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Secrets in Stone Halls (Veinexes, Athene, East)


Nov 15, 2012
???? and Iai Banchou

Pushing the doors open I smiled. It had been a long journey to get here, and I relished every moment of pain and agony I experienced. It was worth it though, now it was mine. As I sat down and laughed, first to myself and then aloud, I felt the euphoria wash over me deliciously as i gazed down at what lay before me. "Now then, lets have some real fun."


A flash of light erupted from in front of Kiriu as he rose a hand to block the glare, his eyes screwed shut to assist.
Another attack?
It had been peaceful after the plans of the Four Heavenly Kings fell to ruin. The quiet life seemed not far off but alas it was time again to draw his blade. As quickly as it had appeared it vanished leaving him in the dark as his hands gripped the hilt of his blade.

Seconds passed, far o many seconds. If this was an attack the enemy would be either launching their strike or were they waiting for his guard to drop? Either way he was not about to release his stance as he blinked to adjust to the room around him. IT looked like some sort of dungeon, medieval in structure. Various devices lined the walls as well as cells unoccupied, at least for now. A torch scone along the wall allowed for a flicker of light in the otherwise pitch room. He seemed alone for now and began trying to calm his mile a minute thinking as more questions then answers arose.

Quiet woke up with a start. Her eyes shot wide open as she looked frantically around. The scenery revealed she was indeed in some sort of cell. But, upon closer inspection, it looked ... too ... how to word it? Well, if she had to be brutally honest, there was only one word to use. Old. Borderline ancient, even. Her eyebrows fought, looking unsure whether to raise in confusion or narrow in alarm. What in the world was going on? She swallowed, both from nervousness and also from thirst. Quiet had been in a desert mere moments ago, after all.

Which made this abrupt scenery change very weird.

More so for her to glance down and see the proof hadn't disappeared. Her injuries from that tank were still there. That had been what initially knocked her out. And as Quiet's brain forced itself to remember what had last happened, her fists angrily clenched.

A second parasite outbreak had occurred. Even now, the 'how' factors were still blurry. But she for sure recalled Russian forces capturing her while she'd been out and about in Afghanistan. They'd forced her to wear clothes ... and immobilized her. They then went so far as to try to rape her. They failed in that endeavor, thankfully. Quiet fought back, and - in the end - killed every single bastard who had been dumb enough to try to rape her. It was their fate, their Karma, and she most certainly did not have any regrets on taking those lives. They got what they deserved, plain and simple.

In order to best understand Quiet, one would have needed to be working with her. Someone like Snake ... he could easily explain her backstory to whomever had dragged her here. Then again, if this was another interrogation, that wouldn't matter.

... Simultaneously, if that were true, why had they left her unchained? Were they thinking she was too weak due to her injuries? Now her eyes narrowed, insulted at the mere insinuation. That wasn't true at all! Far from it, in fact!

Reaching up, Quiet grasped some of the bars of the cell, pulling herself up to her feet. Low, pained winces passed her lips as she almost immediately felt weight against he back. Her left continued using the cell for support, while her right reached back ... good. It was her rifle, which was still secured on her back. She patted her right boot ... and felt her survival knife tucked away.

Either these were the stupidest or bravest captors she'd run into.

Well ... hopefully she'd find that all out soon. Answers ... she needed these. Plus, of course, water. Hopefully at least one - if not both - of these could be found.

When Natsu awoke he noticed several things, one the ground was harder than the bed he had been sleeping on. In fact as his eyes opened slowly he started to realize that this place was nothing like Lucy's apartment. His head was fine so he hadn't been drugged, and there was no motion sickness so he had to assume this place was solid.

But as he got up to his feet he noticed thing number two. He was alone, Happy, Erza, Grey, Lucy none of them were around, which was weird because the last thing he remembered was breaking into Lucy's apartment with the rest of the group and taking a nap on the super comfy bed.

the next thing after that was his stomach growling. "Need food." He sniffed the air and couldn't figure out where he was, everything was dank, and dreary smelled of earth and rock, which could be the cell doors, but also could mean that they were under ground. And finally the door.

Wherever he was, this place's layout was a prison, and he had broken out of plenty of those!

Taking a step up to the door he didn't test the thing was locked. "Fire dragons, iron fist!" the signature move of the fire dragon slayer Natsu stood back, ready to turn the entire wall to ash as his fist began to spark up and ignite, as he released his fist towards the door however his arm slammed against the door breaking it open, but the flames disapaited without the usual explosion, his stomach letting out a weak growl.

"What oh no fair!" Natsu walked out of the hallway, the door hadn't even been locked, and the burn marks on the wood were there but hardly the impact he was expecting. "What the heck is this place made of!"
???? and Iai Banchou

Two guys and a girl, not a bad catch but a tad one sided, though I suppose if some factors mattered you could say this was even odds. A bright light caught my eye as one of the cameras saw something interesting. Apparently one of my captives was some sort of pyrokinetic, an ability I would have dismissed previously, however this world had opened my eyes to things beyond my imagination since I got here. I couldn't have them all reacting as such so it was time for an introduction. Grasping the microphone on the desk in front of me I smiled and pressed the broadcasting button.


Iai Banchou reached down and grasped his blade as movement came from the cells, he wasn't alone it seemed as he scanned the newcomers. The first to grab his attention was a impulsive male with spiky pink hair, a odd color to be sure but kids these days did strange things. The more concerning reveal came when the mans fist became wreathed in flame as he attempted to breakdown a nearby wall

"Careful!" He shouted, "You don't know whats above that wall, you could end up bringing the whole place down on us." Still though the power he showed was akin to Bakunetsu Banchou's gunpowder laced gauntlets. A dangerous power indeed but his seemed to have no blow back, and what did he use to ignit the flame in the first place? He'd worry about that later though as he decided to change his attention to the other arrival.

Turning he saw a female form and "....!!!!" His eyes went wide and shut in the same second as he turned away.

Whaa...What is this?!

He thought as he rewound the image of the woman he saw in his head, dismissing it quickly afterwards.

Even Yoruko never wore anything that shameless before.

Thinking back to the first time he met the sisters he remembered their performance outfits, that of stage magician assistants, and though it was something to see the woman in the cell was at least twice as dangerous to his morals. The tinge of red on his face was evident as he cleared his throat. "I..It looks like were all stuck here, perhaps we should start with some introductions." He forced himself to turn around but kept his gaze low, "I am known as Iai (E.I.) Banchou, but you may call me Kiriu as I rarely use my title anymore." He waited for the others to finish their introductions, the woman stayed silent, shock or something else he was unsure. When they finished the loud whining sound of feedback broke through the room as he turned to see a megaphone looking drastically out of place in the upper corner of the room.


"Testing... testing.. 1 2 3 6, the days are long but at night it's hard." Satisfied with the sound test I began to speak, "Now that I've gotten your attention I need to congratulate you!" I press a button as fanfare plays and a small horn accompanies it, "On being my first guests to my wonderful little labyrinth." I pause for a moment thinking, "I really haven't come up with a name for it yet so I apologize in advance for that, but promise I'll try my best before its over."


Whoever was speaking it sounded young, like a child or something. "Whoever you are release us, we have no time for games and no interest in entertaining you." The presence of the megaphone and the sounds reminded Kiriu of a gameshow, and he was not in the mood, especially against his will to participate.


"I wasn't done speaking you know, so rude." I pouted into the microphone audibly before returning to a more informative tone adjusting my glasses before speaking again, "If you wish to leave you will be entertaining me anyway, the only way out is to play my game, although you may not like it you have no choice in the matter." The seriousness of the look the man wore on the camera told me he didn't understand his position and it pissed me off. "You'll play along and be happy Damnit!" my demeanor changing as I shouted into the microphone, "Or you can just die in that dungeon, in the first room, like a total loooooosssser!" I took a breath and calmed down regaining composure before speaking again. "Besides it's not like I can just return you to where you want, those aren't part of the rules."

... Someone has clearly never heard of an inside voice before ... Quiet thought, frowning and grimacing as Natsu's boisterous, irritated screams were the first thing she heard. And, since he made it laughably easy to track him down, Quiet would find not just him, but .... a samurai? Had she not only been teleported but forced to travel back in time somehow? With how odd this situation was, she wasn't putting any possibility aside. She took a moment to silently observe the two men, using the wall behind her as a support.

Her head tilted as she watched the swordsman almost immediately look away from her. What was his deal? Could he not handle women or something?

Well ... this was gonna suck for him. Because she certainly hadn't willingly chosen to come here. What was this even for, anyway? Well ... until an answer was given, she turned and began signing to the two men her own introduction. The lack of either immediately attacking her implied they were more likely prisoners like herself than foes. So .... why not? She'd try to be civil with them, until otherwise given a reason to be more harsh.

Quiet ... my name is Quiet. No cocky remarks, if you don't mind. I'm in as much of the mood for that as I am being forced into this ... whatever situation we've been put into.

Thankfully, an answer came over soon enough .... one that made her raise an eyebrow.

One, two, three ... six? What the ... ??

Quiet merely scoffed, shaking her head in annoyance. No doubt wanting this ... really? It was a woman? Well, no matter; she wanted answers, not smart-ass answers. The monitors would pick up on Quiet making a 'hurry up already' gesture, waving her right index and middle fingers as if she were leading a person. Her eyes rolled as this mysterious figure insisted they'd not only play along but be happy.

Hmph. Make us be content, you brat.

Still, much as she hated to admit it, this person did have one thing correct, it seemed. The lack of choice that lingered. So, even if she certainly didn't want to deal with this girl's game, she and the others had to.

So what are the rules then, hmm? We can't play if we don't know. I'll do it ... .even if they won't.

As the swodsman told him to not bring the place down upon them he scoffed, he kind of wanted to do exactly that. But there was some logic in not destroying the building he guessed.

1, 2, 3, 6 yep that was counting, and the numbers checked out too. He blinked looking around trying to spot the source of the voice, this wasn't exactly the first dungeon he had been in like this. He was kind of used to a realm where the impossible was very much possible.

As for the woman, she wasn't wearing anything any worse or more shameless than Erza or Lucy had worn in the past, and he had two friends in his guild who used guns, though hers was a lot larger than either of theirs had been.

The weird flailing motions were odd, he had never seen that before, and it caused his head to tilt. However as the guy asked for introductions and named himself as Kiriu he nodded. "Natsu Dragneel, the fire dragon slayer of Fairy Tail!" He pointed to his guild emblem with a sense of pride.

"Yeah, yeah, impossible maze, get to the top, I've heard this one before, and you better be ready, cause when We get to the top I am going to kick your ass! You made a huge mistake bringing me here!"

Natsu slapped his fist against his hand ready to fight, before his stomach let out a loud groan and any fire in his died as he coughed smoke. "Of course there is the matter of food needed."

"Also what's with silent?" He said pointing at Quiet. "Why are you flailing about with your hands?" Clearly not at all understanding the idea of sign language.
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