Once upon a time

Feb 15, 2018
Once upon a time...those words start so many wonderful fairy tales, but, in this case they don't start anything wonderful.
Once upon a time the world was lush and green. There was peace and prosperity through out its entirety. That, however, wasn't to last. Greedy men destroyed the peace, they destroyed life itself. They tore apart the earth for resources that would earn them money, they fought, slaughtered and started war. Soon the world fell into despair, people became a rare breed as toxins killed them off. Even the greedy men died rather quickly.

All that was left were a handful of scientists and their children. With heavy hearts, they packed their children into cryopods and locked them away in a fallout shelter. The 8 children were the planets only hope. Once the children were packed safely away, the scientists set off a terraform bomb to restart the earth.

After 150 years the planet was once more lush and green, however, it was very different from the original. Everything was much larger and more alien. The children, being safe in their pods all this time, have began to awaken. None of them were related so that there would be hope of new life. They ranged in age from 14 to 8 years old, with an even number of boys and girls.

What will happen to them in this strange new world?
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