Domme Futa/F Seeking Futa/F for Romance, Fantasy, and Smut


Jan 27, 2018
Hey there~

I'm Sam, or you can call me Letters. I'm 24, female, and looking for other people who identify as female or gender fluid who would like to do a fantasy RP with me. Sorry, guys, it's just a preference for me to play opposite actual women when I want to do Futa/FxFuta/F.
With that out of the way, a bit about myself: I'm a student and my schedule can be busy at times because of this, but RPing is my hobby and way to unwind, so I try to find time for it daily. I've been RPing for at least ten years, if not longer (I can't honestly remember when I started). I live in California, so I am in PST.

Onto the sweet stuff:
What I'm Looking for:
- Female-identifying person who wants to play either a female or futa
- One on one, in PMs only because I always forget to check e-mail and I don't use messengers anymore. You need to convince me to use forums, just because I get anxious about my privacy, but if it is a great plot and you insist, I will probably give in.
- Fantasy elements always, be it light or completely immersed. I role play for escape from the monotony, so fantasy is my go to~
- Complete literacy - If English is your first language, I do not want to see repetitive mistakes. Misspellings and missing commas and periods every once in a while happen, I do it too. But, if you repeatedly do not capitalize your 'I's or forget quotation marks, I'm not going to hold interest. If English isn't your native language, and you're trying, then it's totally forgivable and I commend you for knowing more than one language because I wish I did.
- I definitely need some smut. With FxF, I prefer a lot more smut than I do story. If you want ratios, I'd say, for smut/story, 60/40 or 70/30, if not more. Here is my F-list, if you'd like to see how compatible we are. My no's are all there, so please look over them on the list so I don't have to repeat myself here~
- And I definitely need romance. It doesn't need to be perfect fluff. I actually prefer two dysfunctional people trying to figure out their emotions and stumbling over how to admit it to their partners what their feelings are.

What I'd Like to Play
With women, I'm always more dominant. I like to play tender dommes who, although they'll love and nurture their lovers, will still take what they want, when they want it - only with consent, however. I like pseudo-rape, but not actual non-con. I would love to play either a futa or just a typical female. Depending on the character you like to play, my characters have different character traits I like to focus on. Also, my dommes will almost always give your subs what they want, so if you see something on my f-list you'd really like to see in the RP, feel free to still ask because I may be flexible.

Kinks I Would Love Right Now
- Futa
- MC opposite a furry or neko
- Magically-induced lactation
- Magically-induced insatiable lust given to YC or both of our characters at the same time
- Light- to Medium-BDSM
- YC being a bratty/defiant sub
- YC being a complete submissive
- Tentacles

Plot Ideas
As I said, I am only looking for fantasy-based RPs, they're the only things that retain my interest.

Basic pairings I like include: (mexmy partner)
Queen x Maid
Mistress x Slave/Pet [I would absolutely love this right now]
Hired guard/mercenary x Princess
Hunter x Monster Girl

A few plots I would love to do:

Smutty Sleeping Beauty: I feel this may be a trope, and I'm sorry for that haha! But, this plot was something I did last year and it was fantastic but unfortunately ended when we both were overwhelmed with school work/work.

The idea is that a futa princess, MC, who passes as a prince has gone in search of a princess because of the pressures of becoming married. She hears of a legend of a sleeping princess, YC, in a neighboring kingdom who has been cursed for nearly a century, along with her subjects. All attempts to awaken her have been thwarted and the regional princes have long since given up on the thought of saving this princess. The curse seems unbreakable. And, this is an excellent opportunity for MC to use to avoid marriage. She comes up with a scheme, telling herself that she'll go to the princess, try to rescue her, and will inevitably fail because she doubt's a true love's kiss would actually work. She would return home, princess-less, and tell the court she had fallen too deeply in love with the sleeping princess and refused to marry because of it.

But, unfortunately, the plan backfires. MC enters the dusty chambers of the princess and finds her so beautiful, she can't take her eyes off of her. Worse yet, gazing upon the beauty has given her the most insatiable lust, and soon she can't control herself as she pushes up the princess's dress and fucks her. With MC's orgasm, YC suddenly awakens. It would seem the cure to her awakening was cum, however, the rest of the kingdom still lays asleep and after a brief stint of apologies and promises from MC to YC, she starts to feel sleepy again and asks for another dose of MC's seed. Embarrassed, but understanding, MC complies and the two soon discover that, although it hasn't broken the curse, semen seems to be a way to keep her awake.

So, MC takes her back to her kingdom, promising to help her break the curse, which can lead to some fun potion-ingredient seeking adventures. Also, MC is too afraid of marriage, so she offers up to YC to help her find a new suitor while she resides in MC's kingdom, still assuming True Love's kiss to be the ultimate curse-ender. So, plenty of branching paths for us to play with!

There is a lot of fun opportunities here for smut - Sexual potions/aphrodisiacs, them having to slip away during meetings with suitors or balls for MC to give YC a dose of cum, budding, awkward romance, and plenty more!


Modern-Fantasy Business Woman: I would love to play a sorceress in a modern fantasy setting who deals art and magical artifacts, along with potions and spell books. She is rich and intelligent and has spent years building up her success. She's also recently taken an interest in one of her employees, YC, who could have been working for her for years or could be a recent hire.

It's a simple plot for now, but it has plenty of flexibility to it. I would love BDSM elements if you're interested, along with some magical sexual play, a domme x sub dynamic if you're interested, along with futa sprinkled in if you're down for it.


Sorry this was such a long request thread! But, if you stuck with me, thank you! I'm excited to see your PM and, please, tell me about any cravings for plots or kinks you may have! I'd be happy to indulge you ;D
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