Pastel's Request**UPDATED**


Mar 13, 2014

I will keep this short and sweet. I'm an experienced roleplayer of roughly five years. I've been on BM for some time now off and on. I do have a busy personal life but I will always try to reply at least once a day. Communication is super important for a successful RP! If something comes up that delays my response you'll be the first to know, I hope for the same! I will be listing my "kinks"
further down, however, I will say that what I list as my dislikes will never change. So please stop asking me to try it. I RP as dominate/sub female characters only. My dominate side does take over my sub side at times but I do like to keep it 50/50. I am not interested in plots revolving around endless smut, again it is something I try and keep 50/50. I do insist on partners who are literate and are willing to write more than a few sentences. I can be a grammar nazi myself. Well I hope you made it through my intro! If you see me as a potential partner please continue to read on..if not..thanks for the visit. Cheers!

Side note: Please do not leave me hanging people! If we start a RP and you decide you aren't digging it please TELL ME! I will understand completely.
Light bondage
Consensual (unless discussed otherwise)
Tall/strong built men
Plot twists
Plot driven RPs
Vanilla (don't think I don't have a darker side!)
Fantasy, medieval, apocalyptic, sci-fi, historical, gothic themes (some modern)
Dominate partners (again, I'm not saying I won't play as a dominate character but I prefer a partner who will hold his own and even challenge mine back)
One on one (I will only play up to two characters at most. If you can handle more then go for it!)

Anything to do with bathroom buisness
Younger characters (I will only play with and as characters 18+)
Monster sex
Human hybrids
Arranged Marriage
Assassin x Target
Human x other magical being
Fallen Angel x other magical being
Prince/Princess x Spy of other country
Princess x Prisoner
Good girl x Bad boy
Boss x Intern
Boss x Employee
Royalty x Servant
Royalty x Royalty
Boarding School Roommates

**Currently seeking a historical inspire RP, there can be fantasy elements added.


I'm always open to hear your input so please don't hesitate to make one of these ideas our own.

Plauged Nobody knew where the virus started, or how it spread. The only certain thing was that it had happened quickly and without warning. The plague hit the major cities first, causing the virus to spread like wild fire. Chaos soon fallowed. The infected were fast dangerous and capable of problem solving, making it near difficult to hid. It didn't take more then a few weeks before the slowly diminishing survivors figured out the infected could not see at night giving them there only times of protection. With the number of infected rapidly increasing how will you survive?

Riders of Old Dark times had fallen across all the land. An army rises from the deepest depths of hell lead by a cruel creature of a man. A man who had once battled strong and true for his kingdom. A dragon rider like no other. But when power and greed took hold of him he let the darkness take control. He tried to destroy all dragons and their riders knowing they would be the only force strong enough to end his chaos. He succeeded with the termination of all but one of the riders. The rider known as Thoran fought against the dark rider until both men lost their dragons. The bound between rider and dragon being so strong it practically killed them both as well. The dark rider fled, but Thoran knew he would one day return after his strength grew. Dragons had became a part of history as the years flew by. Until one day when the first sign of the dark rider returned. Will the dragon riders once rise again in the worlds greatest time of need?

Bad Company*Modern Fantasy She was a stone cold killer. Nothing more. The last person you'd find yourself asking for help. A deadly assassin with little remorse or fear. She made a living off of her unique set of skills and for awhile she felt nearly invincible. Like all luck it runs out and for her it came in the form of an equally trained opponent, hired to hunt her down. I would love to get this plot going. In a world were fairy-tale creatures and humans coexist, though humans still remain on their high horses.

A Deadly Game A new age witch who's family dates back for centuries learns her newly found gift as a summoner. Someone who is able to summon demons at will. A student of law and a specialist on the cult she is hired to assist on a series of strange murders. Using her new power she summons an unexpected higher demon with the face of an angel to help her. She must race against the clock with her new partner to find a dangerous killer.

Down the Rabbit Hole....again
I'm not sure how it's going to turn out but thought I'd give it a shot. I'm thinking more along the lines of an American McGee's Wonderland. Fallow Alice an usual girl of shorts back down the rabbit hole once more. This time danger surrounds her, the Red Queen as put out a bounty for her head and won't stop at nothing until Alice is dead and never to return again. This time Alice isn't the young girl she once was, but a women on a mission... to get to the queen first

Hunted**Futuristic/Sci-fi**They were chosen for their skills. Merchants, warriors, assassins, thieves, and hitmen from planets near and far. When they awake they find they had not only been drugged and kidnapped, but also placed on a hostile and foreign planet. The ultimate goal: Survival. But someone or something is hunting them down one by one. Little do they know that they have a large audience who is watching their every move. It doesn't take long before they realize that they are the entertainment. Contestants playing a deadly game of hunt or be hunted.

Whatever it takes**DARK PLOT** He had to have her from the moment she moved in next door. For months he watched her without any suspicion. He was a professional after all. Success and good looks had graced him, making him the perfect predator. She would be his toy, and his only.****PM me for more detail on this plot if interested
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