Be the Master? (Pregnancy and masterxslave) - Looking to RP tonight!


Dec 23, 2013
Hello! I've got a very specific theme that I want to roleplay and am really looking for something to pick up and write a lot with tonight. Specifically I want to do something with my character becoming pregnant and going through transformation (specifically an animal transformation). I have quite a few ideas which can be found on here: Beep~

Biggest cravings, though, is that I really want to do a girl who becomes RAPIDLY pregnant (in size, too) and the guy who is her master/owner in this scenario. I have quite a few ideas of how to do this, such as someone performing a scientific experiment on her for his own pleasure. I am NOT looking for transformation right now. Only rapid pregnancy and the slight breast expansion that comes with it.

A few guidelines:

■ I want to post a lot tonight and I mean A LOT. I'll also be around all of tomorrow, too.
■ 1 paragraph to help with speed (or more if you want)
■ 70% PLOT & 30% (or less), SMUT. Plot is the most important to me. I'm not here to just write sex; I want to create a story even if it's short tonight.
■ MxF preferred, willing to try FxF as there isn't romance between the two characters.
■ No god-modding. If you don't know what this is, it means no controlling my character or having them do anything without my permission.
■ I'd love if you'd write her changes for me. Not a big thing I'll budge on, sorry!
■ PMs only!

If interested, please let me know!
RE: Be the Master? (Transformation, preg, master x pet) - Looking for short term

Back to look again! Let me know if you're interested.
RE: Be the Master? (Transformation, preg, master x pet) - Looking for short term

Still looking for partners! Please message me if interested. :)
Still looking for some roleplays! If you're interested please PM me so we can discuss.
Still searching! Open to other pregnancy ideas, too, as long as it involves rapid pregnancy.
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