Just Another King's female request thread. Looking for kinky, romance stories FxM FxM

Just Another King

Nov 1, 2017
Well hey there ladies and gents. Welcome to my little corner of BlueMoon, recently revamped. I got the impression that my thread was a little bit too wordy before, so I’ve decided to cut it down a little bit, make it more streamlined and less intimidating. Mainly I’ve cut out a lot of the about me section and combined with my preferences list. If you wanna know more then hit me up with a PM and if we get along I’ll be more than happy to do the whole getting to know each other bit. Anyhoo, let’s get down to business shall we.

About Me & My Preferences​

  • Just in case it's not clear by my name, I'm a dude in real life, but I am comfortable and in fact enjoy playing as female characters from time to time. If real life gender is an issue for you then you might as well keep on walking.
  • I’m from the UK. Nowhere exciting so I don’t have a fun accent. However it’s worth bearing in mind that if you’re from elsewhere we might not be on at the same time, if that’s important to you.
  • I’ve been writing stories pretty much since I could and I’ve been roleplaying on and off for the past six years or so.
  • When it comes to roleplaying, I really enjoy detailed, character focused plots that have a good story to them. Obviously I also enjoy my share of smut, however if I had to put a number to it, which I’m reluctant to do, I’d say I like about 70/80% plot and 20/30% smut.
  • Be creative and original. I enjoy inventive plots that break way from the norm. Stereotypical, basic plots are good as a starting point, but then I like to brainstorm and come up with something a bit more unique that we can call our own.
  • Real life takes precedent. As such my posting schedule can be pretty erratic. Sometimes I’ll get lucky and be able to fire off multiple posts in a day, sometimes I’ll only have chance to get two or three done in a week. That’s just how it is, so I can’t commit to a dedicated schedule. I can, however say that I will do my best and keep you as updated as possible
  • When it comes to post length, I’m easy. I won’t give you an arbitrary amount of paragraphs or a word count that I want to see. I think it all depends on the roleplay and where we are with it. There will be times when our posts are much longer or shorter, depending on what’s happening. I think as long as we both understand this, and still aim to keep up a good quality of writing, then the quantity isn’t as important.
  • I can be a pretty friendly guy and I like to chat OOC. We don’t have to get know each other and be super intimate, that’s not what I’m after. I just think it helps to be friendly and have good communication outside of the RP.
  • Finally, medium. I much, much prefer to roleplay via thread. I find it so much easier to organise and keep track of them. If you absolutely insist on using PMs as a medium then I will consider it, but I’ll be less likely to say yes.

Themes, Kinks & Characters​

Themes that I enjoy :

Slice of Life
Modern Fantasy
High or Low Fantasy
Science Fiction
Historical settings
Suggest your own


Female Pleasure.
Multiple Characters.
Taboo relationships.
Inhumans. Monster, aliens & beasts.
Sexy/slutty outfits.
Bad endings
Happy endings
Giving Oral





Plots & Pairings!

All of these plots are just loose ideas really, feel free to suggest any changes or tweaks, or throw your own ideas my way. I'm pretty open and I really enjoy brainstorming and coming up ideas together.

This Dead World Of Ours

Setting - Post-Apocalyptic - Think The Last Of Us meets Fallout 4.
Characters - Brother/Sister. Maybe more.
Main Kinks - Incest - Adventure - Romance - Monsters?

The world is a harsh place, it has been for decades. A mixture of blistering wastelands and overgrown forests as nature reclaims all that is hers. Mankinds relentless hunger for war and dominance has lead to this. Nuclear fire, chemical warfare and horrific experiments of science. As monsters roam the world, mankind is brough back into the food chain. Mindless humans hunger for flesh, mutants hide in the shadows, hunting at night, while human raiders slaughter each other in the day. Meanwhile the rest of humanity scrape meaner existences in independent, often lawless settlements; from small towns to large, walled cities.

In his brutal world are two people, Jo and Luke Wilson, twins. Jo is a beautiful, feisty and tough as nails tomboy, while Luke is quiet, reserved and a deadly marksman. Despite being the same age, Jo has always taken on the role of the protective big sister and is usually in charge, much to Luke’s relief; he’s never been much of a leader, instead preferring the role of a lone wolf in the shadows. Born and raised in a small town by a single mother, the two have always been close. However when they are nineteen their entire world is turned upside down and they find themselves alone in a harsh world.

The small town they called home was attacked by raiders, it’s defences ruined as it was left to the Fleshlings, the most common of the mutants. Akin to zombies, the Fleshlings were once human, twisted and warped by chemicals and radiation, they are shallow husks of their original selves caring about two things only, breeding and consuming flesh. With their town in ruins, friends and family slaughtered, the siblings are forced to flee and seek refuge. Aimlessly wandering, they decide to travel to one off the larger cities to try and find a home. The journey is long and hard; as they travel the two find solitude in each others presence and, due to rising tensions, eventually they find pleasure and romance with one another, Satisfying their carnal desires together, the two enjoy their taboo relationship as they wander the dangerous world, but what happens when they rejoin society? When another man flirts with Jo, does it mark the end of their relationship? Or do they continue and maintain the ruse that they are lovers, not siblings?

My ghost, the nympho.​
Setting - Modern fantasy/paranormal
Characters - Ghost, Human.
Main Kinks : Ghost - Dub-con - Voyeurism - Romance?

When Jackson moved into his new apartment, he dismissed the stories of it being haunted. He didn’t believe in ghost and to him, anyone who did was foolish. However as the weeks go on he can’t deny the strange occurrences. At first it was simple things that could easily be explained; flickering lights, cold spots and things seeming to be in different places to where he left them. However, when that doesn’t disturb him, things escalate.

It starts relatively small as he begins waking up at night with the covers thrown off of him and his pants around his ankles. But things soon start to progress as he wakes up int the middle of the night, finding himself naked more often than not and a strange feeling. His cock is fully erect and there’s a strange feeling to it. The following night he pinpoints it, it feels like a hand, stroking him to climax. Then it becomes a mouth. Jackson always writes it off as a dream until, finally he gets his proof.

One night he wakes up to the unmistakeable feeling of a woman astride him, riding his cock. He reaches out and can feel her. He grips her thighs, feels her curves, her breasts. Despite the fear he knows he should be feeling, he can’t help but ride out the pleasure until orgasm. Right in the middle of her own climax, Annabelle becomes visible to him. Suddenly Jackson is lying underneath an exquisitely beautiful woman. After the untangle, Annabelle explains; she’s the ghost of the apartment and she also happens to be a nymphomaniac. When she saw Jackson she just new she had to have her way with him. Surprised and more than a little freaked out, a budding romance forms between the pair as Annabelle finds herself able to show herself to him and he doesn’t runaway screaming. From here, who knows what could happen? Perhaps Jackson could even bring back friends, or other women for Annabelle to have her way with. Maybe they discover a way for her to leave the Apartment, following Jackson around, visible only to him.

Our sister is a … camgirl?
Setting - Slice of life
Characters - Brother, Sister, Brother.
Main Kinks : Incest - Threesome(MMF) - Romance

Charlie and Sam Grey have always been close with their, Hayley older by two years. Growing up, the three were best friends and nearly inseparable, partly due to somewhat distant parents. Something of a tomboy, Hayley was always the protective big sister and the brothers always wanted to have her confidence, to make her proud. As teenagers the three siblings often found themselves in Hayley’s room of a night, discussing things siblings shouldn’t; their changing bodies, the people they fancied, sex. Things even progressed to the point of experimentation. They all see each other naked and there was even kissing and groping, but that was the extent of it. All three of them often wondered what more could have been, but never confessed as much.

Now twenty three years old, Hayley is working as a freelance graphic designer, with an apartment n the city, while the brothers still live at home. She invites them to stay over the summer, for as long as they want. Charlie and Sam eagerly accept. However the evening before they travel to see her, Charlie makes a startling discovery. On an amateur cam site, he finds himself watching his sister. She wears a mask over her face, but he recognises her from the tattoo of a comet on her wrist. Shocked he tell Sam and two find themselves watching her perform sexual acts and they get aroused.

When they finally arrive at their sisters apartment, there is an odd tension between them. In the evenings, when all are supposed to be asleep, the brothers watch their sister as she performs in the next room over. Unable to stop, the brothers continue to get aroused watching their older sister and they even create a profile to chat with her and request that she does specific things for them. However this secret surely can’t last, how long is it before they come clean? Or the sister catches them watching one of her videos? Of course when she finds out she is conflicted. She knows it’s wrong, but she also remembers the feelings she had when they were all teens, fooling around. From here, anything goes.
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