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Fx Male Click here and read me please.


Dec 27, 2015
Hey you, look at me!

About me and what I'm looking for!
Right now I'm interested in short term plays. I enjoy playing against dominant men with confidence and power. I'm not looking for anything too complex and often enjoy simple everyday roles set in settings such as schools, offices, apartment complex and [insert any place]. I do like a dark, rough scene but creativity and surprise is greater than nothing else. I also of course hope we both push the story forwards and not just one of us. I constantly try my best to make it a cooperative process through conversation and discussion. There are many ways to do so even if you are bound within your character and I hope I can learn how to get even better at this. I am a very feedback driven person so don't be affraid to give me suggestions of where to improve or how something could have been done better, it helps me grow as a person.

A warning about me, I'm not good at giving replies every day but can possibly guarantee AT LEAST one reply per week as an absolute minimum and if that isn't possible I will make sure to let you know. I won't just dissapear for ever without a single word, I always inform if I am unable to continue the play. If it has passed over a week I might just have had a hectic week though, just so you are aware; I will get back to you! There might be times when the replies are more frequent alternatively less frequent. My interest in roleplaying goes up and down and so, sometimes it may just not be there and there isn't much I can do about it, thanks for understanding. Now, I hope I haven't scared too many of you away. I am a strong believer of communication and therefore I always try my best to stay in touch and give updates on how I feel the play is going and so on and appreciate the same from you.

I like playing submissive roles and therefore look for someone interested in playing dominant, preferably a man. For roles I have a very open mind so if you have any suggestions, feel free to bring them up. If you write to me I will probably have nothing against brain storming with you and come up with some personal ideas just for us. A suggestion for sending people PMs after reading their request threads is to include thoughts and ideas, what you want and then some type of question. Questions are great to make a conversation take flight! Lately I have been craving some simple short term smut. Work relationships are always fun, who doesn't like an office romance? Meet ups and hooks ups can also be fun, light hearted and simple. Random acts of kindness. Cheating husbands and wives. Let your mind run free! The short term craving is also because of me getting back into roleplaying and I am careful not to take on too much so I don't over do it.

0. Short story collaborative writing
I am adding this very shortly here to mention that I think it could be fun to write a short story with someone. This is of course very similar to a roleplay but rather aims to end up as a complete story rather than a roleplay which is built more around reply segments.

1. Storytelling Through Fucking
An idea I find interesting and would like to try out. It is more a style of play and storytelling rather than a specific idea. The roleplay is 100% smut with flash backs and memories back to who they are and how they ended up in such a situation as they are. The story is built top down rather than bottom up. Could be fun? Interested? Write me a PM and we can continue talking about it. It is, to clarify, like your average short term smut roleplay but we cut out the first half and add parts of it into the second half to get straight to the smut which instead can get more heavily packed with story. It could also be fun as a sort of improvisation exercise, I really like the idea of going into this a bit more blind from a story perspective where you apply the "yes, and" mentality of improv more.

2. By now it is history
Historical setting intrigues me if it so is the roman empire and its political intrigues or Catherine the great being married away into the cold winters of Russia. What happens when a man is ready to do anything to become the emperor or a woman is married away to one of the greatest men in the world before ever meeting him? Some more settings which could be fun besides the two mentioned could be the napoleonic era, the rise of the Swedish empire, the very old history of Egypt, something happening along the road to El Dorado, Japanese history as westerners first reached the country and many, many other settings.

3. A Happy World
Someone wakes up in an appartment they don't know, in a city they have never heard about. Soon they find out that there is no trace of their past self, a chance to start over. The world is different yet oddly similar, it seems however that people act a little bit different. Slightly more sexualized, slightly more erotic. The women are more sensitive, the men has slightly more stamina, everyone is more attractive and it just seems to be a happier place. Is there a dark secret lurking or is it just a feel good slice of life? I like stranger ideas as well, settings where not everything is as it seems or something seems off. I like surprises.

4. Your Idea!
I made sure to save this spot for you! You can fill it in with what ever you would fancy.

Some shorter ideas

- A reporter and an athlete can't keep themself from each other after a flirty interview.
- A girl is feeling strong lust towards her personal trainer as she feels his body against hers at the gym.
- A cute barista and a new attractive customer desire to meet later at night.
- Two strangers bump into each other and find out that they just click.
- A woman has done a man harm and now feels guilt, trying her best to make him forgive her.
- A Christian girl falls for the neighbour bad boy.

I'm often up for trying new things if they sound interesting to me so send suggestions my way!

So, I hope I have caught your interest in this request thread. Write me a PM if you want to talk more about a roleplay or just talk about what ever. Any questions? Send me a PM. Hope to hear from you soon! I would love to know more about you!
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Bumping my thread for the first time in a while. I, not that long ago, watched The Great so I am including a picture as some inspiration. Have a lovely holiday season.
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