Grimes, the leader of Glenn’s group.

Hoisting himself onto the saddle, clumsy Glenn nearly fell off on his first attempt. Thankfully, he managed to grip himself steady after cursing quietly once or twice underneath his breath. Way to go, man, I bet she loved that. Looking towards Maggie with a flushed look, he shrugged his shoulders. “First time on a horse. I guess it is a miracle I even made it here. If he throws me off on the way, I’ll just walk.” Glenn murmured, laughing quietly at himself, amused with how difficult this actually was. Now, he merely waited on Maggie to saddle her horse. Glenn could lead the way (if he could handle the horse, that is).
Maggie Greene was born and raised on her father's farm, grew up amongst the fields and horses and cattle. In a way the rise of the dead hadn't changed a thing in her quaint life. They rarely found the Greene's farm, which had been in the family for generations, and though the tight knit family had lost a couple of their own, they knew how to live off of the land. That all changed when Otis ran in with a shot child in his arms, and with the child came a group of others. Maggie was impartial to them, from the rugged redneck looking one to the asian who looked like he must be the same age as her to the man that she assumed to be the injured boy's father. For a while, that was simply how it was. She did not allow herself to grow attached because they were supposed to leave.

Plans rarely went as expected, though. Was it really a surprise that somewhere along the line she had found herself developing a weak spot for someone? Glenn wasn't her usual type but she also didn't have a "thing" for him - or so she told herself. She rolled her eyes and scoffed at his jokes, laughed once in a while. Any time that she caught him looking at her she gave him a raised eyebrow as if to say "if I can control a 1000lb horse then I can make easy work of you". She didn't realize that her opinions had changed until she watched him get lowered in to a walker-filled well. During the moment in which she thought that he would be dead, Maggie had worried that she had lost him before even having a chance to care.

Maggie was the obvious choice for who would go in to town to check out a small pharmacy in hopes of finding antibiotics and painkillers for Carl - not to mention for a general supply, as the farm was running low. She also knew that the farm store, a slightly farther venture, more than likely would still have an antibiotic supply if there were none left at the pharmacy - the majority of people would not think to go there for medications, but anyone who worked with large animals did. The brunette was the one to prep two horses and she came over on the back of one, the other attached to a lead rope and following just behind her. When Glenn hopped on, only to nearly fall off, the Southern woman simply shook her head and let out a laugh. If anything, she was kind of impressed that he had managed to get up on the first try. She urged the mare beneath her closer to Glenn's horse and unclipped the lead rope from its bridle. After giving it to her sister, Beth, they were ready to go. "He won't throw you off unless you get rough with him. I'll go slow, stick close by me."
The journey was not easy. On multiple occasions, Glenn felt himself slipping towards one side of the horse. It was more of his fault than the horse’s, though. Glenn was having difficulty maintaining balance, for whatever reason. After the first ten minutes, the ride finally became smoother. Glenn did not think he was now an expert, but he could handle this slow pace quite well. It might not have been great for an urgent mission, but it was the best way to go about things. Still, with all the shortcuts they could take with horses as opposed to vehicles, they saved time even though the horses were not sprinting. Along the ride, Glenn continued initiating conversation with Maggie. Some of it was small talk about the world around them, but at other opportunities, he attempted to get to know Maggie. He asked questions, such as: asking when she first started learning to ride horses, asking about her favorite horse, asking her if she had plans to take over the family farm. The questions were all similar to these, not getting too personal, but still attempting to learn about Maggie. Throughout their time together, Glenn had made these passes at Maggie.

To him, it was not about getting in her pants. The young man truly wanted to learn about Maggie and befriend her. Did he think she was attractive? Did he want to have sex with her? Hell yes, he did. What kind of man would not want to have a few minutes with this beautiful woman? Again, he found her way out of his league, so Glenn was afraid being a friend to her was the best he could ever get. Luckily, his confidence kept him coming back, attempting to learn more about her and keep a positive outlook. Despite his optimism, Glenn still fumbled around his words, blushed, and probably made a fool of himself in front of Maggie. He might have felt confident, but he was having trouble acting it. When they reached the pharmacy, Glenn jumped down from the horse and tied it wherever there was an opening outside the pharmacy store. After the horses were secured, Glenn decided it was time to move forward. Standing with the woman outside of the entrance, Glenn handed Maggie the master list given to him by Lori. “Here’s the list. I’ve got it all memorized now. I’ll also just look around to see if I can find anything that is useful.”

Inside Glenn’s pocket rest another, smaller list. It was a list given to him in secret by Lori. The contents were not something to be shared, so Glenn was going to keep it as secret as possible. Once he offered Maggie the idea, he started aimlessly looking at the shelves closest to him, wanting to wait until Maggie disappeared around another aisle before he went to find the feminine hygiene section of the store. Now, THAT was a conversation with Maggie he did not wish to have about why he was in such a precarious location inside the store.
Maggie, frankly, did not care that Glenn was in the feminine hygiene section - at least not on the basis that he was a man and "men shouldn't be there". Every woman of reproductive age had periods and any man who acted like a box of tampons was the devil himself was being immature. A man who would buy their woman some pads was simply being mature about adult bodies and appreciating their lady (especially if there was chocolate and Midol involved), and nowadays she cared even less about catching a man in that aisle. Her first thought when she caught sight of the top of his head peeking over the aisle in that direction was that hygiene products were on the list. It was when she checked it a few moments later that she realized it wasn't - and respect for women or not, she was curious about the man who went out of his way to think about the ladies' needs in that manner.

As much as this only added to her growing affection for him, Maggie was one to tease - that much had been growing clear the more that the pair talked. She didn't go out of her way to find him there, but she continued to check the shelves with the list in one hand while moving in that general direction. On the way she picked up a couple bottles of multi-vitamins (not the gummy kind, unfortunately) and a small bottle of aspirin that had been kicked under the shelf. By the time that she neared the corner to the aisle that Glenn was in, he was still there. She was pretty impressed with his initiative, she also loved the way that he acted when she got him tongue-tied. The brunette rounded the corner with her hands rested loosely together in front of her abdomen, and when she saw him with something in hand she leaned against the shelving.

"Whatcha got there?" She asked. Her Southern drawl came out in her words, and she looked at him with a playful expression on her full, soft lips.
Finding the feminine hygiene section, Glenn shuffled through various boxes on the floor. Eventually, the male found a True Blue pregnancy test, matching the description of what Lori had requested on the special list. Being there was only one logical explanation for needing such an item, his face fell. Pregnancies might have been a positive experience before walkers roamed the earth. With the undead threatening humanity, was bringing a baby into the world an intelligent move? It was none of his business, but he hoped Lori could handle whatever the future held. His eyes were trained downwards, zoning out of the present, thinking about the pregnancy test. When a southern voice took him from his thoughts, Glenn suddenly threw the pregnancy test into the bag he was carrying, hoping Maggie had not seen the contents.

Since Lori wanted to keep this a secret, Glenn reached down and suddenly grabbed the nearest box. It was an attempt to cover his tracks and pretend like he was not looking a pregnancy test. Great idea. Maybe, this time, he would not make a gigantic fool of himself. "Oh, I'm just looking through these boxes. I think I found something useful, finally." Uh oh. Glenn's brown eyes gazed downwards at the box in his hands. Maybe he should have taken a closer look at the box before he grabbed it, but Maggie sneaked up on him. There was no time for thinking clearly.

It was a box of condoms. Maggie had seen him enough to realize that he did not have a girlfriend, so the logical question was: why did Glenn need a box of condoms? It alluded to the idea of him intending to use the box with Maggie. While the young man would love that, he feared that was not a reciprocal feeling from the brunette. Realizing the mistake, Glenn attempted to speak and justify himself, but he literally could not respond with a coherent sentence, stumbling over every syllable. Eventually, he awkwardly went silent and felt this blush encompass his face. Oh boy. Glenn had no idea how to get himself out of this mess.
Maggie had missed whatever box Glenn had thrown in to his bag, and figured that the box that he held up was what he had originally tried to conceal. Obviously he was nervous about being caught, so Maggie grew curious when she realized what the box was - condoms. Now, she had been around him long enough to clue in that Glenn wasn't exactly popular with the ladies. That left her wondering what purpose he had for those. Either he was incredibly confident about his chances, or they were for someone else. However, his nervousness gave Maggie the impression that he wanted them for personal use. That left the question of who he wanted to use them on up in the air.

"Condoms?" Maggie leaned in slightly and crossed her arms as her eyebrows peaked in an incredulous expression. There was a moment's pause before she spoke again as she purposely let him sweat for a couple seconds.

"You got a girl that I don't know about?" She added, and it was impossible to hide the small hint of jealousy that leaked in to her words. Maybe they had never said anything and she basically refused to acknowledge the fact that she was interested in Glenn, but she still felt uncomfortable at the thought of him being with anyone else. She had just started considering the idea of getting involved with him and finding out that he had a girlfriend already would be terrible.
Condoms? Arguably, Glenn was more surprised than Maggie when he learned about the box in his palm. She asked him if there was a girlfriend that she did not know about. Immediately, he denied the accusation.

"A girlfriend? No. I don't have a girlfriend. I just... I thought..."

Shit. It looked like there was no talking his way out of this one. Honestly, by process of elimination, the only female around the camp near Glenn's age was Maggie. Therefore, it alluded to the idea of him wanting to utilize these condoms with her.

Fuck it, though. Glenn was already up shit creek without a paddle. Why not go all the way? Try to be smooth, Glenn. Be smooth. Win her over.

"I just thought it's something we could use... I mean, that I could use... someday... I just wanted to be ready in case you wanted to... I mean, if someone..."

Fucking great. Glenn might not have been popular with the other gender, but he NEVER made this much of a fool out of himself. Any potential interest she might have had probably dropped out of the window. Glenn, believe it or not, was quite confident and dominant in nature, but nobody would have guessed it by this interaction.

"Okay, maybe I'm thinking too positive now. I... didn't even mean to grab these, but I saw them and thought it might be best to be prepared in case I could win you over."

It was not the whole truth, but Glenn subconsciously had considered it earlier when he saw the box of condoms before he found the pregnancy test. He assumed this was fate leading him to grab the condoms, as cheesy as it sounded. His attempt to sound confident failed, though. Glenn assumed she would reply with something snarky or perhaps even slap him for thinking he had a shot with her.
Glenn did not make this any easier for himself - each word he spoke brought himself down a path that he obviously did not wish to fall down. Maggie, however, found the young man's nervous nature rather endearing. She didn't stop him, even when there were prime opportunities to. By the time that he had finished rambling, an amused, tight-lipped smile had made its home on her mouth and she just shook her head ever so slightly.

"You think that you have a shot with me huh?" She started speaking and her expression didn't reveal her true feelings. However, this entire time she had been laughing inside. Glenn's lack of confidence stemmed from the fact that she was yet to say anything about developing feelings for him. Her fault, yes, but she also hadn't planned on saying anything about it.

Not yet at least. Not when she barely knew him and he could end up kicked off of the farm any day.

It seemed like there was no other option now. In that moment she was struck with a feeling of adoration, and though he was cute when he was nervous the least she could do was make that stammering seem worth it. She stepped in towards him with a hardness in her eyes that soon faded, and that unimpressed look on her face was replaced with a gentle smile. As she reached him she grabbed the box from it and opened it.

After pulling one of the condoms out of the box, she looked back at him. "If you wanted to use one of these... I don't think I'd refuse."

Wow. Maggie Greene had a perfect poker face. Until this point, Glenn was convinced Maggie was going to slap him for even thinking about her in such a way. Nope. It took a few seconds for the shock factor to wear off. One, she was smiling at him. Two, she had even removed a condom, dangling it in front of Glenn. Oh boy, better act fast!

Glenn stood to his feet (but almost stumbled, even doing something that simple!), grabbing the condom from her hand.

"I do... i would love that... if you want to."

Glenn was finally gaining more confidence. It was clear that Maggie was agreeable to having sex. The worst part of the conversation had finished. It was time for Glenn to take control. Again, it might not appear that way, but Glenn was dominant. He had these kinky, dominant fantasies. It would unlikely show now, but some tendencies might.

Locking eyes with the green-eyed beauty, Glenn placed both hands gently on the side of her hips. Deciding to take control over the situation, Glenn flashed her a sweet smile. Gently lowering the brunette down onto her back until she was on the floor of the pharmacy, Glenn straddled her waist. The young man hoped this was not a one-time ordeal. If things went his way, Glenn and Maggie would start something special today.

It really depended on what she wanted, though. The last thing he wanted was to ruin the moment by asking if Maggie wanted a relationship with him. Usually, he would not even think of being with another woman unless it was a serious, long-term affair. Maggie was different. Even if he could only have her once, that was good enough. Feelings and relationships were something they could talk about later.

"You are beautiful." Glenn commented, clearly in awe of her beauty, one hand gently reaching underneath her shirt, testing out the waters.
Even when he was trying to seem confident, he stumbled over his words. Maggie found that quite endearing, even if Glenn happened to think that he seemed awkward or terrible with women. He didn't have to be perfect and frankly Maggie wouldn't have liked him if he was anything other than the kind of geeky, unassuming man that he was. However, she would be quite pleased later on when she got a taste of his controlling side. Though she didn't consider herself submissive by definition, she did enjoy handing the reins over during sex some or a lot of the time. That didn't mean that she was a pushover or content to just do whatever she was told, though. She liked to fight back a little and enjoyed making whoever she was with (which so far was a whole two people, not including what was about to happen) earn her submission. Basically, she was pretty feisty but tameable.

Maggie grinned as the slim, lean-bodied man grabbed the condom from her hand and moved in towards her. He urged her to the groun and straddled over her, and she looked up at him with an affectionate smile. Feelings were something that they were yet to talk about, and in that moment the way she cared for him came out for the first time in the soft expression. However, Glenn was right in assuming that this wasn't the most opportune moment to ask for a relationship. They would be able to talk about feelings later on, but in the spur of the moment she just wanted to have sex with him. As his hand slid under her shirt, Maggie arched her back to push the smooth skin of her abdomen up against him - she hoped it would urge him on. At the same time one of her hands rested on his thigh, precariously high up and close to his crotch.

"You're quite the looker yourself," she remarked in turn. Just as she always spoke, her soft drawl came out in her tone and once again Maggie smiled towards the man on top of her. Her stomach felt like it knotted inside of her from the nervous desire, and the need in Maggie's eyes urged Glenn to move his hand higher towards her breasts.
Fuck it. Glenn was already here. Maggie was consenting to it. Holding back did no longer sound like a valid option. The young man decided he was pushing all chips to the middle of the table. Glenn simply wanted to find something worth living for. Even before the outbreak started, he was simply living to be alive. He was not in any major relationship, he did not have anyone special in his life. Maybe Maggie could be the one. Even if not, this one moment in time was worth living for, most definitely. Taking a deep breath, Glenn gathered his courage and decided to take control. He could do this.

Boldly, his hands moved further until they reached Maggie’s breasts. His hands cupped the mounds of flesh, giving them a firm squeeze. They were bigger than he thought, but that was obviously a good thing. So, he decided to give her a compliment. “Your tits are so perfect. I can’t wait to have my mouth all over them.” Winking at her, Glenn decided to lean down and place his mouth somewhere else for the time being. He touched their lips together, holding it for a few seconds before snaking his tongue into Maggie’s mouth.

However, it was not just a plain kiss, not by a longshot. Instead, the male decided to take complete control of the kiss as well. He started with pinning her tongue down underneath his own. It trapped her tongue within her mouth, allowing Glenn to assume all the power in the kiss. While doing this, the Korean male started to grope her breasts harder, roughly squeezing and releasing them at a constant rate. Soon enough, Glenn pulled back from the kiss with labored breathing and swollen lips. They must have been kissing for two full minutes, at minimum. Glenn thought that was one hell of a first kiss to share with someone.

Glenn always worried he did not kiss well, but no woman had ever complained about it, so he hoped Maggie would be receptive to it as well. Once he pulled back, the man reached down to grab the hem of her shirt, slowly pulling it up and off her torso, tossing it aside when he could. It gave him much easier access to the woman, which he would happily take, quickly returning his hands onto her breasts now that he had more direct access.
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