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A delightful cup of tea (YummyFuta x Maiesiobreed)

Jun 14, 2011
"And that should just about finish it......perfect," Harry said, smiling to himself as a pink cloud of vapor arose from the cauldron he was working over in his room. He had been working on a potion, or more specifically, a love potion he had discovered in an ancient tome he had stumbled across while studying for his Potions final with Hermione. The tome had promised the potion would provide a "long and hard love" for whomever ingested it, and Harry had read no further. It sounded perfect.

He had been workign on it in secret, squirelling away the ingredients and mixing it while Ron was away from the room, because frankly Ron would not appreciate who the potion was targetted for.

Harry blushed as he thought about Ginny, Ron's younger cousin. Her red hair and delightful body had caught his attention midway through the year, but despite his best efforts they had remained just good friends. He could tell she had feelings for him, but he couldn't break through, he couldn't find a way to bring their relationship to the next level and out of the friend zone.

"Maybe this is the key....finally," he said, as he took the potion from the cauldron and mixed it into a cup of tea he had boiling at bedside. Ginny was out in the Gryffindor common room, and he had left her to prepare the tea for both of them.

"Ginny....Ginny it's finished!" he yelled out from his room, and smiled as she started to get to enter his room. He held a cup of tea in his hand, and the tea with the potion was on the table in the middle of their room.
Ginny had been all too happy to accept Harry's invitation to tea, though she'd also understood his request to keep it a secret from Ron. Hell, she'd have kept it a secret from Ron regardless, that older brother of hers loved to stick his nose in her business and more often than not it just caused her problems. Fortunately though Hermione was keeping Ron distracted at the moment so there wasn't any need to worry about him butting in on things and getting the wrong idea of what was going on.

When she heard Harry calling out that the tea was ready she smiled and stood up, heading through towards the dorm room where Harry was waiting, going to sit down at the table and picking up the cup of tea Harry had prepared for her. "Mmmm, it smells amazing Harry, I've never quite smelled a tea like this before. Is it some kind of Muggle tea maybe? I've never had that before" She took another sip of the tea, then had a few sips, her eyes going wide for a moment. "Whoa, it tastes amazing too. It's's super sweet but not overpowering somehow" She quickly took another larger sip, then another and another. She didn't know what kind of tea this was but it was the most delicious tea she'd ever had. Before she knew it she had downed the entire cup.
"Ahhh...oh! Sorry, I kind of gulped it all down didn't I? And we're supposed to drink it together...heh" She grinned sheepishly and rubbed the back of her head in embarassment. "But it was just so good, you make one hell of a cup of tea Harry" Ginny licked her lips to get the last of the fluid, though her cheeks had become flushed. "Harry you....have you been doing something? You look....better. Did you get a haircut or something?" She fanned herself, starting to feel quite warm, though it was a pleasing warmth rather than an uncomfortable warmth.
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