Amber's Assorted Erotic Vignettes (FxM)


Feb 4, 2018
~ Introduction & Awful Sense of Humour ~

Hi. I'm Amber, and I'm just going leaf a few prompts here. Get it? Leaf? Eh? Eh?

Okay, so we're not off to a great start... I'm going to go out on a limb here and say it'd be best if I got to the root of why I'm here. I'm looking for talented writers with whom to pen an assortment of erotic vignettes. I mostly enjoy writing cis- or trans-gendered female characters, usually opposite male characters, but I'm certainly not opposed to some sapphic sensuality. I value partners who enjoy detailing the world around their characters, as opposed to focusing solely on what he or she is doing, thinking, feeling, or saying. Other important attributes in my ideal partner include an appreciation of continuity and fidelity in a scene, believable character role-playing, and a flair for fluid, detail-oriented writing.

Note: If you are a solely reactive role-player who is not comfortable reading a scene and recognising when to move the story forward, you are not the partner I'm looking for.​

~ Ons & Offs ~

I'd like to think I'm open to most kinks, but no doubt you'll pick up on my favourites as you browse my prompts. That being said, I prefer for my stories to be character-driven rather than kink-driven, so for now I will abstain from listing my turn-ons, and instead tell you what I'm not into. Please click below to find out.​

  • Animals – I can't really imagine a scene/story where I would be into this.
  • Blood – I don't mind blood in and of itself (I'd even say it complements a scene/story based around vampires and/or violence), but I have no appreciation for blood as a kink.
  • Feet – I don't mind the detailing of feet, or minor references to the touching of feet, but excessive focus on them (or indeed the worshipping of them) is a turn-off.
  • Incest – I may change my tune on this if the story is good, but in general I have little interest in incest.
  • Vomit – Again, I don't mind references to vomit where appropriate, but vomit as a kink is another turn-off.

~ Posting Preferences ~

I prefer to play by forum posts, but will play by PM if my partner seems too good to turn down. I'm very much a fan of quality over quantity, and as such I don't expect my partners to be able to reply every day. If they can, great! I cannot, but I should be able to reply most days of the week. Depending on how many stories I'm working on at a given time, this could mean that I reply to you almost every day, or just couple of times a week. In return, it would be nice if you could also post at least twice a week. There is a golden rule that applies to both you and I: real life comes first!

~ Picture Prompts ~

[img=200x296 align=right][/img]Friend-Blown..ed OPEN
(FxM) Oral sex.

MC: Michelle Christensen, 16.

YC: Michelle's oldest friend, 16(–18).

Setting: High school.

Synopsis: Michelle and YC have been friends for as long as they can remember—literally. Their mothers have been best friends since their high school days. They acted as maid of honour at each other's weddings, and even became pregnant around the same time. Michelle and YC were born within a few months of each other . They grew up together, went to school together, and are amongst the few individuals at school who can honestly claim to have a best friend of the opposite gender.

A shy, unassuming girl, Michelle has only recently started dating, and one night (after some cajoling, admittedly) she confides in YC that she's nervous about going down on her new boyfriend. She's never done it before, and she's desperately afraid that she'll disappoint him. As always, YC has the answer...

What are friends for, right? I'm looking for someone to play the role of Michelle's best friend. I know this is probably a clichéd prompt, but with a little attention to detail we should be able to craft a realistic story that recaptures the naïveté of youth. The prompt itself is written two characters of the same age, but I'm also open to YC being a couple of years older than Michelle.​


[img=200x250 align=left][/img]Three's Allowed TAKEN[img=200x250 align=right][/img]
(FFxM) Sex, sex, and more sex.

MCs: Sabrina Lane (left), 24, Elsie Howell (right), 21.

YC: Sabrina's boyfriend, 24–34.

Setting: Private villa.

Synopsis: YC has been dating Sabrina for close to three years now, and the couple enjoy a loving, open relationship. Not an open relationship, mind, but a loving, open relationship. YC's free to share his hopes and dreams as much as his fears and most intimate feelings, and Sabrina's free to do the same. Along the way, numerous ideas have been floated for the future. The prospect of moving in together was discussed long before it ever happened, and marriage—though rarely discussed—seems almost inevitable. Even the topic of children has been broached, though that has been put firmly on the back burner. One subject whose realisation may be more imminent is that of inviting a third party into bed, albeit only for a night. Well... a night here, a night there...

"Elsie?" Sabrina asked, after her friend from university invited the couple to spend a week at her parents' seaside villa in Faro. "I mean... Yeah, she's gorgeous. Why? Do you like her?"

It was teasing, of course. Everyone likes Elsie. She's as flirtatious as Sabrina is geeky, and possessed of a sharp, dry wit, and a body to die for. Sabrina said she'd bring it up with her, but by the time the trio board the plane and set out for the south of Portugal, she's yet to find the words. Still, nothing loosens the tongue like sun and sand, and strawberry daiquiris by the pool.​


[img=200x268 align=right][/img]
Tinder's Keepers TAKEN
(FxM) Oral sex, public, maybe more.

MC: Anna Smeets, 18.

YC: An attractive Tinder-user, >22.

Setting: A university town/city.

Synopsis: If Yelp did Tinder reviews, the words "she's a keeper" would be quick to appear below Anna Smeets' name. Ironically, nobody's managed to keep her just yet, and the college freshman has little desire to be kept. Just shy of her nineteenth birthday, she has – if you'll pardon the pun – developed a taste for no-strings-attached fun with attractive strangers, and Tinder is just the place for her to get her fill.

A very simple plot, I think you'll agree, but one with plenty of room for creativity. I haven't placed many restrictions on who YC is, and I'm very, very open into spinning this out into something more, or making it a small part of a grander story—if you should wish to do so.​

~ Personalised Prompts ~

Fake a Wish: Mound Nation OPEN
(FxM, Fx2M) or (TFxM, TFx2M)

MC: A Redditor of your choosing. She could be a real Reddit-user, or simply a minor internet celebrity (e.g. an ASMR artist, YouTuber, or amateur porn 'star') who might turn up at a Reddit meet-up.

YCs: Two friends, 20–40.

Setting: Reddit meet-up.

Synopsis: Those of us who frequent will be familiar with the feel-good tales that often rise to the front page; injured animals are rescued and nursed back to health, strangers go out of their way to make another stranger's day, and everyday heroes rejoice at having overcome their own personal demons. One heartwarming post even told of how a beautiful, everyday soul—upon learning that his best friend had but a year to live—quit his job in order to ensure that his friend's last year was lived to the fullest. The duo wrote up a bucket list, and set out to check off each and every item on that list.

Of course, for every noble endeavour, the world sees an opposing act of charlatanism. Whether it was arrived at capriciously or maliciously, a decision was made by YCs to post their own heartwarming tale of vivacity in the face of mortality. The only difference is this: their tale is a ruse, but at a Reddit meet-up, who's to know? And wouldn't it be grand if maybe, just maybe, some beautiful Redditor would take pity on the beleaguered, or be so enamoured with their tale that she might sleep with one or both of the conspirators?

This story could be a lot of fun, but it could also be ruined if it's not well played out. I'd really, really like it to seem realistic, and for the characters to be believable in their actions and motivations.​
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