Mad Alice's Journal

Apr 26, 2017
This is essentially a thread to keep character profiles, jot down plot ideas, maybe a few backgrounds, or histories. Anything I basically don't want to forget and keep condensed in one spot. If you end up reading and enjoying them, fabulous. If not, well that's okay too, because the point of this journal is for me to keep things here. Whether it gets read or not is no skin off my nose.

With that being said if anyone does happen to browse my thread, happy reading.
Name: Willow
Age: 17
Height: 5’1
Weight: 100lbs
Race: Skinwalker
Class: Hunter
Gender: Female
Weapon of Choice: Longbow
Secondary Weapon: Quarterstaff
Personality Traits: Willow is a young woman, with a young woman’s fanciful thoughts. She is given to daydreaming and secret thoughts of love and romance she could never share with her Master. Growing up virtually in the wild she hasn’t had much chance to socialize, so she tends to be quiet and shy. After a time she will open up, exposing a young woman who is fairly friendly and a secret romantic. Growing up reading various myths, legends, and stories out of the collection of books her Master had, Willow harbored thoughts of romance for herself. Though, she wouldn’t know what to do if it ever happened. Around men she finds attractive she becomes overly shy, blushing furiously, and finds she can’t find her tongue.
She treats her companion, the ever noble Ser Verdant, with especial fondness. The vine leshy and his Noble Steed are her family, one of the few parts of her Master she has left. Along with her bow, taken with her after his death. She has since come to the realization that it is time to see the world and to find a new place where she can belong. She liked to view life as an adventure. Taking joy in the little things, a birds song, going on quests with Ser Verdant, cooking a delicious meal, reading her favorite stories.
Till the time she was around five Willow grew up in a small tribe of Skinwalkers. Being so small they were a tight knit community with children being cared for communally. Being one of the few children at the time Willow was especially doted upon. Shortly after her fifth birthday their community was attacked by a large group of slayers. They set fire to the buildings in the middle of the night. When Willow’s mother comprehended what was happening she sent the young girl away, smuggling her out the back window. Willow sought refuge in the dense foliage around the cluster of homes. It was merely luck and smoke that kept the young girl from being seen. The carnage that night would leave its lasting imprints on her nightmares, her past never something she could quite remember in the morning light.
She was found and raised by her Druid Master Fizzburn, a gnome. He taught her all the ways of the wood. How to move stealthily through the trees, to read the soil, identify the plants, and how to find food from the natural selection they had around them.
Going into town was a very uncommon occurrence. It happened at most once a month, if even. Between visits Willow would collect things she could try and sell, such as various herbs uncommon in the area and animal pelts. What she earned she sometimes used to buy a book, one with some new adventures and sweet romances. These she would share with Ser Verdant, the two play acting the adventures in the stories or creating quests of their own. Often their Master would join them on their escapades.
It was around the time she turned sixteen that Noble Steed joined the small family. He was rescued from some poaches by the Druid and his student. Afterwards Ser Verdant and Steed developed a close bond. Within a few months of his rescue Master Fizzburn was killed. Willow and Ser Verdant had come upon his body is a devastated clearing. There were no tracks leading away. There was no clear evidence of what had happened, only the gun shot wound that showed this was a murder. Someone had done this. Needing to know who had killed her beloved Master, Willow and her two companions, Ser Verdant and Noble Steed, set forth to find the truth.
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