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Fx Any Pain breaks the rhythm FxF/FxFu/FxM

Girl of Glass

Sep 12, 2017
What To Expect From Me

Like most people I work and I like to spend some of my free time playing video games. As such, I'm not very chatty but I post pretty regularly (at least once a day, sometimes more often than that.) And sometimes I might not post for days, I am trying to be better about warning people though.

I love smut but I heavily favor plot (80/20.) If your ideas/interests are heavily focused around smut, I’m not the partner for you. I’ll get bored so fucking fast.

The length of my posts varies, but they’re usually several meaty paragraphs long.

I don't get super uptight because you take a few days to a week to reply to an RP. People have lives and I totally understand that.

I like playing females and if the pairing calls for it, I'm pretty indifferent about playing domme or sub.

I have some plots and pairings listed below, but I'd be happy to hear your ideas if they line up with my interests.

If you're going to message me about anything, your message must have substance. Include your ideas, starting points, role preferences, etc. Give me some meat. Thank you.

What I'm Looking For

  • Non-Consensual
  • Age gaps (no children)
  • BDSM/Kink
  • Dark Themes
  • Gore
  • Character development and world building
  • High Fantasy
  • Romance
  • Futuristic/Cyberpunk
  • Cruelty
  • Psychological trauma
  • Humiliation/Degradation
  • Interracial (preferably I'd like to play as a black woman vs. anything else)

What I'm Not Looking For

  • Mind control/aphrodisacs
  • Vore
  • One liners
  • Incest (Can be convinced)
  • Scat
  • Instant romance/pure smut


Many of these are written for female characters; however, any character can be substituted for male/NB

Vikings (a Harem RP) CRAVING
Three viking sisters/comrades have returned home after months of pillaging and have brought back with them a multitude of beautiful woman for the enjoyment. These 8 beautiful women vary from common folk to Queens and Princesses to warriors, and none of them want to be there. Some are more brazen than others, some will try to use their charms to soften the Viking warriors, and others will simply parish. The viking sisters do not want soft women, even if just to play with, so those that they see as weak will quickly be culled. The others will either be used until they are broken or rise above the rest or possibly even escape.

Some Specifics: The Vikings can be futas or male. I will be playing the harem of women. I fully expect a few of my characters to meet bad ends and I give that choice of who will have a bad end up to my partner. I'd prefer if their deaths weren't time skipped, I want detail. I'd like for one of the vikings to be a bit softer and less sadistic than the other two, taking a liking to one of the slaves in particular but still adheres to the hard viking lifestyle. The slaves will be from all different parts of the world so there will be some interracial going on as well. This RP is meant to be brutal so I need someone who is interested in non-con and violence.

The Blind Leading the Blind (post-apocalyptic)
The world as we know it is now a distant memory, it seems like the fall of man happened so long ago, as if we've been burdened with this plight for centuries. But it has been mere months since the portal into Hell opened it's gaping maw to spew out the denizens of a place so vile and wretched that they would look for refuge on our plane.

Demons have claimed this land, they have re-arranged and created their own borders as the many demonic tribes fight for their own territories. Our military could do nothing to stop them, they came without warning. Some say that we brought this on ourselves, we opened that portal. Every group of teenagers with a Ouija board, every wanna be witch that cast a spell, every murderer, every rapist, every thief; each act tearing a whole between worlds until it became big enough for the demons to crawl through.

Now, the few humans that are left do their best to survive. Most that managed to survive the initial upheaval are those with the slightest magical ability, enough just to keep them alive. Others survive off a sheer willpower, an unwillingness to die in such a bleak world, a strength that they find deep within themselves. Some are just very clever and have picked up a trick or two from the demons magic. These humans are considered the most dangerous to other humans and they are at the greatest risk. Demonic magic was never meant for humans and Demons can always sense their own magic.

She Moves Like A Knife
Cyber Noir/Futuristic Setting

Muse A was a well respected cop on the fast track to becoming the DEA when her life was turned upside down. While working a case, she refused to turn a blind eye to a crime syndicate that owned the police. Got one of the biggest drug lords in the city put away for good, but rather than being celebrated, he comrades began giving her the cold shoulder. She returns home one day to find that her life partner has been murdered. A warning from the crime syndicate to stay out of their business.

She goes off the rails, no longer working as a cop. Instead she begins hanging out in drug dens and night clubs, getting messed up every night while trying to track down the people who killed her wife. She becomes something of a vigilante, but not the sort people are grateful for. If she saves a life, it's out of coincidence and she usually accepts payment for the coincidence in the form of sex, drugs, or alcohol. Through out her adventures she learns of an underground night club the people she's looking for owns and uses as their base of operations, and begins looking for it.

Muse B is an android, a pleasure model that works in a high class gentlemen's club that is kept a secret because of its clientele. Every android is set up to record everything they see, this is how they blackmail their clients and keep people from exposing the club. In the few short months Muse B was been alive and working for the nightclub, she starts to become more aware of herself. Although she is programmed to be a pleasure model, she starts to wonder what life would be like as anything else. She speaks to politicians and businessmen, realizing that she could do their job a hundred times better. She starts to realize that she does not find joy in her current occupation.

One night, after her client is napping, she goes for a little walk to think. A strange thing for a pleasure android to do. She walks further and further down underground, her temperature censors telling her that it's getting much colder, but she's unable to feel it. When she comes across a room with the door slightly ajar. She can hear shouting and cries of anguish. She peers into the crack of the door, and cannot believe what she sees. The governor's daughter being pumped with drugs and smacked about. Muse B's eyes grow wide when one of the men look over in her direction and shout, "Hey!" She starts to run as fast as she can, much faster than any of those men ever could.

She fights anyone who tries to stop her with deadly precision, something even she is shocked by. This isn't a skill most pleasure models have. She manages to get outside where she overcome by the number of lackeys. They begin beating her with whatever they have on hand, they know she's just recorded everything she saw and they can't let that get out. When Muse A steps in.

So this is how the two meet and begin working together (albeit a rocky relationship) to get to the bottom of what's going on in this city and to get revenge. Muse B has her own revelations to gain from this, either she was an assassin android re-purposed as a pleasure android (her memory wiped clean so she didn't remember) or she's a human that is very heavily modified that used to be a soldier.

I don't have a preference for roles.

Diabolus ex Machina
The day has finally come, for Heaven and Hell to battle for Earth. The nine demon generals led their tribes on a full scale invasion of Earth, taking the humans over so quickly that they nearly exterminated every human life in a manner of hours. The Angels that humans thought would be their saviors, cared just as little for their lives as the Demons. Their only goal being to send the denizens of Hell back where they came from.

One of the demon generals is particularly fascinated by one of the Angels, she's never seen an Angel fight so well. Thwarting nearly a hundred demons all on her own. The Demoness, a very well respected and feared general, steps out into the fray to fight the Angel. They fight for days, exhaustion threatening to get the better of them when the Demon whispers, "Sister, don't you remember me?"

The demon, much like Lucifer, had once been an Archangel. They'd been best friends in Heaven, often discussing their distaste of the humans and the way things were being handled between Heaven and Hell. Until one day, her friend had disappeared. Now she realizes her friend left to fight for the other side, without saying a word. And had become one of Lucifer's best generals. What will become of their friendship now?

Will the demoness display and the humiliate the angel in front of the other demons like they so often do? Will the Angel win the fight and convince the Demoness to change? Or will the two of them change everything forever.

I could see this going a number of different ways, which is something I'd be happy to discuss.

Humans Are Such Easy Prey
High Fantasy Setting
Muse A was born to an all female/futa tribe of shaman. She had the gift of sight and was given to a King as a gift so the tribe would not be forced to change their way of life. One day Muse A reveals to the King that he will lose a war and fall from power. The King accuses her of being a traitor and exiles her before killing her tribe. Time passes and Muse A re-emerges as something not quite human, her abilities amplified and she’s gained some new ones after making a deal with the devil. It turns out the King was right to be afraid of her, as she is the very force that smites him and took his throne. But Muse A’s heart had been twisted with malice and this is not enough. She begins destroying other kingdoms and tribes, hell bent on having the entire world bow to her.

Muse B and C are twin sisters, one a skilled assassin and the other a beast tamer and archer, both with a penchant for gambling and good drink. One day the return home from a bounty to find that there is nothing left of it. Nothing. The sisters are orphans of a lost tribe they know nothing about but the people of this small village were always very kind to them. They have no choice but to find Muse A and stop her at all cost. But what will the three of them do when they learn they are all from the same tribe.

This RP has the potential to be an epic adventure so I would prefer someone that is happy to play multiple main characters and temporary characters.

This is the one plot where I do have a role preference, I would like to play the twins. I’d also much prefer that Muse A be a futa. But I won’t be too picky on that one.

Watching You
Modern Setting
Muse A is a stripper and college student. At school she's pretty quiet and is usually in some big rush to go somewhere (usually her job.) One night, she attends a college party and everyone learns just how wild this girl is. She drinks and gets pretty high, she's very talkative and making inappropriate jokes that she laughs at so loud its heard over the music. When her favorite song comes on, she finds something that's close enough to a stripper pole and starts to pole dance. Just before she starts to strip, Muse B steps in. Muse B pulls her down from the pole and walks her out, offering to talk her home. It's the first time anyone has been nice to the stripper, but Muse B has her own motivations.

Muse B is a very well off college student that shares a class with Muse A. She'd never really paid much attention to her until after the night of the party. Muse B starts to chase after Muse A and once they start dating, Muse B shows her true colors. She berates the stripper constantly while also trying to turn Muse A into more of a proper lady. Whenever the stripper uses some kind of slang, Muse B will say things like, "Don't talk to me like some kind of hoodrat, use proper English." Muse B doesn't allow the stripper to see other people, but has a really nice girlfriend who is also very wealthy. She constantly flaunts their relationship in front of the stripper but keeps the stripper a secret from her "real" girlfriend.

Basically, this is just a super abusive relationship where Muse B enjoys dating girls she thinks are inferior to her (in intelligence and wealth.) She strings them along by treating them nicely and abusing them in an effort to mold them into something she prefers.

I would like to be the stripper in this scenario.

Bold is what I'd like to play. If neither role is bold, I'm indifferent. Asterisks means I’m craving this pairing and may have a loose idea.

Queen x Lady In Waiting

Vampire x Human/Witch*

Master/Mistress x Slave

Newbie Stripper
x Owner/Customer

Demon x Human/Witch

Drug Addict x Friend/Dealer/Counselor

Therapist x Patient*

Witch x Human/Paladin/Hunter/Witch

Vampire x Slayer

Orc x Other Race*


World of Warcraft
League of Legends
Final Fantasy 14
Vampire: The Masquerade (I honestly don't have a lot of knowledge about this, bare minimum tbh, but I've always enjoyed RPing in this universe. I'll S your D for this.)
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