I've been gone quite a while after going through some real life stuff, some career changes, and so on. Now I find myself with a lot more free time and was wanting to get back to writing. I have a few ideas and will try to keep this page updated with new ideas as well as marking taken ideas as such. If we've written together in the past feel free to hit me up. I know it's been a while but I had some really great experiences here way back when. OH and if you want to check out whatever my current craving is you can click here, otherwise keep reading!
Okay, let's talk ideas and rules and all of that! So I'm not huge on rules just because I don't want to come across as inflexible but there are some basic rules to keep in mind when considering me as a partner. (I'll try to keep this bit updated as well as needed.)
- I'm open to roleplaying on the forums as well as off. I have discord like most people these days, I'll play in PMs, google docs, and probably other places depending on convenience. Honestly the forum and PMs would be my preference or google docs.
- No one liners please. I don't really have a post length requirement but the more you send me the better of a reply I can craft. It makes for really boring posts when the most I can reply to is a single line of dialog or descriptive text.
- I like to chit chat OOC to plot and plan and even to socialize so don't be weirded out by that. I'm happily married so don't think I'm trying to creep on ya
- Please don't reply to this thread. Even though the free bump is nice I'd rather you just PM me.
- I'm not crazy about anime pictures. I won't be using them, I typically use real actors or models and much prefer the same from my partner. I can cater the look of my character to your preferences a lot of the times too since I want to make sure that it'll fit what you find attractive. There are some exceptions to this such as stories in settings where a real model really can't be found IE Fantasy, some scifi, etc.
- As for plot vs smut I kinda run the gamut and it mostly just depends on my mood and the story idea in question. I've done really plot heavy stories writing nearly two hundred pages on google docs before the first naughtiness occurred and I've done stories where characters having sex in the beginning is the catalyst for the rest of the story as well as everything in between. A lot of my ideas could go either way, really it just depends on my partner. I'm pretty flexible.
- Anything
struck throughis essentially taken but I'm leaving it up to give you an idea of stuff I like so you can pitch an idea that's similar if you're so inclined. - As for kinks, check out my f-list.
- I am not entitled to writing with you. I'll never approach you as though you're obligated to write with me. If we start a story and I don't hear from you after a while I might just ask about the health of our RP. I'm a pretty understanding guy and I get busy myself. If you've lost interest I'm okay with that too. Bummed, but I'm not the guy who's going to be mean about it so feel free to let me know so I can move on.
- This has recently come up and so I'll address it here. I'm uncomfortable with people using pictures of themselves or playing as themselves in stories. I like to maintain a separation between myself and my stories and would want my partner to do the same.
There...I think I covered everything most people talk about. Now for the fun stuff...
Story Ideas & Seeds
I'll break it up by genre. Some ideas are better thought out than others but I do want to hear your thoughts and how you'd like to contribute. Ultimately we both have to have fun, otherwise what's the point?
Nighthawk - Had this idea while looking at the different superhero request threads all over Bluemoon. It's a semi original idea that's sort of a blending of DC's Batman and Marvel's Nighthawk, Spiderman, and Iron Man. I have a million different ideas of how to take a wealthy Elon Musk type who becomes a hero by night and how he interacts with others. I've really been wanting to do something with superheros to sort of show how in between fighting evil and saving the world they go through some of the same real life drama a lot of others go through from dealing with celebrity to typical romantic issues, etc. I'd like to keep things mostly original. I don't have a problem with characters who are heavily inspired by pre-existing characters (which should be obvious) but I do want the freedom of creating our own setting. If you have any interest in building an original superhero setting with me and seeing what sorts of trouble we can get our people into both heroic as well as not so much, PM me!! Inspiration for Nighthawk!- Cyberpunk - There are a lot of cannon settings I'd be willing to write in or even create our own. Be it set on Earth or even in space, I really enjoy this setting quite a bit. I'm even open to doing my Nighthawk ideas in a cyberpunk setting not unlike Batman Beyond. I tend to enjoy playing opposite tough razor girls who don't take shit on the streets but want to be a bit more submissive behind closed doors with the right guy. I love to play hacker types, hardened killers, or even magical types in the cyberpunk fantasy mashups.
Star Trek (Fandom, TNG era) - I would be interested in playing OC's on board the enterprise or even on board a ship of our own creation. Probably junior officers and how their support doing the grunt work allows the ship to function. I feel like there's lots of things that could be played out that could be interesting as well as slice of life or interpersonal relationship based stories. I have a few possible pairings and I'm willing to play a few different races. I have one idea I'm kind of craving right now based on the episode Parallels where Warf gets stuck in a quantum flux and finds out that in an alternate timeline he and Troi are married.
I'd love to do a story with a similar concept where a character goes into a flux and finds out that in an alternate timeline he's actually married to a peer of some sort on the ship. It could go a lot of different directions from there. I like the idea of him testing the waters of the relationship then coming back to his own timeline and using his knowledge of her from the other timeline to seduce her and start a new relationship in his original timeline. I feel like that storyline could be playful, even sweet or it could be played a little more selfish and darker depending on your tastes. I could go either way with it.
Post Apocalyptic
I decided that there are enough ideas for this category that it deserved to be separated from the Sci Fi stuff. Check these ideas out!
- Zombies!!! - This is a popular one thanks to The Walking Dead and something I enjoy writing. I prefer Romero/Walkind Dead type zombies rather than the fancier stuff seen in movies like Resident Evil. That said I do have an idea for something a little different but I'll post that as it's own thing below. One of the fun things about a Zpoc story is that you can pair all sorts of different people together and have lots of unlikely couples fall for each other while surviving. I like trying to write a romance story in the midst of a harsh and gritty lifestyle. I have tons of ideas for different pairings for a zpoc story so if you're at all interested in the setting let me know and we can brainstorm something!
- Biker Chick x Bookworm Type - So the setting for this idea is mostly intended for a zpoc story but could be adjusted to fit other post apocalyptic settings fairly easily. My idea is that it's just before the outbreak that our characters first meet. Your character is a tough biker chick and I'm thinking she could be the president or a ranking officer of the first all female outlaw MC. Right now I'm thinking that they know each other because he's the guy who cooks their books and launders their money, that sort of thing. During a pick up of a large sum of cleaned cash her and a few other members are attacked by another MC thinking they can just rob the ladies and run. It almost works and all the other girls there with your character are wiped out in the shootout. Your character survives because she was wearing a vest but she takes a hard hit that put her down. My character manages to get her out of there before the cops show up and before the other gang can get to her, all without losing the cash. She feels honor bound to protect him since he sorta saved her life and so they hole up in a motel in the middle of no where to hide out until the cops are no longer looking for them. That night, the world crumbles as the outbreak seems to consume the US...LOTS of ideas for this, and really craving it! Looking for someone interested in playing a character who is very tough, capable, and aggressive most of the time but enjoys being submissive with the right lover. My character would be a polar opposite and would be a shy, bookish type most of the time but sexually very aggressive. I would love to build it up too, let them get to know each other more beyond just their roles as two radically different types of criminals before any naughtiness happens. Once they pair up we could have fun seeing what kinds of trouble we could get them in and out of.
- Fallout - I've played all of the games and I'm very familiar with the lore. I could easily play characters from any of the games though I've got some that I'm better at playing than others. Generally I prefer to play OC's but depending on the idea I might be able to help out
I'd be happy to write slice of life type drama in a vault, stories about a couple whose love is forbidden and thus the escape from their vault only to find the harsh world outside, or even stories that take place in some of the cannon locations separate from the actual story lines from the games. Lots of possibilities.
- Rifts - YC would work at a top secret testing facility. She could be a scientist, a billionaire funding the research, a badass guard, whatever you'd like. The facility is doing experiments one weekend when there is a major system failure. People scramble to try and contain it but it all goes to hell and there's an explosion. Your character blacks out in the chaos and wakes up in a forest, seemingly in the middle of no where. What she'll soon discover is that she's been transported to a world where the apocalypse has come and gone. Magic and high technology are all quite real, and this world is a junction for all sorts of rifts into other dimensions. This is based off a table top game but you don't have to be the least big familiar with the setting for this to work. I have ideas for her to meet either a very good guy and it could be turned into a lighter, more heroic story with romance and adventure OR a very bad guy and it could be a darker story of servitude and who knows what else. Lots of ideas so please say something if this sounds remotely interesting.
- Demon world - With this idea I was thinking that YC would be a "Witch" who travels the land with her demon companion fighting monsters. So in this setting the idea would be that a portal opened and all sorts of demonic creatures came pouring out. Our armies and technology did little or nothing to stop them as they had magic on their side. Many communities found ways to fight back by making pacts. A specific type of demon known as the Drok, will give a woman supernatural powers in exchange for access to their bodies. It's sometimes called a marriage and the Witches are often called demon brides as a result. YC would be unique in that her community paired her with a Drok far too late to save themselves and as a result she has become a bit more mercenary, traveling to areas who've not been able to tempt a Drok into helping them. This idea is a blending of fantasy and post apoc and I think could be a lot of fun.
- Desert planet - With this I was thinking of something along the lines of Spec Ops: The Line as far as the look and feel. The idea being that we destroyed the environment and the Earth has become a massive desert planet. People war over what few sources of water they can find. All of this happened about fifteen years ago and our characters would exist in a very harsh world. Things haven't gone full Mad Max yet and there are still plenty of reminders of the old world but there's an entire generation who has grown up with few if any memories of the time before. There's a lot of pairings that could work here and I have some simple, fairly undeveloped ideas and would be open to yours!
- Beloved Pop Star x Shock Rocker - I love pairings like this where opposites attract. So the idea is that your character would be a national treasure. The kind of person that parents actively encourage their daughters to look up to. The kind of person that the media rarely, if ever, has anything bad to say. Maybe she's been single for quite a while or maybe she just got out of relationship, but either way she's single when at the Grammy Awards she runs into my character. He would be a shock rocker in the truest sense, over the top, intentionally provocative, approaching his critics with two middle fingers held high. The thing is that he actually isn't that bad of a guy and was recently in a nasty situation that has him questioning a lot of things. I'm thinking that a nut job tried to shoot him or something like that. Perhaps your character is sympathetic and they're drawn together as a result. Happy to work out the details with the right writer.
- Female Shock Rocker x American Hero (sort of the reverse of the previous idea) - So with this idea a female shock rocker (perhaps something like the Genitorturers or the Plasmatics) who is going through life being hated and worshiped by different groups. The male in this case I was thinking could be a heroic veteran who has been charming enough to really capture the American imagination. I have a bunch of ideas for this as well but it's essentially just a gender swapped version of the previous idea.
- Heiress x Cop - I was thinking that a wealthy heiress could find herself in some sort of danger, hostage situation, robbery, etc and is rescued by a police officer about the same age. At first she just wants to shower him with thank you gifts and invites but quickly finds herself attracted to the man who saved her life. I think this story would be tons of fun with him being a tad reluctant because he values his reputation as a professional and doesn't want to be in the public eye (tabloids, etc). However, the heart wants what the heart wants. How long can he resist?
Mean Girl x Professional Criminal - With this story I imagined the sort of classic mean girl. Pretty, popular, and in control. She'd be going through some issues at school, battling someone for dominance at school when a strange neighbor would move in next door. She would investigate only to figure out that he was part of a crew of professional robbers doing heists of various types. I like the idea of a romance breaking out between them, mostly with her manipulating the situation to use him to get things she wants. Stuff like getting nice things, extra spending cash, maybe even kicking the shit out of someone, etc.- Unpopular kid x mean girl - MC is a dork. His hair is too curly to do anything trendy with and his style of dress is more about comfort than the latest fashion trends. He's on the Quiz Team, president of computer club, and in the National Honors society. He had friends but all were social outcasts like himself. The day that would change his life was a Wednesday in gym class. The girls were on one side of the gym and the boys on the other. It was some sort of fitness thing for the state that they were doing, each going to a different station. Their school had a uniform for gym class and it hadn't been updated since the 80's. The short shorts looked great on the girls but the guys all felt stupid. A jock who was quite sadistic came up behind Jake and yanked his shorts down. The only problem was that he accidentally pulled Jake's underwear down as well. The jock laughed twice as hard, until a gasp ran through the gym. It's revealed that MC is well hung but completely humiliated. YC was easily the most popular girl in school, and easily the most gorgeous. She already had an amazing body that guys were willing to die for. What only a few of the boys in the school knew was that she was a size queen and she, more than any girl on the other side of the gym stared, her mind filling with ideas. The idea is that she will approach him for sex and sex alone. It's her guilty secret not wanting people to know she caved for it. MC agrees figuring it's a consolation prize for being embarrassed like that even though she clearly doesn't care about him. However, over time they both start to fall for each other with her helping him find some style and confidence and he helping her to use her powers for good so to speak lol I know this probably sounds questionable but I do have lots of story related ideas for this despite the prevalence of smut in it.
Orc x Human/Elf - I think almost everyone with a fantasy section has one of these concepts, why should I be different? Actually I really enjoy playing Orcs and like to try and put unique spins on them culturally. There's tons of ways to play this from a conquering warlord, arranged marriage, or even just an orc adventurer falling for the farmer's daughter in the town where he sells his loot.
Though who's to say that he couldn't fall for a strong female adventurer? I'm open to lots of ideas on this one.- Urban Fantasy - This is another one that I have a bunch of different possible ideas for. I've done the popular combination of demons and humans in this setting in a noir detective type story with a female detective turning to something dark to help her solve a crime. I'm also familiar with Anita Blake and that setting and have written a ton in that. Could do our own original take on a character like Anita or something else entirely. I've not read the Harry Potter books but I wouldn't be against doing something in a setting like that but it would have to be original or I'd absolutely get lost.
- Avengers/Justice League but Fantasy - So I thought it might be cool to do a story where we would both play multiple characters who are all champions from their different kingdoms/races/etc. They come together to defend their world from the biggest threats that pop up. These characters would be the ones covered in enchanted items and would each be legendary in their own right, more or less giving them super power to go out and fight all these potentially world ending threats.
- Modern Urban Fantasy (something like Bright) - First,
let me just say that this doesn't have to be a Bright fandom and I'd honestly prefer we came up with our own thing anyway. However, I do really dig the idea of doing something with a setting very similar to the modern urban fantasy that was presented. Could be anything from slice of life, military, crime story, you name it,
lets see how any of the typical modern stories fit into a world with magic, orcs,
elves, and so on!
More coming soon!

I'm constantly going to be adding to this as ideas come to me. I encourage you to check back if you think we'd be good partners but aren't crazy about any of the ideas that are up there. Also, feel free to just say hi!
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