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one piece - unknown motives ! [DREAM+TM]


Jan 9, 2009
Nova Scotia

                  • A dark-haired woman sat in silence, miserably shoveling through a bowl of porridge within a flawlessly spotless room. The glint from her brilliant eyes reflected off of the glass pane of her lenses, displaying her disinterest with the .. far less then appealing meal. The woman, Tashigi, pressing her luscious lips in a full line, hearing a tap at the door to the lounge. A naval officer adorning the traditional uniform saluted the young swordswoman, standing at attention as he was taught. "Ma'am!" he barked aloud. Tashigi huffed. She was in no mood for any of Smoker's empty missions this morning, unless he had spotted some ill-gotten swordsman that was mistreating his blades. "What is it?" she inquired briefly.

                    "Smoker has requested your presence. There is a visitor that he is expecting and he wishes for you to meet him."

                    A visitor? Tashigi was clearly unamused, despite her unfailingly airy expression, but this visitor couldn't have been anymore boring then the plain bowl of porridge she was attempting to devour for sustenance. She stood, collecting her fur-hooded jacket skillfully within her porcelain hands. Smoker has been interviewing many naval officers lately, even bounty hunters. I really am unsure of his motives but I trust him nonetheless. She followed the officer down the tiled corridor, glancing left and right, admiring the well-done job some of the other officers had done keeping it tidy. Smoker seemed to be very anal about cleanliness, and why he wasn't exactly the healthiest of marines, he was certainly no messy fool. While deep in thought, the woman stumbled forward, clearly displaying an absentminded expression as usual.

                    Before her lanky legs was a wooden bucket filled to the brim with luke-warm water and soap. "Eeep...!" She let forth a grueling yelp, gripping on to an exposed pipeline protruding from one of the walls for support. The water spilled over the floor, skittering down the hallway and splashing onto Tashigi's floral-print button-up. "O-Oh my..." she whimpered. The naval officer snickered, covering his maw with calloused hands. Tashigi's face grew bright pink, her soft, moccasin cheeks painted the hue of her lovely lips.
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