Looking for M X F


Feb 6, 2016
As the title suggests, I am looking for active female roleplayers to keep a story going through PMs.

My interests are:
Supernatural(Vampires, Werewolves etc)
Dom x Sub
Multiple partners(FxFxM)
Foot play(Licking, kissing, sucking etc)

Pairings that I would be interested in:
Angel x Demon
Boss x Maid
Furry x Furry
Brother x Sister
Father x Daughter
Mother x Son

I'm open to more pairings, but I want to hear your interests.

Anime that I would be interested in roleplaying:
Demon Slayer OC x OC.

Any others that I could research or watch quickly to get an idea of the universe, I'm open to, just give me time.

I need story, I need romance, I need sex, and I need activity. I usually post at least twice in the evenings after work, more on the weekends and I would like it if you could match, or exceed me on that. At least a few paragraphs would make me happy. It doesn't have to be perfect grammar and spelling, but it helps ^^

If we start a story, please don't just drop it and not tell me. Have the courtesy to tell me that you're unable to reply, or that you've lost interest. I'd appreciate it, and not hold my breath every time I check my inbox.

Please send me a PM with any interests that you may have, and let's write a story together!
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