Feralheart has arrived. Hello everyone!


Feb 11, 2018
My imagination
Hello there my name is Feralheart or Feral for short. I've roleplayed for a few years and now have recently found bluemoon and decided to give this a shot as im looking for more adult roleplays and scenarios. If you want to know me as a person then chat me up and talk about our lives while working on ideas for a new scene, I like to make friends when I rp.

For starters here is a list of things I'm highly into and if this has some things you might be interested in then I hope this catches your interest:
-Non-con and consensual scenes: clarification is I don't mind and I enjoy a combination of these. For example at night my character could be making love to her traveling partner or boyfriend and the next day she is caught alone and raped. Both can happen in an rp and not just focus on one.
-Male Domination, I like the fight but I want my man or men to be the ones in charge.
-Sexy outfits
-Taboo scenes
-messy scenes

Some things I am highly interested in trying out: This will be updated regularly
-Public scenes

Absolute No's:
-Death of my character
-Playing multiple characters/Harems on my end
-Piercings anywhere sexual

Alright now that those are out of the way and if you're still interested here is a couple fandoms im use to and wouldn't mind playing in or we can be completely original with ideas:
-Lord of the Rings
-Game of thrones

Outside of those I might now know much for fandoms but I dont mind coming up with original ideas. Hope to make some new friends and find someone fun to play with =^.^=
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