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The Void Between Light and Madness. [Himeko x Azayzal]


The wolf who serves
Mar 11, 2011
It had been a good night for Sesshi Nightsong before they came and knocked her out. She had been bound and gagged so she couldn't cast any spells. She had been in her room practicing her magic for her King when they came out of nowhere and took her. It had only been a short time since the Void Elves had been liberated from the Legion that they had joined the Alliance. But of course, when they had done so they had made a complete enemy of the entire Horde as well and that was probably why so many had gone missing and why she, of all others, was being taken in now.

The only things she could remember was that she was going to be given to some important person and that was it. They bagged her up and carried her off like a sack of potatoes. After what seemed like a whole day had passed she felt them come to a stop. Let me go! Now! I will shred you with my magic as soon as I'm free! She wanted to scream but the ball-gag that had been forcefully shoved in her mouth kept her from saying anything. She heard a woman's voice and then the ones who captured her were talking, with her thanking them and a sound of coins being passed along before they took their leave. Leaving the two of them alone together.
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