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Fate/Grand Order Role-play

That Guy

Apr 29, 2010
I don’t typically make requests of my own. Usually I just search for requests by others that match my interests at the time. There’s a first time for everything though I suppose. A recent role-play I was involved in concluded. So, I have another slot open so to speak and figured I’d actually make a request of my own for once.

As the title implies I’d like to role-play a story revolving around Fate/Grand Order, or the Fate franchise in general. I’m not going to go on and on with the details here. I do have some rough draft ideas regarding plots and scenarios which I’ll list below.

Scenario 1
Chaldea is experiencing issues with its systems that help provide mana to existing Servants. Unfortunately this mechanical abnormality does not have a simple solution and the missions to clear out remnants from old Singularities cannot be put on hold. The Servants will still have to accompany their Master into danger but in order to refuel their mana supply they will have to seek alternate methods of getting it...

This scenario could include combat as part of the story in addition to more in depth plot points. The “alternate method” of gathering mana should be obvious for anyone who is familiar with the source material, and while it would serve to cement the more erotic sides of the story it wouldn’t necessarily be the prime focus. This wouldn’t demand the playing of more than one character at a time per se, but doesn’t exclude the possibility either. It’s a scenario that has room for a lot more than just sex, and can include drama and other, possibly darker, elements that come along with Chaldea’s missions.

Scenario 2
For unknown reasons the female Servants of Chaldea have been acting a bit strange lately. They seem to be competing for their Master’s attention. Whenever asked who is his favorite he never answers and dodges the question. This causes the girls to make a wager amongst themselves on who can win him over and become the favorite. Each Servant is given a certain timeframe to work with before the next one’s turn. They can’t reveal anything about the wager to him though. Things start off simple enough, with gifts and dates being the go-to actions. However as time begins to run out they resort to more erotic approaches in a last ditch effort to make a lasting impression.

This scenario is more lighthearted and isn’t to be taken too seriously. It has room for more eroticism than the first. It is a bit more reliant on you taking the initiative with the direction of the scenes though. So if that isn’t your thing, but you still want a similar setting, perhaps the third scenario would be more appropriate.

Scenario 3
Ritsuka becomes possessed/tasked, by an unknown entity, to both discover and exploit the sexual preferences of his female Servants, even if he has to use Command Seals to do it.

This scenario is similar to the second but would involve me handling most of the direction for scenes aside from what’s discussed beforehand for each Servant. It is loosely based on the Secret Garden concept from Fate/Extra CCC where unlocking parts of it would reveal a character’s secrets, even if they didn’t want them to be known. This would explore the more erotic kind of secrets obviously. As far as the plot itself it could be altered in any number of ways. It could be a lighthearted story where the Servants are reluctant at first to open up to such desires but eventually give in and love it. It could also have darker tones to it though if that’s something you’re interested in, such as the Servants being forced via Command Seals to engage in acts they don’t really want to.

All of these scenarios are subject to change. They can be mixed and matched, or details added or tweaked. I’m open to suggestions.

- I’m looking for females to play mainly female characters.
- Knowledge of the game/series along with its characters and lore is desired.
- No one is perfect but fair grammar and spelling are reasonable expectations I believe.
- I’d prefer my partner to have the ability to play multiple characters, as both of us will likely be doing so.
- Post length isn’t all that important to me so long as enough information is conveyed to progress the scenario. With that being said I’ve found that less than a paragraph most often cannot accomplish that.
- I prefer to role-play over this site’s PM. It’s just easier for me to keep track of things. I rarely role-play elsewhere.
- Obviously sexual encounters are a given but I intend for there to be more to the story than just that. Kinks and such can likewise be discussed later.

So that’s basically it. I wanted to keep it as short and to the point as possible. Please send me a private message if you’re interested, and just for the fun of it include the name of your favorite Servant.
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