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A New Me, A New Request Thread!


Jan 14, 2014
Okay not really a new me per say, but I wanted to do a slight revamp of my ancient request thread. Not much has really changed, but I thought I should change a thing here and there. So, here it is!

Why, hello there. I'm glad you stumbled across my little request thread. I'll have you know these threads are few and far between, as I rarely create them, and I rarely update them. But for as long as this exists, I welcome thee!

A little about myself. My name is David, although you can call me what you wish. Davey, David, Dave, TicTac, Tic, Tac, the list goes on. I really don't care. Whatever floats your boat! I've been on and off again with RPs for a couple years now, due to four house moves in a year and multiple jobs with unstable hours. So if I was in an RP with you and I just kind of vanished...


But back to the goodies! I enjoy fantasy settings, modern settings, and sci-fi settings. I don't particularly prefer any one over another, so I'm open to any of them equally. I currently do not have any set in stone plots, or any plots whatsoever, so I will be giving some generic pairings. Please, let me know if any of them interests you, or if you have your own, I'd love to hear it!

(Also if you have a plot idea, bonus points to you boo boo)

Fantasy: (My character is always on the left for future reference)
Knight x Princess
Knight x Squire
Knight x Knight
King x Subject
Prince x Princess
Dragon x Human
Fantasy Creature x Human
Fantasy Creature x Fantasy Creature
Human x Fantasy Creature
Assassin x Target
Assassin x Informant
Assassin x Assassin

Demon x Angel
Demon x Demon
Angel x Demon
Angel x Angel
More...slice of lifey stuff. I've kind of opened up to the idea of more calm and subtle stories than before.

Space exploration
Different planets
Etc. (It's really hard to put pairings for sci-fi as so much is possible)


Genre: Sci-Fi
For many years (To Be Determined how many), mankind has been exploring space, cracking into planets for the delicious minerals hidden within them. Occasionally, a ship or two needs general maintenance. Generally, that kind of work can be handled by the crew on the ship. But what happens when that crew no longer exists? Did they all just...leave? Or are they...? Oh god... Our characters can either be a part of a team sent in, or they can both be lone maintenance members sent in, or one can be an outsider sent to see what happened and one can be a survivor. Up to discussion!

Genre: Modern with a slight touch of futuristic
He used to be on top of the world. Big Benny, the King of The Ring, that's what they called him. He had it all, the world's most successful professional fighter. That is, until the Association decided to legalize the use of body enhancements and augmentations. Benjamin Steele refused to use them, believing he was superior to any man and any man enhanced through technology. Sadly, he was wrong, and when he lost his title and subsequent fights, he also lost his wife, his home, and his management team. He fell into obscurity.

Fast forward a few years, and he still trains alone in his home. A rookie manager approaches him, telling him that he would like to get him back into the sport, and back to the top. He promises that he will not force augmentations on him, then tells him that he will be training and living with a "life coach" (YC). Benjamin is unsure at first, but reluctantly agrees. As much as he doesn't like the idea, he'll do anything to get to the top. Hopefully his coach has the same goal in mind. Or perhaps she has...other motivation.

Sooo...yeah! Just throw a message my way! I don't bite, and even if I don't feel up to your ideas, I can be all nice and stuff. I promise.

Oh! And an F-List for you! Lookie! Click me Click me! DO IT!

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