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Blast to the past (Yummyfuta x Potter-Kun)


Jan 5, 2018
Asuka Langley Soryu wasn't entirely sure what had happened. The last thing she remembered was being in the cockpit of her Evangelion, she was in combat, an Angel that used some kind of weird energy attack against her. Like she'd done many times before she had focused energy into her AT field in order to defend herself, but something unusual had happened. When the energy had struck her field it seemed to react somehow, some kind of strange rip appearing in the air, like a rip in the fabric of reality itself that had grown and swallowed her up in a flash of light. After that Asuka remembered nothing but strange flashes, glimpses of places radically different from Tokyo-3 that lasted only an instant, long enough to know they were there but not long enough to commit any detail to memory. She'd lost track of how long that had gone on for, until finally she had found herself here, and wherever here was it most certainly wasn't Tokyo-3.

As Asuka slowly sat up, groaning as she rubbed at her head, she glanced around to find herself sitting in a puddle of LCL on the top of a large rock. Her surroundings were anything but city like, infact it didn't look like there was any signs of civilisation in any direction. She could see jungles, mountains, even what looked like a volcano in the distance, smoke billowing from the top menacingly. The sounds didn't sound like the tranquil birds and small animals she was used to, no, all she could hear were distant roars and thundering bellows that sounded more like they were from some kind of monster than any animal she'd ever encountered.
"Wh-what? Where am I...?" Asuka slowly got down from the rock, wincing slightly, the skintight plugsuit offered little protection against the rough, gravely ground she now found herself on. Even worse this place was extremely hot and extremely humid, and the plugsuit simply wasn't meant to handle this kind of temperature, meaning she was hotter than hell. Unfortunately taking the plugsuit off wasn't exactly an option given that it was the only thing she was wearing.

"Ok...stay calm girl. Just stay calm. If I stay around here someone's bound to come looking for me and find me...right?" She took a slow, deep breath to try and calm herself, looking around again to try and spot something, anything, that seemed even remotely familiar.
Emerging from a nearby tree line would be something Asuka would at least recognize. It was a man...or something that looked like one at least. Tall and lanky, with quite a lot of hair. He had tanned skin, long and flowing brown hair and was quite muscular and in shape. In his hands he held what appeared to be a rudimentary spear with a stone tip and a large club carved out of wood. It was now very clear she wasn't in Tokyo anymore.

As the man emerged from the treeline, Asuka would notice something else as well. He wasn't wearing any clothes. This revealed his form fully to her, including his rather large but unerect cock. It was much lager than anything she had glimpsed so far in her life. He circled around her, curious at her. She could make a break for it if she tried, but he was eyeing her, the way a hunter eyed its prey....He licked his lips hungrily...but more in a lustful manner than one of real hunger. He motioned for her to approach him, grunting at a spot in front of him on the ground. It seemed he only knew rudimentary communication.
Asuka turned suddenly as she heard movement, then spotted what looked to be a man emerging from the tree line. For a brief instant she felt somewhat relieved, another person, maybe they could help her. That relief passed quickly though as Asuka took in a little more of the sight before her, the man was completely naked, and looked like he was completely unkempt. "Wh-what the...what the hell?!" She took a small step back as the man emerged further from the tree line, her eyes unable to help glancing down and widening. He was....huge! She didn't even think a cock could get that long and thick when it was hard, never mind when it was flaccid!

"O-ok just...just uh...stay back now..." Asuka wasn't sure if he could understand she was sure he couldn't understand her, she wasn't sure he understood speech at all in any language. And the way he was looking at her...she most definitely didn't like it. When he motioned for her to approach, then a spot on the ground infront of him, she took a step backover instead. "N-no thanks!" She raised her hands as she backed up, only to bump into the rock she had been ontop of a few moments ago. "Just stay back..." Asuka considered running, but from looking at those leg muscles she was sure she'd never outrun this guy, and if he went for her then overpowering him would be completely impossible. Oh why the hell didn't she work out more like the people at Nerv kept telling her to?!
As she tried to slide along the rock though something felt....unusual. There was an odd scent in the air and it made her feel light headed for a moment at least. She shook her head, feeling an odd warmth, almost, no couldn't be. It was just this weird tropical climate that was all, that was why she felt hot...that was why her nipples almost felt like they were getting hard...?
As Askua tried to move away, the man quickly sprung forward. He had her pinned against the stone, her plugsuit form rubbing against the hard rock and his hairy, strong and firm chest. He seemed to grunt in confusion slightly at how her body felt against him. His still flaccid cock rubbed against her rubbery thighs and cunt. Still, this odd sensation didn't stop the man. His mouth moved to latch on to one of her breasts, sucking at it through her plug suit. He sucked hard, and his saliva coated her plugsuit as he sucked up the LCL. If her nipple wasn't hard before, it most likely was now.

His pheromones continued to fill her sense, a sweet and overpowering scent that was very pleasant. Surprising considering how unkempt the man seemed. Once he was down sucking one breast, he moved to the other as he began to push his cock up against her cunt, the flaccid meat rod starting to become erect as Asuka would now begin to see just how massive he truly was. After sucking on her other breast, he moved to kiss up and down her neck before pressing his lips up roughly and with need against her own, his tongue lashing at her lips and trying to gain access to her mouth.
Asuka yelped as the large man was suddenly right infront of her, he was even faster than he looked, and she found herself pinned up against the rock. "H-Hey! L-let me go damnit!" She squirmed around a little, but any struggle was likely nothing to someone who looked this physically strong. She struggled a little more, until suddenly a mouth latched onto one of her breasts, starting to suck on it hard through the plug suit. Asuka's eyes went wide, even though the plug suit was between her bare skin and his mouth the material was incredibly thin and had been designed for sensations to pass through it intentionally, so it practically felt like he was sucking on her bare body. Asuka's nipples grew even harder, the skintight suit still clinging to the outline making it obvious to both see and for his tongue to feel.

And then he started to suck on the other one instead, and Asuka inhaled with a sharp gasp, which only caused her to unknowingly inhale more of the pheromone, which caused the heat between her legs to grow even worse, a heat that the large man would be able to feel with whatever was starting to reach up and poke between her legs. "N-no way!" Asuka realised immediately what it was....oh could something so huge get even bigger?! When he started to kiss up her neck she whimpered slightly, then firmly closed her mouth as he kissed at her lips, but the pheromones were coursing increasingly through her system, and the sensations being forced upon her caused her to moan softly, granting his tongue access.
The man's tongue was inside her mouth as soon as her lips parted. His tongue was quite large, just like the rest of him. It explored her mouth, swirling around inside and pressing up against her own tongue, seeking to get it to willingly brush up and dance with his own. As he did this, a hand moved up to her breast and squeezed it through her plugsuit, her flesh molding against his digits as his large and burly fingers moved to squeeze and twist her hard nipple through the fabric.

His cock was now fully erect and massive; throbbing and oozing pre-cum from its tip, his cock could feel just how hot and wet she was getting. His tip began to rub against her clitoris underneath her plugsuit, but he grunted in frustration. Even though the suit was skintight, it still wasn't skin and that seemed to annoy him.

He withdrew his tongue from her mouth, his lips lingering on hers for a few moments before his tongue licked her lips and he pulled away. He stilled had her pressed against his large and muscular form, her breasts molding against his chest as he pointed to her plugsuit.

"" He managed to grunt out at her. Even though he was only capable of grunts before, it seemed he had developed the ability to speak. Had licking up the LCL on her suit done something? Either way, his command was clear enough and he grunted at her again to take her plugsuit off.
Asuka squirmed and closed her eyes tightly as his tongue thrust into her mouth and explored, she tried to move her own tongue away from his but in doing so she only seemed to be giving him what he wanted. And when she squeezed at her breast she couldn't help but make a muffled gasping noise, her body seemed more sensitive than usual, much more sensitive.
Between her legs she felt his cock prodding against her, her clit harder than she'd ever felt it before. His cock was so big and hard...she was practically sitting on it and wouldn't be surprised if his cock alone was capable of supporting her entire body weight with no further assistance.

Finally though he pulled away, leaving Asuka leaning against the rock and panting for breath. Her knees were shaking, the inside of her plug suit was now slick with sweat and the fluids of her own arousal, though it wasn't to last as he pressed against her again, though suddenly seemed to be capable of some kind of speech...and it was rather obvious what he was referring to when he said 'off', though Asuka quickly shook her head. "N-no way!" The plug suit was the only thing she had, not to mention it was the only way anybody who came looking for her might be able to track her down. Of course she didn't doubt that from looking at he was more than strong enough to rip the material rather effortlessly with just his bare hands, though that didn't mean she was going to just strip down for him, no matter how turned on she was feeling.
Asuka refusal annoyed the man as he let out a growl. His large and strong hands gripped the material in the front of her plugsuit and with a grunt, he tore apart the entire from of her plugsuit from her breasts down to her cunt. He eyed her now bared breasts laid before him and licked his lips before leaning forwards, his mouth engulfing one. He sucked like a babe trying to draw milk, his tongue swirling around her rosy and perky nipple. One hand squeezed her other breast, her flesh molding against his digits.

His other hand moved to her pussy, his fingers stroking at her labia and clitoris, feeling just how wet and aroused she was. This seem to indicate she was ready for mating for him. He moved that hand and began to press his massive, throbbing and fully erect cock up against her pussy. His tip rubbed against her clitoris directly for a few moments before it moved to poke and prod at her entrance. He seemed to wait a moment, letting her come to accept the fact that she was be fucked and then, he shoved his big, hard cock into her roughly. His girth easily spread her inner walls apart as he moaned at her tightness against her breast. He pushed it in without remorse though, his giant cock spreading her open....he wasn't even a quarter of the way in when his tip began to press up against her cervix.
"Now wait just a sec-" Asuka cut off and squeaked as the large male ripped open the front of her plugsuit with barely a sign of effort, the rubbery skintight material unable to resist his incredible physical strength, her breasts bouncing free of their confines. Not for the first time Asuka was cursing that they couldn't wear underwear with these things, then again she doubted any underwear would have lasted any longer than the suit. When his mouth suddenly engulfed one of her exposed nipples and his fingers went to her pussy Asuka couldn't help but gasp loudly, her body jerking slightly from the pleasure. The pheromone was working its way deep into her body now, and unlike other beings of this era she had absolutely zero tolerance to it, meaning that it was affecting her far more strongly than it would other females the man had encountered before.

"N-no way...y-you can't put something that big inside me!" Asuka squirmed a little as she was lifted up, feeling the giant cock rubbing up against her. The head must have been bigger than her fist! But yet her body was so hot, so wet, her pussy leaking so many juices that it was dripping onto his cock and running down his shaft. When he thrust up Asuka let out a cry, but there was surprisingly no pain, the pheromone seemingly doing another job on her, not to mention the liberal lubrication her own body was providing. With a moan Asuka felt herself sinking down his cock, only to stop as he came up against another barrier, and yet as the girl looked down she could see there was much more of his cock left. "Th-that's enough right? Y-you don't need to put anymore in....right?"
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