CCC - Caliente's current cravings (F x various)


Jan 30, 2018
I finally wanted my own req thread. "Finally" I say... like... after not even one week on BMR, i "finally" really really need one. *Grins*

I wanted to tell you all that Im really easy going. That I'll try anything once, and that I really just wanna rp. But... yeah. I am picky. I WILL try a lot of things with any partner... but I cannot guarantee it is going to work out. Sometimes people do not mesh. It's not your fault. I won't be mad. But please... it's not my "fault" either. I do not do it on purpose, and if I do let you know, that unfortunately our rp isn't working for me and that I do not want to continue... then please... don't cyberstalk me. Don't tell me you've read my threads, don't ask with whom and what I am playing in pm. Just don't. Say "Ok, fuck you bitch!" if you must, but don't do any immature bullshit. Ok?

Still reading? Great!

So... ons and offs:
I like it rough. I like being prey. I like pain. I like intensity. Pinch my nipples, spank me, fuck me hard in any orifice you want to and Im game.
Deny me, tease me, keep me on the edge... I love the fabulous orgasms that follow a looooooong build up. Just. fucking. awesome.
Watching and being watched... mhmmmm yes!
Dirty talk - you bet!
Tit fucks? why not...
a bit of humiliation, a bit of guilt... damn yeah, those can be awesome ingredients. I don't NEED to feel guilty about enjoying the fuck of my life... but at times i truly LOVE it.
tie me up, push me around... yep yep yep, i love it all.
Expect to be scratched and bitten in return (if the mood fits), I love... giving. Blowjobs... or handjobs... or... well... let's suffice it to say that I really love giving back!

Im not obedient. Im not really submissive. I -can- be submissive. But... no classical Dom/sub stuff. No BDSM settings. Don't expect me to yell "Yes Master, no Master, of course Master!" because you classify as a Dom.
Maybe i WILL yell all three phrases... if you are a pirate captain, took the vessel carrying me by surprise and take your sweet time to teach my character, why it might be a good idea to say such. (Yep. "Because I kill you if you don't IS taking your sweet time and persuading my characeter!)
Being tied up and whipped bores me to death, if it's happening in a BDSM settting. Which is funny, because being tied up and whipped is really, really REALLY hot in a non Dom/sub setting.
Does this make any sense for you? I hope so, because yeah... Im not sure how to explain it better.
I want Drama. And adventures. I don't want a slice of life. I want unrealistic, epic stories. I want cowboys, I want bikergangs, I want elves and aliens and monsters.... i want stories. Dark stories, light stories, "realistic" stories of a kind (I'm not against Boss/employee, University, Frat stuff, don't get me wrong) are ok too, as long as there's an adventure. A conflict. I need the conflict! *grins*

Besides that: No traumatizing violence, no permanent damages, no "real" rape, no snuff, no gore, no "animals" in the sense of real "pet animals". Werewolves and shapeshifters are welcome.
No vomit. No scat.

Ok. And here's the rp ideas:

Plot heavy

WoD - Vampire the Masquerade
I miss it. Sooooooooooooooo much. I want to rp it. SO FUCKING BAD! *lol*
I don't need a story, I don't needed an adventure with a GM. I'd be content to play in the setting. We can work out the details in PM.
My favourite Clans: Toreador, Malkavian, Ventrue (MC would be one of these). I want our main characters to be Vampires. Though this would involve a lot of NPCs of various types. Werewolves, humans, ghouls... yanno.... all the WoD goodness is open for discussion.
I want it to be heavy on vampire politics.... Umm... yeah. Of course smut can happen. Heck... I'm the last to turn down a good sex scene... but... ploooooooooot. Character development. A lot of it.
I'm pretty open to anything here. Sire/childe, clan siblings, allies, foes... there's SO much to play out in the WoD

The age of misrule
This is a trilogy by Mark Chadbourne. No, we don't play canon characters from the novels... i want to steal the setting.
Magic is reawakening on earth. Creatures from legends come back to life. The portals to otherland are open again. Witchcraft and wizardry reawake.
This comes at a price however: The stronger these old, mystical forces get, the less does our modern world's technique work. The internet will break down. Cars will stop working. Basically ALL machines (airplanes, cars, computers, phones...) that rely on electricity or fuel oils WILL stop working. (Swords, bow and arrow, horsebackriding will work).
I want to play out what this is going to do to mankind. Basically this means a complete breakdown of everything we know. No electronic money. No "firms", no companies, the entire system of capitalism will be gone. You don't go to work any longer, you can't go to the supermarket, you can't drive anywhere. You have to walk, or to ride a horse. You cant simply buy food, you have to hunt it or grow it.
It's a slow change however. At first technical stuff will come back to live eventually. But it's not going to work for longer and longer periods. Of course you will be able to go to the supermarket for a while. And of course the day where you can raid the supermarket will come... but you WILL have to find another solution.
And while you have to struggle with all this, all kind of mystical creatures run around, making things worse and worse. Dragons, orcs, elves, the erl-king and his wylde hunt...
Of course there are "good" creatures... but most of them have their own motivations. The beautiful elven prince, gifting the girl with food.... mhm. Yeah. You do NOT eat in otherland.... because you fall into slavery with the one who gave you the food then. The demi-god killing the dragon - because he needs admiration from people in order to survive.
I would like to rp with main characters and a lot of NPCs. I want group dynamics. I would like to play among a "neutral/good" group of people. People that try to form a new civilisation with new rules established.
I'd like that group to have a LOT of adventures. Meeting a group of cast-outs, that basically rob and plunder, because there's no authorities to stop them. Hiding from mystical enemies.... etc. etc.
This story needs a LOT of plot... but this one can be heavy on smut.
Any kinds of smut. Erl-king and the wylde hunt finding a group of women for themselves... human "good group" members and their affairs and romances.... so... here's room for a lot. From dub-con mystical hunter creatures casting their spell on human females to kinky romance... everything goes!

*grins* triggered by my own most recent ramblings.... "Emotion" is such a beautiful theme to play with. I've spend ages reading novels and watching movies about that theme. "Equilibrium" comes to mind. Ironically a trashy "sexy" novel, "The Iron Sea" by Meljean Brooks as well. Those are just the two most prominent examples inside my head. "The Giver" is another one.
All these stories have a common theme. "What happens if mankind is stripped of emotions, and more importantly: What happens when they REGAIN these emotions?".
I want to play that.
I have basic settings that I'd like in place:
  • There's been a war. After this war it has been decided that mankind needs to be stripped of their emotions to avoid another war at all cost.
  • This leads to a peaceful, albeit "militaristic" society structure
  • Mankind without emotion -does- create a peaceful world. There's no greed, no jealousy.... crimes basically are forgotten. Mankind has reached an utopian stage. No money. No crimes. Everybody is "content", contributing to the greater good of society
  • There is a rebellion against this. Individuals manage to get their emotions back, and realize how much mankind has lost with them
  • I want to work towards a crash of the system. I want to play out both the way to the crash and the dramas on the way, as well as... what happens if people that have never felt love, hate, passion, anger, greed suddenly FEEL all of it. No filters.
  • I want the utopian society to have been in place for a longer while. Like... two generations maybe. So that nobody really remembers having had emotions. The first generation would have parents who remember how it has been like to feel. The second grandparents.... i want the generation after that.
While the first gen seems fun and conflict to play too (you remember you loved that woman, you just can't feel it any longer. Would you be "depressed", not feeling anything for her any longer? No love? No lust? how would you keep a society with no emotion at all motivated?) I aim for the rebellion with this game.

I am open to a variety of settings. Dystopian future with fancy technical gears? Steampunk world with people infected with nanites that control their emotions? Im open for suggestions here.

The story would start with one of our characters being "rescued" by the other. "Awakening" to the wonders of love and hate, of greed and fear and guilt and shame and lust and passion. And go on from there.

Smut heavy

Do you expect well thought out stories here? Sorry. This is more... pairings that turn me on, can be a certain scenario, or a certain picture even.

Is it a monster - coming over the hills
Take any generic ancient civilisation. Greek, roman, egyptian... i don't care much.... every year a virgin as to be offered to the gods as a victim, so the gods stay happy with the civilisation.
But by "victim" I do not mean "kill her off" but: Young women really WANT to be that victim. They are chosen. Trained. Handpicked. They have spent their entire life being prepared to be said victim.
They are thrown into a maze (labyrinth, dungeon, cave, whatever) with a mystical creature (centaur, dragon, minotaur... whatever) to be fucked. It's the virgin's sexual energy that nourishes the hunger of the gods.
I don't want much more story with this. I want... sex. A lot of it. With a monster that doesn't have any other motivation than to elicit the utmost intensity of sexual desire out of the victim.
I want forced orgasms with this one. Rough sex, anal, oral, vaginal, titfucks, lots and lots of cum.... i want huge cocks, and I want no guilt, no regret, no whatsoevers. No moral conflicts. Just a girl that has been prepared her entire life to -finally- have the living shit fucked out of her.
This is a one shot and its short term.

Impress the empress
We are in Rome. You are a gladiator. I am the empress. I summon you for my sexual desires. We fuck. It's that easy. *grins* Noble girl vs lowly slave. No. I wont dominate you. I might have you chained down in order to get my will, but that depends on you. I -want- a battle of wills. I don't want you to submit. I want all the anger and wrath and animalistic instinct of a Man that did not have a woman in a LONG time, a Man enslaved and angry. A gladiator. Someone who knows his life could end every day. He lives for the fight and the glory.

We really shouldn't be doing this - but damn, it feels so good!
Self explaining, isn't it? This is consensual. Both participants WANT the sex. But... they really shouldn't be doing this. Professor/student, Boss/employee, Roommates, Best friends... any pairing that has a: "Hey come on... we REALLY shouldnt... but damn its SO good!"

The Game
Linda leads a normal life. Until she finds an envelope with her name on it. "If you want to play, come to the old church at midnight. This is your reward yoru reading, you will get a better reward with each stage of the game!". Inside the envelope is a 20 dollar bill. She goes there, finds the next envelope and so on. The reward doubles with each envelope... but the her tasks in the game get harder and harder. It starts with: "Flash your boobs" and gets completely dirty in the end. I have quite a few ideas for tasks, but... eh. I want somebody with ideas of their own. I can play this against myself if you don't want to come up with increasingly dirty ideas.

Just some pictures that I want to play scenes around - NSFW!
Attention: These are ALL one shots. Shortterm. Just some quick, dirty fun!

Oral joys
Oral fun 2
Classroom fun
Against the window *** mhm. I really wanna do this!
Threesome MMF

If you've made it this far - congratulations! And thank you for your kind attention.
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