I want you and I need you...To Write with Me!!!


Feb 2, 2018
In a Duplex
Hi there!! I am seeking a long-term partner....

At the moment I am seeking one or two stories to get my feet wet. I am not new to role playing and enjoy writing as a hobby. I am not published nor am I entertaining ideas to become published. I am seeking a partner that can post at least once or twice a week; can communicate with me; can be honest with me if they feel the story is waning on their end; and, a partner that can match me be it a one or two paragraphs to four and beyond.

I realize that the imagination can only go so far, and I respect and appreciate that. I am not looking for pages and pages. However, I am looking for a partner whose response will generate and keep my muse longing for more.

Gender is not important to me; plotting --- communicating --- and writing are!

ABSOLUTELY: Romance; Drama; Writing as a Male; Historical and Historical Romance; Celtic; Norse or Vikings; Fae, specifically the Tuatha Dé Danann; Medieval; Modern; Fantasy; Kidnapping and Slavery. LIGHT BDSM. Horror; Science Fiction; Vampies/Werewolves; Kissing; Petting; Teasing; Flirting; Make-up Sex; Sexual tension; Surprises; Scratching

MAYBE: Fandom’s (I think)

DON’T EVEN ASK: Squirting; Breast/Nipple Torture; Scat/Piss; Extreme Torture; Snuff; Bestiality of any kind; Tentacles; Furries; Any type of Body Modification; Pregnancy/Impregnation; Canons; Age Play; Incest; God modding; Any DC Comic character (I will never be Wonder Woman); FxF; Gore; Vore; Bathroom Play; Watersports; Underage of ANY form;

The Last Tribe


What if, deep in the mountainous and green forests of Wyoming, specifically a place known as the Oxbow, a tribe of Indians still thrived? A tribe of Indians that no one knew still existed; a tribe that still spoke their native language and dressed as they had during the 1800’s. And what if three convicts from the State Penitentiary had escaped and got lost in the Oxbow? Wouldn't the real question be, did they really get lost? Or did this lost tribe of Indians, a Cheyenne tribe, find them?
Suppose the local Sheriff hired this bounty hunter to go after the convicts? And suppose said bounty hunter, while out looking for the three convicts, happened to come across some of the Cheyenne Warriors? Which in turn prompted said bounty hunter to seek out an expert on the Cheyenne.

The bounty hunter (YC) invites the expert (MC) on an expedition to find this tribe. What happens if they do? Will they keep them hidden? After all, this same tribe has remained untouched by discovery until now?

Elements I’d like to see are: A smattering of suspense and drama; comedy and romance. Pure vanilla romance. No kinks; just a romance. This is based on the movie “Last of the Dogmen” that starred Tom Berenger. This could most definitely be a long term adventure.

The Barbarian's Oracle


There is a battle being waged between two Kingdoms. One wants revenge for the theft of their Oracle. An Oracle that has the power to predict; the power to foresee the future.

YC would be the Kingdom that has stolen her; and whereas before MC had been kept hidden and locked away, in this new place of places. A new land even, she is given the freedom to go where she will. There were two conditions however, that YC made MC give… these can be discussed as well as other potential ideas.

Elements I’d like to see: Drama; this has the potential of being non-con as well as delving into the dark side.

The Devil's Rapture


A big city set in modern day. YC is the owner of a “Gentlemen’s Lounge”; a Lounge that is Members Only. It’s also a club that specializes in every aspect and nuance of BDSM.

Let’s say a friend of MC has encouraged her to come with her – of course, permission is needed by the owner (YC); Any submissive without a Dominant are required by the rules of the House to be available to those Dominant’s without a submissive. However, since it will be MC’s first time in such a place, it will be the Owner’s responsibiIity to explain and show her what transpires behind closed doors.

The question is, will YC and MC hit it off instantly? Will MC intrigue YC to the point that his attention is given solely to her? And when the evening ends, will YC insist that they see each other again?

Elements I’d like to see: BDSM (light; spankings; blindfolds; etc.); a wee bit of drama; and a wee bit of comedy added to the mix.

The Price of Freedom

It’s the lure of power and money. More so the power. YC is part of a Texas family that deals in gunrunning. Lucrative; dangerous… perhaps it’s the thrill of not getting caught. Or perhaps it’s the fact that YC is aware he’s been targeted… A rival gang/family? The DEA? Or a client whose boyfriend is a bat-shit crazy con that fears nothing and has nothing to lose?

But there’s a twist…. The con’s girlfriend isn’t really who she claims to be and ends up getting kidnaped by YC. Question is, what is she willing to do, to gain her freedom? And, does she reveal who she really is?

Elements I’d like to see: Drama; suspense; Non-con (nothing extreme… well… that can be discussed!.

Arrangements of the Morrigan


(The Morrígan ("phantom queen") or Mórrígan ("great queen"), also known as Morrígu, is a figure from Irish mythology. The name is spelled Morríghan or Mór-ríoghain in Modern Irish.

The Morrígan is primarily associated with fate, especially with foretelling doom and death in battle. In this role she appears as a crow, flying above the battlefield. The Morrígan has thus been likened to the Valkyries and Norns of Norse mythology. She is also associated with sovereignty, and her connection with cattle may also suggest an association with wealth and the land.)

From what I’ve been able to discover in researching this, The Morrigan are actually three sisters, but for this adventure, there will be only one.

So…. On Samhain, MC has a tryst with the YC before the battle against the Fomorians. When he meets her she is washing herself, standing with one foot on either side of the river Unius. In some sources she is believed to have created the river. After they have sex, the Morrígan promises to summon the magicians of Ireland to cast spells on behalf of the Tuatha Dé, and to destroy Indech, the Fomorian king, taking from him "the blood of his heart and the kidneys of his valour". Later, she would bring two handfuls of his blood and deposit them in the same river.

As battle is about to be joined, the Tuatha Dé leader, Lug, asks each what power they bring to the battle. The Morrígan's reply is difficult to interpret, but involves pursuing, destroying and subduing. When she comes to the battlefield she chants a poem, and immediately the battle breaks and the Fomorians are driven into the sea.

The Morrigan has powerful magic … is she Fae?

This is what I’d like to explore and believe this adventure has the following elements as well as the possibility to go wherever we want it to take us. High fantasy? Yes. Drama and suspense; betrayal; magic… non-con.

The Ballad of Autumn


Devon McCray recently broke up with her boyfriend. The relationship had been tumultuous from the very beginning; more so however, as it drew to an end. An end that had taken four years to do. He had become domineering and possessive and made attempts to prevent her from seeing family or friends. As luck would have it, her boyfriend had also been a member of the Mob.

He enjoyed bragging; he enjoyed letting her know that if she ever left him, that he knew how to make people disappear. However, because he enjoyed bragging, he would tell Devon certain things about the family business that she had no business hearing or, for that matter, knowing. When he gets arrested for racketeering, the FBI arrive at the home they shared and beian a series of questions. Questions that would eventually, and ultimately, convict him. In order to ensure that he remains in prison, Devon will need to testify and in exchange she'll be given a new life... complete with a new name.

This means that she will have to server all ties from friends and family. She agrees to the terms and ends up in Bellows Falls, VT. A stark contrast from where she lived in New York City. The sense of peace and serenity is short lived, when an FBI agent appears on her front door step, informing her that they have it on good authority that her location has been discovered and that a contract has been put on her head.

Elements I'd like to see: Drama; romance; a wee bit of comedy; could be light BDSM (ask).

Once Upon a Dream


Evie Forrester and YC are two people who have both experienced a lack of success in their romantic lives. Both are fed up with dating and have sworn off the whole dating scene. One night, Evie and YC dream of each other, though they’ve never met. Their dreams seem to be quite real, though each know and believe that the dreams aren’t real. This makes both of them even more determined not to date, as no one could live up to their dream partners. Until one day, Evie randomly runs into YC in town and realizes that they are not simply dreaming of someone their subconscious made up, but a living, breathing person. Is fate trying to tell them something?

Elements I’d like to see: Romance; perhaps a bit of ‘super-natural’; Long-term or could be One Shot.

The Loan Shark


Faye Saunders is in a relationship with a man addicted to gambling and is starting to think of ending it. The relationship is strained and her impatience and annoyance with him is growing with each day. Before she can end it and move on, however, his gambling debts get the best of him and the people working for the loan shark start to threaten him. It’s the guilt of seeing him beaten up one day, laying on the floor of his apartment, that makes her take a pause in her plans of breaking up with him. The threats keep coming until it’s clear that bodily harm would come to him if he doesn’t pay up, including a loss of a limb. Neither have enough money to pay back what is owed.

There is one idea she comes up with, and it’s met with some hesitation, yet not enough to talk her out of it. Both go to meet the man in charge, with the offer of Faye lending him her body for a night. If not for the exchange of money, then for a lengthy extension of time to gather the money for payment. The loan shark seems amused, and orders Faye’s boyfriend out of his office so it’s only the two of them. He tells Faye that he’ll accept the terms, remarking that she must love the guy to go through with this. She doesn’t, but even if she hated him, she wouldn’t want him to lose a limb. The two have their night filled with hard, rough sex that is better and more sensual than she thought it would be. After she leaves him, she finds herself thinking and fantasizing about their time together while not saying a word to her boyfriend, even craving for another night like that with the loan shark. The feeling is mutual, it would seem because while out and about and alone she comes upon him again, and he’s been looking for her and they end up kissing and wanting each other over and over again. He’s soft with her and hard in the way she loves, cruel to others and it turns her on sometimes and he’s so much better than her loser of a boyfriend and she doesn’t bother to end things while she’s carrying on with this other man. And she loves it.

Elements I’d like to see: Drama; suspense; dark themed in some ways.

Something Wicked This Way Comes


[Content: Freeform; While I don't view this as being extreme in the beastiality sense, this does have the potential of becoming quite bloody; not so much gore, mind, but enough that the story should be prefaced with content tags.

Scenario: In Briese, which is a coastal city set within Acacia, the winds of fortune are about to change. The port city is a thriving city, and has become a hustling and bustling area that entertains so many diverse peoples that anything can happen and has been known to happen.

However, prior to Reznik coming into power, it was rumored that he had bartered with the evil forces that often dwelled just outside the city limits that lead into the Wastelands, where nothing has been known to survive and crossing the arid and wasted lands is done so at the individual's own peril. If you survived the Wastelands, your journey brought you to the foothills of the Pyrinian Mountains. It was there, that the evil which Reznik bartered with was said to reside.

Setting: This will be a high-fantasy setting. As such, our characters would be at odds with each other from the get-go. I see the other character as being somewhat arrogant and a know-it-all; but I also see them as being helpful to my character. So, with this in mind, the gist of the story is that these two have been ordred by this Reznik to smote the evil which would thus void the barter made.

But, what happens when they discover that the barter was nothing more than the King's imagination? Or, could be that the 'evil' is not so evil after all, but rather a wizard that made the deal if he was left alone and to his own devices? Or, if you have something else in mind, let me know and we'll talk.



Content: To be determined

Scenario: Grandin Industries has always supplied the Government with state-of-the art weaponry. They are a company that is ruthless in gaining high-end contracts and in so doing bring in very lucrative amounts of money. To that end, Grandin Industries employs men and women who will stop at nothing to ensure that their bid for any contract on the market, is awarded to them. But, what happens when an employee of Grandin Industries, is photographed while in the company of an individual that happens to be employed by their competition? More, if the information were made public, would it ultimately destroy the company's image and their integrity?

So, this employee gets in touch with these people that are 'blackmailing' her/him to find out what they want. And it's not company secrets or the contract bid. What they want is the employee to sabotage the company's latest and newest weapon (details can be discussed). How far would this employee go to protect their job; their identity, or, the company itself?

Setting: Modern; this also has the potential of being futuristic.
Did a complete major overhaul and added all new story ideas. Plenty to choose from!!! Please get in touch if any of the above appeal to you and your imagination!!!!
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