Seeking intensity, you choose how much (F x M)


Sep 21, 2013
United States
Hey, so, it's been a while, and I don't quite remember how to set up a good request thread, haha.

Okaaay, I've got two real cravings right now. I going to start with the tame(r) part and move to the crossing into the dark side afterwards.

1. I'm thinking something 50/50 between story and the sexy stuff, I want something that holds intensity, chemistry, teasing, and passion. This means I need someone who is literate, someone who can handle depth of character and emotions and not just the surface conversation and actions. I'm not talking am essay at a time, a couple paragraphs is all I ask for, I typically do between 1 and 3 depending on the scene and how much information I have to go off of. Granted, I can go overboard and write more than 3,but that's not too often. That being said, I can do a multitude of different pairings, as long as I'm the more.. Submissive of the two. Now when I say submissive, I feel the... intensity grows (at least for me) when I have a strong willed character. When you have two characters who can stand their ground, things get heated. It's great. So be prepared for my "more submissive" character to be a bit of a brat at least at times. If this interests you and you have a pairing in mind or that you like, run it by me and we can brainstorm the plot together. I'm great at coming up with ideas. If not, I'll get a list of pairings to run by you.

2. Okay, this idea is pretty much strictly sexual. I want to *try* a rape scene I think. Now, I haven't done this, so it's stretching my boundaries a little, which I want to try. And I'm not talking about blackmail, I'm talking physical overpowering. I have an idea or two, I can come up with more, but because this is an interest I haven't expressed before, I hope you don't mind that I'm waiting till we message in private.

I hope this is enough information, please feel free to message me and ask questions!
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