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Dragon's Sacrifice ((Kolath x Chewy))


Jan 9, 2009
Maric danced through the air feeling the wind currents brush over him lifting him and carrying him higher than most clouds. He hung in the air a moment before a graceful flip and a turn back of his wings sent him rocketing toward earth. At the last moment he braked landing neatly in front of his cave turning to enter it. he had a group of wild elves coming tonight and if they knew what was good for them they would bring what he had asked for.
A small carriage rolled along the road, pulled by a single horse, and surrounded by at least ten different elves, all armed. But they're focus was the inside of their circle, rather then the outside, watching it to make sure no escape could occur. Inside the carriage, a young woman sat, head tilted forward. A silk blindfold was over her eyes and a rope was wrapped around her wrists, and a seperate rope around her ankles. Even her mouth was gagged, to prevent her cries for help from escaping.

The silk was wet from tears, and tremors shook throughout the slender, curvacious body of the elven woman. Dark blonde hair fell down her back, straight and silky. A pale green dress clung to her form, showing her medium breasts, and her small body, which looked almost breakable. But anyone who knew the woman, would know that she was not as weak as she appeared to be. If she had been, would so many elves be surrounding her?

As the carriage came to a stop, the girls head jerked up. Through the black silk she could see a small amount of light, then felt hands wrapping around her limbs. She squirmed, but the ropes were tight and painful, and she fell still was she was moved from the light, into the darkness of the cave.

They followed it to near the back where a stone alter was, elven ruins on it. There, she was put. She felt the lips of someone on her forehead, and heard her father whisper an apology in her ear. Then, she was alone.
Maric came out slowly breathing jets of flame making sure that any lingers were leaving as fast as their feet could take them. He sniffed at the elven woman slowly nodding in satisfaction before turning to the rock that he used when he wanted to close off his lair. With a mighty push it fell into place closing the exit making escape or entrance impossible. Then and only then did he come over to her and with one claw slice through her blindfold, gag, and bindings. â??Be at peace my dear I will not harm you.â?
Cassandra slowly curled into a ball at the alter as she felt the heat of the flames, turning her face away in fear. She begun to quiver, whimpering occasionally through the gag as she heard the large rock fall into place. Slowly she turned her forward, and gasped going rigid as all her bindings were sliced from her body. Immediately her hand began to gently rub her wrist, looking around the darkness. She couldn't see anything, but after several minutes her eyes began to adjust.

She could see the huge looming form of the dragon and all color drained from her face. She heard his words and whimpered softly, swallowing before blinking. "H... How do I know I can t-trust your word?" She whispered.
The dragon blinked at her a moment then shrugged, â??You donâ??t, and I have no reason to make you trust me.â? He started to head deeper into the cave, â??But think about it, I have no reason to lie either. If I am lying then all that will happen is what those that left you here meant to happen. However if Iâ??m telling the truth you have a chance to live.â? He looked back at her his eyes lit with a inner fire, â??Do you wish to assume you are dead or take a chance you may live?â?
She was incredibly hesitant, and she remained still for several minutes before slowly getting to her feet, rubbing her wrist gently. She sighed softly, biting her lip as her dress clung to her form. She swallowed before gazing up at the dragon, whose significantly taller then herself. Slowly she followed after him, her eyes twinkling in the dim light. "Wha are you going to do to me?" She asked softly, growing paler than usual in the dim light of the cave.
The cave grew darker before rather suddenly it was brightly lit. There was no torch or candle used to light any form of large lamp, or even the dragons fire. It was like there was a barrier that beyond it the light could not pass and in fact this was very true. The room was a well furnished sitting room a kettle over the fire already starting to whistle. The dragon moved over to a large area laid with pillows. â??I am going to do nothing with you unless you wish it.â? he laid down looking at her, â??I do not eat any other being that possesses a spirit no matter what I want people to think. I merely wished for a companion to keep me company.â? He reached over taking the kettle from the fire pouring himself a cup. â??Would you care for one?â? he poured a second cup of the tea, it was really a blend of herbs that tasted rather good as well as a extra one that would help her relax and not fight so hard later.
Cassandra had to blink multiple times for her eyes to adjust before she looked around in shock. The room was so… cozy. Her eyes gazed around slowly, taking in everything before watching him pour himself a cup of tea. Listening to his rather surprising, yet calming words. She took a seat on one of the pillows, hesitantly taking the cup of tea and taking a small sip. It was delicious.

“All you want is company?” She stated, shocked and amazed. She frowned slightly and ran her fingers back through her hair before taking another sip of the hot liquid.

It wasn’t long before she had drained the entire cup and was looking rather relaxed, leaning back slightly, a cushion in her lap. “This is amazing… You’re so different then everyone had thought. We always though of this huge hideous beast… But you’re not. The only people who had ever seen you were children and some young adults…” She lightly shook her head, shocked.
He smirked as he watched her sip at the tea before she drained the total contents of the cup. Using his tail Maris starting pouring her another cup knowing that the herb would only take her so far in relaxation but no farther. â??More tea?â? he asked as already pouring the cup.

He laughed as she mentioned the stories surrounding him, the laugh was a deep chest roar but soft enough to not hurt her ears more like a boisterous man at a party then a dragon. â??That is how we dragons prefer it my dear princess. We would rather have everyone scared of use then that they know our true nature. If they knew we were civilized what would stop a army from coming and killing off a single dragon? No fear of us keeps dragons safe.â?
Cassandra was more eager this time, nodding her head as he offered her even more tea. "Yes, please." She stated in a soft tone, closing her eyes momentarily.

She listened to his laugh, then his words and slowly nodded. "Most kings would not sink to the level of such things. Villagers, however, would." She stated, staring down at the cup once he had given it to her, before slowing drinking it. She looked up at him as she took yet another sip. "Villagers would do anything to protect their homes..." She stated. "Often things that aren't necessary are done... They fear something, so they attack it, or in this case they take the princess and offer her to be whatever the dragon wishes her to be." She stated, a hint of annoyance in her tone.
He couldnâ??t help but smile as she was obviously annoyed that he had used the fear to get what he wanted. â??Yes this is true but can you object to your treatment thus far? Except for the lack of servants is this really much different than being in the castle. You are surrounded by stone and have anything your heart could desire. And all I ask is for companionship.â? He drank some more of the tea before turning to the fire and setting a large side of beef on it too cook.
She found herself laying back on the cushions after she finished her tea, her body completely relaxed. Her eyes drifted shut slowly, although not asleep, but resting. She listened to him and smiled slightly at his words. "There is truth there, but I have to admit that home... Well home, is home. Its a place I want to be. I grew up there and I love it." She said softly, even the annoyance having left her voice, leaving it calm. She shifted a few of the cushions so she was leaning back on them, and they were propping her up, her legs soon stretched out in front of her. Although her legs were closed, her dress had ridden up to mid-thigh, revealing much of her smooth, white skin.
He could clearly see her smooth white thighs exposed and it was starting to make him not want to wait for the herb to work on her. he added more of the herb to the side of beef slowly turning it and letting it cook. His tail slipped over and lightly rubbed at her smooth outer thigh being very gentle and soft almost like the cushions brushing against her as the herb continued to work. It would soon start to effect her body chemistry to make her aroused and cause her to have arousing thoughts.
She could feel the tail rub over her outer thigh, but with her eyes closed, she thought it was a cushion simply shifting. She adjusted again, smiling softly. Her body felt so relaxed. It felt light, like she could she just float off the cushions and far away.

A soft sigh- clearly of enjoyment- left her lips, and a shudder ran down her spine as she shifted so she was pressed towards his tail more. Already her thoughts were beginning to wander further and further from her typical innocent ones. She found herself blushing faintly and pressing her legs together a little tighter, then spreading her legs slightly, as if welcoming the tail.

She was far to relaxed to care.
His tail took the welcome invitation and from it he knew that she was quickly falling prey to the drug. His tail slipped in between her legs brushing along her inner thighs moving quickly up to brush against her pussy through her panties. It pressed softly the ridges of the scales pulling at her panties a little as well as pressing against her pussy. he continued to cook the meat knowing that soon she would be moaning in pleasure as he took her as a mateâ?¦one way or another.
She felt the touch of his scales as his tail slid up her dress, and she found her cheeks burning. Slowly she pried open her eyes to look at him. Her eyes drifted down his body before following his tail all the way up her skirt, where she felt it press against her moist panties. "Wh... What are you doing..?" She murmured, clearly confused. She was already incredibly turned on, but she was a bit unwilling, too confused to know what to do at all.
He smiled at her still working at the food his eyes looking over into hers deep fires of lust burning in their depths. â??Nothing for you to worry about princess please just lay back and enjoy.â? His tail pressed harder against her panties rubbing lightly against them lightly using the ridged surface of the scales to every advantage. He started to pull her panties to one side the tip of his tail brushing against her bare pussy softly. His cock was starting to notice the closeness of a woman and the feel of her moist pussy, soon he would take her.
She listened to his words, before blushing fiercly. How embarassing! She'd never done a thing like this before, yet right then she began to relax even more into the cushions, allowing her eyes to drift shut. Her eyes being shut helped her relax even more, a soft gasp leaving her lips when she felt the material of her panties be pulled to the side. She could hardly believe this was happening to her. A shudder ran the length of her spine as he brush her bare pussy, and she found herself pressing her hips up and forward slightly. Usually she would be afraid of the pain this would cause her, having never had sex before, but this time she wanted to feel it. She wanted the pain, and the pleasure she had heard would come with it.
He smiled and slowly brushed his tail over her entire pussy from clit to the bottom growling at how wet she was. He would take her virginity with his tail since it was more thin then his cock and would hurt less. He slowly started to tease her clit wanting her totally turned on before anything happened wanting her to be totally relaxed as he worked on the food more.
Sandra shivered helplessly, forcing her eyes to look into his, her cheeks burning bright red. A gasp left her lips as she felt his tail brush against her clit. Once more her eyes squeezed shut. She allowed her body to fall back so she was laying fully on the cushions. She looked at the cushions around her, and shifted her hips so they were propped up higher than the rest of her body. Her legs were now spread wide, her dress up around her upper thighs. It was still low enough that it just barely covered her bare pussy though. She was still embarassed, and deep down knew it was wrong, but she was excited. She didn't understand why. "A-Ahh~.. I-it feels...." She paused a moment, hardly able to believe it. "... Good."

(Sorry for the delay!!!!)
It seemed like his attention was on the food he was cooking but in reality his total focus was on the tip of his tail and what it was doing to her. he slipped just a inch of it into her tight virgin pussy testing out how she responded to it. he could tell by her reactions so far she was well into the effects of the herb but there was a chance he had over done it on the herb. If he had gone and given her too much there was a chance she would swat his tail away and only want his cock to come near her, it was a possible side effect that was known to happen.

((no worries it happens to all of us from time to time.))
She felt a shudder run up her spine and a helpless gasp left her lips. She grasped a cushion, her fingers curling into it. It was such a strange feeling, and it hurt a small amount from stretching her body out. She whimpered and looked at him, arching her back. Oddly enough, she could feel something growing in her stomach, and she found herself pushing his tail away slowly. How was it that she wanted his cock in her the first time, despite how much it would hurt when it first entered her small body. "I...I want... I want your... Your..." She trailed off, turning her head away. She was so ashamed.
Feeling her push his tail away he couldnâ??t help cursing himself a little for having felt the need to give her a second dose of the herb. He turned and faced her moving closer to her one of his clawed hands coming up and cupping her chin looking into her eyes. â??You want my?â? he waited as she struggled to say it and finally he reared up on his hind legs showing her his engorged cock. It was massive and would probably be the biggest one she would have ever seen since it was bigger than a horses. â??You want my cock donâ??t you?â?
She gazed at him as he asked her exactly what it was that she wanted. She could feel his claws on her chin and shuddered. Somehow she knew that those claws would be enjoyable later on.

She looked up at him as he finished her sentance. Her eyes nearly buldged as she saw the massive size of his cock. "oh... My... I... Yes. I want your c-cock." She stuttered, blushing bright red as she reached out with a hesitant hand and touched the head of it. She felt a resistance building inside of her, and knew she wanted it but shouldn't have it.
He growled as she reached out touching his head loving the warmth of her soft hand working over his thick head. His claw traced down her delicate neck and over her exposed collar bone. He could see her desire in her eyes but also something else that he couldnâ??t quite put his claw on. Growling more as her hand got too be too much he gently took it in his other clawed hand and pinned both her hands down above her head as he moved over her a little his eyes staying level with her not yet at a place to take her, giving time for that something else in her eyes to surface.
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