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New School, New Manager, New... Crush? (Cryptogram & wiki234)


Jan 19, 2018
Maki Nishikino had faced many problems when she moved schools. It couldn't be helped, she had needed to move due to her parents' work. But while she'd had to say goodbye to old friends and settle into a new school all over again, she was partially looking forward to a fresh start. While she was no longer part of her idol group, she was ready to embark upon a solo career. She'd spend her last years of high school preparing for that life.

And so, while the new school was unfamiliar, and even intimidating given it had mixed genders unlike her previous all-girls school, Maki found solace in the familiar. The school had a music room with a piano, and she spent much of her free time during breaks and between classes hanging out there, singing and playing the piano. There was hardly anyone else ever in the room, the school didn't have much of a music or singing scene. She was too reserved to easily make friends, let alone try for romance, and so she focused on her music to keep herself busy.

And so Maki sat alone - at least, as far as she knew - singing a bit of a sad song with matching melody. Her already exceptional voice had only improved over time, and it was a great shame for her to have no audience, even though she was only just practicing.
Haruki katsukami a regular old boy living the typical and busy school life just as any other guy would but if course unlike them having to not deal with as much social issues as mostly everyone else mostly tending to be alone but actually working better that way for now until his somewhat long experience of knowing how the busy life of an idol really worked behind the scenes. Some would say he would have a natural leadership talent as well, which was true being the leader when it came to a school project and having to do the more difficult job of managing everything.

High school had given him many things he didn't think he would ever be able to find and grow in himself but in the end just as time changes and people adapted then so did he and eventually even haruki was good at it. With a tired sigh it seemed that he was lucky to finally have some time to be his usually lonely self which was of course fine that he could do anything he wanted now as with that he would decide to test his hidden talent with the piano in the music room as he was even lucky to go there when no one was there themselves.

Eventually heading up the steps and ignoring everything around him as his legs to him to the destination he slowly opened the door before falling back on the ground in surprise to see someone else using it.
Maki stood up in shock as someone else barged in? The piano making a sharp clatter of noise as she fumbled on the keys. She noticed the intruder on the floor, and recognised it was one of her classmates. Coming to a school with boys, she had naturally sized them up, but found few attractive ones in her classes. This was one of the few.

"I-Idiot." She said, going over to grudgingly help him up. "Why are you so shocked, couldn't you hear me playing before you came in?" Maki blushed and looked away as soon as the words left her mouth, realizing that someone might have heard her playing. It felt very personal when she was just practicing, unlike in actual performances.

She realised he must have come to use the music room too, and was intrigued. "So, do you play music too or something? I mean, I just want to know in case I have to share the room, that's all." Definitely, she wasn't interested in making a friend or anything like that.
" s-sorry!!" Of course quickly giving an apology as he stood back up when she helped him, his messy hair covering his face for a moment before brushing it off to the side. " yeah but when your so tired you feel like a zombie ignoring all the obvious sounds and things around you, just snapped out of it right now..." giving an embarrassed chuckle.

" yeah, and it seems we both have something in common to having the piano..." smiling a bit as he slowly walked past her to sit down and play something with a slow and casual tone so he could show her that he really did before eventually stopping and stretching when he was done.
Maki was surprised this boy - Haruki, she remembered his name was - had some talent on the piano. "Not bad." Was the most compliment she gave him though.

She felt a bit competitive, and walked over next to him, playing a quick advanced piece on one side of the piano. "I used to be a school idol." She said, something of a sad look on her face, "So I got used to practicing hard. I still spend a lot of time in this room practicing now."

Feeling a bit too exposed now, she turned away quickly and walked over to look out the window. "I guess we can share since you seem to be serious about playing."
" oh....well that's really cool, wish I knew you guys before then and I wouldn't mind listening to some of your songs you did with your friends sometime maybe..." giving an offer as he felt a bit uneasiness seeing her suddenly sad. " so of course you miss them a lot working together in a group like that and they aren't your friends but more like family and I know how hard it is to have to do that, really sucks a lot." Slowly he turned on the seat to face her as he crossed his arms before speaking again, " I just mostly play it casually, and I don't mind sharing at all I think it would be cool to see what kinds of music both of us play the best and maybe little competitions.."

Offering as haruki eventually stood up and walked to stand next to her, " if I can I would like to be your friend to help you out with anything when you need it if that's fine..."
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