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M/F F/F :: I have an opening for two players tops.


The Magnificant
Oct 1, 2014
Whoa. The world really sucks right now. Are you okay? I am a trained crisis counselor and am honored to help you carry your burdens. If you are thinking about killing yourself, don't do it. Please message me instead. I am here for you and I would love to talk about what's going on and how we can ensure your safety.

I care. :heart:

Hello everyone! I thought since I am back from the dead that I should post a proper, updated thread for you. I will have separate sections for male characters and female characters because my preferences differ for each. Feel free to jump ahead and check it out.

Regardless of gender please rp in third person. No one liners. I don’t like being told who to play as. You can give me a prompt, I will even ask your preferences on character types for me, but do not just tell me my character will be Selena Gomez. I also prefer plot over smut any day, but smut is fun as well! I will not tolerate basic plots that are nothing but smut. Come on, we are writers. Let’s act like it! Forum is strongly preferred. Sometimes I rp via mobile and pms are not mobile friendly. At least, this is how it used to be.

To the action.


Now boys, I do love some rape and carnage.

I really have nothing more to add here. HAHA. You have your orders, move along.


Ladies, as much as I love death, blood and carnage, for f/f rps I am willing to play more tame stuff as well. Such as two women falling in love in a harvest moon-like setting.

Some of my favorite universes, despite gender dynamics:

Skyrim ***********
Middle Earth
Star Wars

Genres/dynamics I enjoy that need plots:

Fantasy of any kind really.

Haunted house

If you have any ideas at all rolling around let me know. I am not online constantly but I do tend to pop in and out so shoot me a message regardless of the time! Thanks!

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nerdfuck said:
Hello everyone! I thought since I am back from the dead that I should post a proper, updated thread. I will constantly add and remove ideas so please feel free to check in any time. I will have separate sections for male characters and female characters because my preferences differ for each. Feel free to jump ahead and check it out.

Regardless of gender please rp in third person. No one liners. I don’t like being told who to play as. You can give me a prompt, I will even ask your preferences, but don’t just tell me my character will be Selena Gomez. I also prefer plot over smut any day, but smut is fun as well! I will not tolerate basic plots that are nothing but smut. Come on, we are writers. Let’s act like it!


Now boys, I love me some rape and carnage.

I really have nothing more to add here. Move along.


Ladies, as much as I love death blood and carnage, for f/f rps I am willing to get a little bit more tame for you. Such as two women falling in love in a harvest moon-like setting.
nerdfuck said:
Some of my favorite universes, despite gender dynamics:

Skyrim *******************
Middle Earth
Star Wars

Genres/dynamics I enjoy that need plots:

Haunted house

If you have any ideas at all rolling around let me know. I am not online constantly but I do tend to pop in and out so shoot me a message regardless of time! Thanks!

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