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Yu-gi-oh Arc-V: Combining The Dimensions (Athene & Veinexes)


May 12, 2015
West Coast, USA

Time really does fly by, huh?

The internal musings came from seventeen-year-old Mizuki Sauer, whom had woken up about ten minutes ago. Today would be the start of her and her brother's second year at LDS Dueling School. Mizuki, herself, was torn. She felt something in between excited and terrified ... with the reason for the latter even existing being a secret that only Siegmund himself knew.

She'd been ... different for two years now. Almost immediately after their parents allowed them to live on their own in Maiami, Japan.

Sighing softly, Mizuki tried to push the flashbacks away and focus, instead, on starting today off in a more positive way. Walking briefly down the hall and stopping in front of her twin's door, she gave three knocks before speaking up.

"Siegmund! Hope you're already awake or intend to get up soon enough. I'm gonna get in a shower then start on breakfast."

Still feels weird to utter a German first name, she teased to herself, grinning as she turned and began following through with her promises. It wasn't his fault, of course. Even Mizuki was half-German; she just ended up taking up the appearance of her Japanese mother, while Siegmund had inherited both name and looks from their German father.

You two truly are amusing to watch, Mizuki heard in her head, causing her to groan aloud.

I thought you all weren't fond of mornings.

Not quite. Try brushing up on your lore again.

Hmph. Whatever. It's not yet ---

Time. I know, I know. This is more of a precaution.

Mizuki scoffed, rolling her eyes as she closed the door to her room and walked inside her bathroom. "That's rich, especially coming from you who doesn't even practice such things. ... Fine, not very well, you don't. So what do you want to warn me about?"

Just ... be more vigilant this year. It's going to get more tougher.

"... That's it?!" Mizuki incredulously asked. "God! Who do you take me for?! You think I don't know that?!"

.... Annnnnd of course, no answer. An irked sigh passed her lips; it shouldn't amaze he, really. The bastard always was cryptic like that.

"Whatever," she murmured, rubbing her forehead a few times before stripping, tossing the dirty clothes away, and entering the shower. Hopefully the warm water would make her calm down. A slightly ironic thought ... but it was becoming clear Mizuki would need anything that could help her out today. It was going to be one of those annoying days, it seemed.

With the shower having been a relatively quick one, she jogged down the stairs, clad in the LDS uniform. Over her shoulders was her backpack, with the numerous books and binders, as well as her roster. Setting her bag beside one of the chairs, Mizuki hurried and began getting tot work on cooking breakfast.

Not that they were running late. However, on the rare chance that Siegmund hadn't woken up yet, she had to hurry up with that process. And this was always one of the easiest ways to lure him downstairs so they could get to school on time.

Sieg had been up already, truthfully he slept less and less these days. He had been busy at work all night on a new project, careful to not let his sister hear him though it sometime seemed impossible. Many books lie scattered on the ground some half open others closed and overturned. You'd almost think his room had been ransacked if he was not their.

The sparking light of the soldering iron flickered in his googles as hie finished another wire before leaning back and sighing. He was working on improving the duel disk design using spare parts he had found in various places and it wasn't easy.


Nor was it nutritious. Pulling his googles away the impression of their placement remained on his face. "Yeah yeah, food I know." Almost as if on cue a few waft scents began emitting from beneath his door.. It was a like a silent alarm clock to his brain that signaled his sister was up now, that or the house is on fire starting with the refrigerator and pantry. Either way it meant it was time for him to get out of his room.

Standing and collecting his things he gave himself a quick once over and comb before pulling a pair of shades on to hided his sleep deprived look from his sister. He doubted it would work but you never know. He also grabbed his deck and supplies before jogging down the stairs to the kitchen.

Indeed, the noises hadn't slipped Mizuki's hearing. Were this any other day, she would have pestered Siegmund more on what she'd overheard. The two had never missed their very first day of dueling classes, and she honestly had no intentions of picking up such a horrible habit. Plus, with them serving one of the few but still existing noble houses in Germany - the house of Engel, to be precise - she didn't really wish to incur the wrath of any distant relatives. Despite working from afar, her parents kept in very close touch with said House, somehow relaying and forwarding her and Seigmund's progress at LDS.

Was it an odd way to show they still cared?

Maybe. It was certainly a very real possiblity.

Siegmund and Mizuki were raised ... in an unorthodox manner. Siegmund had been raised more so around their father, while Mizuki was the exact opposite. Were it not for a certain incident that occurred a few years ago, she may have seriously considered taking up her mom's advice and pursuing a more feminine job. Modeling, for example.

But now?

That wasn't really much of an option. No, no; the better wording is it wasn't as good of a possibility to think about.

Dismissing the thoughts quickly away, she turned her attention back to the breakfast she was making. A sly smirk crossed her face as Siegmund finally arrived seconds after she finished adorning the second plate with food. "I can only guess you had another long night with how long it took you to get down here." A small sigh passed Mizuki's lips as she stared at the shades. The brief stare made it look almost as if she were trying to peek through the glasses and into her brother's eyes.

Luckily for Siegmund, even Mizuki couldn't quite do that despite her relatively new state.

" ... I know telling you not to stay up is a worthless endeavor. Your'e as stubborn as me, after all. So, instead, just ... choose which days and evenings you do that more carefully. I doubt you want mom or dad to start flipping if they learned your concentration and focus was put on other things." With their parents being very adamant on following certain customs and traditions, school was a huge deal; with or without the House of Engel lingering in the background. The fact it was indeed there, however, made things a bit more .... stressful for the twins.

"Anyway, here you are."

Flashing her brother a smile, Mizuki set the two plates down, taking her seat soon after. After giving a quick, polite bow of her head, she began to eat, keeping a hold of the utensils in her dominant hand. Her left, meanwhile, fumbled around and fished around through her backpack, rummaging around for her roster. She was curious on what classes she and Siegmund were going to have this term.

Siegmund listened while he ate, it was a conversation they had spoken of many times. He always working himself, her always worrying about him overworking, usually culminating in the two spending at least some time with each other either arguing or spending quality time with each other. Since his mouth was full he couldn't answer right away so he simply stayed quiet and listened while chewing.

As he saw his sister pull out their school itinerary he wondered what classes they had this year having not looked at the papers himself since he was more invested in his side projects. "Do you think that we'll be able to get through the day alright, I mean, is he gonna behave?" That was one reason he was so insistent on his work. The sooner he finished the sooner they both could focus on themselves.

His current project was altering his duel disk to work without the need for a action field, instead using the disks own projector system to create hard light representations of the monsters much like on the fields. He knew that by themselves they didn't have the power to fight back well enough and had thus molded his deck into something that could fight for him against their enemies.

As he finished with breakfast he gathered his dishes and his belongings before awaiting his sister to head for school.

Mizuki joined her brother, opting to enjoy the silence. This was one of the few times where she could get time away from her almost literal, inner demon. Granted, he wasn't a demon ... but it could be easily argued the bastard wasn't much better. Her head nodded as she grinned smugly upon hearing her brother's inquiry.

"Mhm. Guess it comes with .... being a full one. I'd have thought after all the tests you've done thus far, that would have been the most obvious."

A twinge of guilt couldn't help but shoot through her. Mizuki sighed, bowing her head.

"That wasn't meant to insult your efforts. But .. really, that did seem a bit obvious. Anyway, yeah. He promised now wasn't the time. And ... I believe that. He prefers acting up during, after duels, or anytime in the evening the most."

The two would be about half-way done before Mizuki noticed her brother's gaze moving to the piece of paper in her hands. "You could just ask, you know? I don't mind showing this to ya."

Or certain other things or that matter, she thought, opting to keep those thoughts to herself. A quick turn around of the parchment was all Mizuki needed to place it in the center of the table. Soon, he'd seen the two would have the following XYZ-related courses.

Xyz Summons II
Practical Rank Studies
Monster Effect Negation Studies
Side Deck Studies I
Practical Battle II

"I honestly kinda feel like some of these are redundant," Mizuki mused, voicing her opinion rather freely. "But ... I suppose. So ist das Leben, after all."

Although she had been raised mainly by her mom, this wasn't to say she hadn't picked up on some of her German heritage. Namely the language ... something she knew Siegmund appreciated every now and again. In fact, she'd shifted tongues on purpose. Her ... 'spirit' that followed her around was a constant nuisance for the both of them, really. An inevitable and unfortunate fact. Hopefully, even if only for a somewhat short amount of time, the German words would keep his mind off her ever-present problem.

Then again, 'problem' was far too tame of a word to use.

But that was neither here nor there.

After finishing her own plate, Mizuki would quickly wash her own dish, put away all the leftovers, and grabbed both her backpack and roster. Her deck was carefully tucked away in a side-pocket, her duel disk attached to her arm ever since drying off from her morning shower.

"So," she began to ask as the twins began walking towards LDS, "How'd ... whatever you worked on last night go? Any progress?"
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