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Fate/B (Saber and Lilly)

Sep 18, 2015
The Moon
It was cold in the up town New York Apartment. The Holy Grail war had never came to America before. Low and behold there existing someone with the talent to be a Magus. Ivory Herriman an 18 year old girl, long blond hair, a tall frame and beautiful blue eyes. Was descendant from the Herriman line of Magus who recently began a resurgence with their native magus heritage.

Though no Holy Grail war had been announced, Ivory still wanted to try her hand at summoning a servant. Drawing a Pentagram of gold in her living room, the furniture all turned upside down, so not to get in the way. In the center of the pentagram was an urn of saints ashes. Not just any Saint, but ashes belonging to the Jeann De Arc who saved the French in the hundred year war. The magus could feel the energy in her finger tips, as she waited the proper time, soon holding open her grimoire that was dusty and old from lack of use.

Spouting some words in some ancient runic Latin that coincided with her Magus blood. The time hit the proper time, and soon she began to watch and see if the servant would come fourth. "Come fourth and Obey my command." Was stated in the runic tongue, the pentagram began glowing, and magic could be felt radiating from it. Then, a sudden flash of light shot down into the center of the pentagram. Ivory had to shield her eyes because the bright light would have blinded her if she didn't. When next she opened her eyes, would the servant she desired be there.
It was not often that one had the catalyst for a saint. Less so during a grail war. As Ivory began to wave the words of magic – binding a servant from the throne of heroes, traces of energy began to flare along her arms and hands, an intricate system of magical servants that were aglow with a soft, blue light. They coalesced and wound their way to her spread out palms, the sensation warm to the touch and almost feverishly hot as the magic reached its crescendo. As she spoke the last few words of the summoning incantation, the energy within her flashed out in a silent roar of magic and filled the room with a blinding white light. And yet as suddenly as the magical energy came into existence, it focused and formed into a figure. Motes of light then scattered from the form, dancing in the air for a brief moment before fading out altogether, dying with a grace almost unheard of.

In the center of the pentagram stood a figure, petite, yet… Striking. Barely over five inches in height, she was a beautiful woman clad in steel and draped in a violet cape, her blonde hair intricately woven into a braided ponytail. With a blade at her side, and one hand holding up a flag colored white, and with gold trimming and decoration. For a moment, her bright blue eyes looked around, eventually resting upon her hand, and then upon the other woman in the room.

“I am… Ruler class Jeanne D’arc. Ah...” She gave a brief pause. “This is a grail war, is it not? Normally… A ruler class does not answer the call of a grail war. How strange. Are you my master then?” She asked, giving a gracious bow as her cape slightly parted, showing off a hint of her rather buxom chest as she dipped, only to rise up and smile at her master.
"Cest'mainfique." The woman said upon hearing who this servant was looking at the moment she appeared in the circle, using a French word, and testing if the petite but proud girl before her understood her words. Before she let her own figure draw close examining the woman from head to toe. Ivory is a taller girl by comparison, and despite having the most normal of life style for a girl her age. Had to admit that she could work a bit harder at the whole being slender thing, still, the American Magus flashes a warm smile.

"No Grail this time dear D'Arc." It was nice she had an idea of who she was summoning, and some of the pre'requirsites. As it stood though, she wasn't going to give a huge amount of information. "I am Ivory Herriman, and you my dear have been selected in fine detail, to be my servant, for the Grand Opening of the Grand Pantheon Academy, a school for Magus like myself, where those with the greatest of skills at handling their magic prowess gather, and are schooled and taught by some of the most renowned magus from various families, and now."

She collects Jeann D'Arc's hand in her own the girls hand were tiny for a warrior, and it was clear that her hands were also stronger then Ivory's own. "You are my ticket to getting into that school." Ivory smiled, looking at her hand the command seals were not on her hand in truth, they had to be given to her by the head master at the Grand Pantheon Academy. She was just happy, and looking all over Jeann with a big old smile. "Plus! With a Ruler class Servant on my side, I am sure to make it into the top class." As she comes close her hands rub all over Jeann's petite almost untouched body, as it was so slender and well put together.

"Strange to think your just a French Common Girl turned to Saint, your figure's so nice I am real jealous." Ivory was an actively promiscuous girl, and it showed she was happy to touch the body of this Young Saint. Hands even going so far as the boobs, and groping them unashamedly.
“No grail war? Then how was I summoned?” The living saint asked, her tone taking a more curious demeanor as she seemed to ponder on the question. Especially as a ruler, something like this normally shouldn’t be possible. “Ivory. It is a pleasure to meet you nonetheless. If I am to be your servant, then know that I will bring you victory in whatever trails we are to face together.” Standing a little over 5 feet, the knightly woman seemed far too dainty to be a warrior, but despite that she showed her strength as her hand took Ivory’s with a rather firm – though not forceful grip. Even the weakest servant could easily be ten times as strong as a man, afterall.

“Ah, will everyone else have a servant as well? Conflict would seem inevitable with so many other servants around.” As the saint no longer stood to attention, she relaxed, at least until she felt her masters hands rather avidly exploring her body. “Ivory – Mistress, this is...” The woman flushed, clearly unused to such physical activity. “This is probably not the best use of a servant, do you not agree?” Perhaps not, as the buxom young woman gave a surprised gasp, her hands soon covering her rather buxom chest as she looked away.
Ivory pulled back, as she laughs. Seeing the Saint guarding her sanctity. "True, we must be getting ready for our flight tomorrow." She flashed a smile. "We have to go to a different country its in Italy I believe." Ivory walked back, and motioned Jeann to follow her. The apartment needed being put back together specially the living room. "Come help me get the living room back together."

She righted her couch over the pentagram, and moved to make sure everything was to her degree back together. "Your allowed the couch when you sleep for tomorrow, I understand this is all in a hurry." She looks to Jeann, the girl was small, and yet very adorable, the sort of girl you wanted to protect, and yet, corrupt at the same time. It was fun to note she probably died a virgin, and she maintained her saintly hood. As Ivory nods.

"Yes, there will be risk of conflict at the Academy, you know how it is, even with out a grail, some servants can be dangerous, and if their masters can't control them, well, someone has to be ready to put them down." She grins, "Also, you can borrow a change of clothes from my old clothes over there, I can imagine Berserker servants we will definitely have some trouble with. And if there's a good chance for a magus to get full of themselves. So I wager its wise to have a servant, after all the Holy Grail isn't the only reason for conflict that can arise among Magus." As she moved the kitchen table back into place, she looks to Jeann with a warm smile. "You are willing to protect me should trouble arise yes?"
As Ivory pulled back, Jeanne recovered some dignity as she straightened her clothing out, taking a slow and steady breath. “Italy, I know of it. I will be ready and in something more appropriate for travel come morning. I do not need to sleep, master. But, if you prefer I can get some rest anyway.” Setting her flag aside, she began to help set things right. She needed no help in lifting the heavier objects, and her smaller stature seemed to be little problem to her as far as that went. “No, I understand. Some servants can be dangerous regardless of the situation. Know this, master. I will never allow anyone to harm the one who summoned me. I will defend you to my dying breath.” She spoke resolutely and honestly, her smile only widening for a moment before she helped to finish cleaning the room. “Are you not tired? Most are after a summoning, from what I know. Surely it would do you well to get some rest for now?” The concern in her accented voice was palpable, as even if she had been somewhat groped and fondled, she was a woman who concerned herself with the wellbeing of others.

As everything was put back into place, she looked back to her flag before it suddenly vanished, she could summon it again when necessary, but otherwise she was content to be at ease. "But as far as defense goes, know this... I have two noble phantasms. My flag, and, my sword. My flag, I can fight with readily. My blade..." She trailed off, looking to the sword upon her hip. "If I draw this, I will be consumed by fire, and I will go back to the throne." It was a weapon of great power, but it came at the most absolute cost to her. "I pray using it is never necessary."
"Fret not, I will ask you to keep the sword of yours sheathed fully and only draw it when my life is in absolute critical danger, other wise I will forbid you to use your sword, regardless of the situation." Ivory smiled, "Well yes, I am quite tired, tis late at night, and I am looking forward to getting a good nights sleep so early in the morning I can be up, and ready to get on the flight tomorrow." She laid some blankets and sheets on the couch for Jeann, flashing her a warm smile.

"Also be sure to keep your weapons concealed in some form while in a civilian zone, I do not wish to hide you, and you appear normal enough to be able to pass for a normal girl so long as we squeeze your petite little frame into some modern clothes." Ivory settled down a suit case for Jeann so she can put her armor and stuff inside. "I will have this stuff concealed though so when we go through Airport customs no one will know a thing." She created from magic what looked like a civilian ID, so she could go through the airport and everything, on the ID a false name was printed, Jeann Austin. A simple pull on her name, but it be better then civilians knowing her as Jeann De'Arc.

A pillow is propped onto the couch, and a smile widens along Ivory's face. "If you do not want to sleep by yourself of course for the night, my bedroom is right there." She was teasing Jeann, as she points to hers. Before beginning to unbutton her shirt and throw it off. Yawning, "Well with all things done needing to be explained, shall we prepare for tomorrow night, I wager your life as a farm girl in Medieval France, getting up early should be easy for you, so mind waking me up around 6 to be sure we can get down to the airport come tomorrow?"
“Understood. I would only willingly draw my blade if your life were in danger beyond that which I could normally deal with.” She spoke calmly for a moment. Letting her mistress guide her for a few moments, she nodded. “Do not worry. I can dismiss my weapons at will, alongside my armor. We need no special accommodations for either. Though I would need a civilian outfit so as to have… something.” She replied, trailing off for a moment.

Looking the ID over, she held it in one hand as she looked it over, giving a small nod. “Yes, I can let others know this is ‘me’, then. Worry not, Master.” As she spoke, she placed the card on a nearby table, quickly smiling back to Ivory. “I regret that if I get some rest, it would be best if I were to do son on the couch for now. If you are tired, get some rest. Morning comes soon, and with it lots of travel I am sure, is that not right?” Her words were soft but assuring, meant to convey a powerful charisma without being forceful. “I’ll rouse you around six, do not worry. We will be off come the morning sun!”
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