[Z-Apoc.] The Extinction of Man


Loremaster Extraordinaire!
Jan 27, 2018
If anyone is interested, or knows someone who might, in a zombie survival story. A story where you get to witness your characters evolve (or devolve) in drastic ways as they watch the world turn to chaos.

There won't be a GM, that way everyone can add their own plot twists or throw in some drama to add onto the story and make your own mark as a writer.

Multiple characters are welcome; Any race, age, sexuality[no futa], genders, etc...We even welcome NPC's as fodder for the zombies or villains to make life all the more difficult for our survivors. Come read or write about characters that discover how far they'll go to protect their loved ones...or save their own asses. Find out how dark the human mind can become in a world with no rules.

~Rules and Requirements~

- Communication: The OOC thread serves for that purpose, please don't be afraid to use it. If you have questions about each other's characters, or want to throw out some ideas to add to the story; plot twists, drama, add some npc's or villains, etc... You wish to pull a 'Negan', etc... Discuss it here and we'll help you out. There's no GM here, so everyone gets to have a chance to add to the story and make their mark.

- Post Size: NO one-liners. Try to at least write a paragraph to give us something to work with. If you are unsure of what to add (besides responding to a dialogue, or an action of another character) then consider the "5 senses method". Ask yourself; what does your character "see, hear, smell, taste, feel"?

- Kink Limits: NO Zombie-Smut/Necrofilia. No Pedophilia (teens can get it on with each other but no adults and -18 kids). Keep Rape-Scenes in spoilers as a courtesy for those who do not wish to see these details.

- Keep Smut Levels in Check: We all have characters of varying libido's and kinks, etc... But don't turn this story into a fuck-fest. This is the end of the world; being hungry, dirty, tired, and surrounded by death doesn't make a person feel sexy. However, sometimes...comfort sex and angry sex is just what the doctor ordered in these times.

- Military-Types: Although they are welcome, we encourage people to try and bring in some civilian type characters whether they're good or bad, rich or poor. That way the group of survivors has a more interesting dynamic instead of just a crew of military folk with heavy weaponry >.>

~Story Information~

The Story so far...


Our story begins in modern-day Earth, in one of the states of America called "Georgia", where it's hotter than hell and the girls are sweeter than peaches. The environment is versatile in that the state has populated areas such as cities and towns, touristic parks, etc... and has some wild places too! The further north you go the more mountainous the region becomes.

The cities are overflowing with dreams and business while smaller places are holding on to traditions with a variety of touristic places that can offer an escape of the hustle and bustle of the city and slow down for a while...

The story follows a number of individuals who come from all walks of life; rich or poor, old or young, law-abiding citizens or two-timing crooks,... They may not realize it but their lives are about to change forever.

For the past year or so, it was subtle...

A homeless person succumbed to the elements outside as his body ran high with fever. A resident at a local retirement home practically reached the latter stages of dementia overnight and bit a caretaker during a delusional fit before her heart finally gave up.

But whatever this is...it's growing. Over the last few months violence seems to have increased. Some blamed it on a new illicit drug that may have hit the market while others blamed it as a reaction to the recent political changes in leadership. At the same time the rabies epidemic among animals contribute to the chaos while medical experts are reassuring the public about this years flu.

[OOC: people see stuff on the news, there's gossip about it and the public is a little bit wary when someone has a runny nose. But other than that there is no full-blown panic....yet.]

~The Virus [Unknown]~


Where this virus came from, or when exactly it showed up is unknown. Even when the public turns to their medical experts they couldn't figure it out, or according to some were unwilling to share that information.

But here are the facts that we do know.

The virus doesn't discriminate between Human and Animal. And it spreads like any virus would; Saliva and Blood.

The symptoms of the First Stage can be easily confused with the common cold or flu. Fever, Muscle Aches, Chills, Weakness, Gastrointestinal Problems (nausea and/or the poops), Coughing, Headaches, etc...

Another initial side-effect is if the infection was spread through an injury; a scratch, a bite, or any wound that comes into contact with infected Saliva or Blood. The area around the wound will appear severally inflamed; feeling hot to the touch, red to purple-ish blue discoloration, in some cases one can experience pus coming out of the wound.

Over a course of about 16-28 hours the symptoms will worsen as the victim enters the Second and Final Stage of the disease.

The Second Stage causes the symptoms to increase in severity. Fever increases which causes hallucinations and behavioral changes (mood swings). The victim will experience pain while the body continues to weaken to the point where one will eventually become bedridden. They'll experience trouble breathing and a slower heart rate.

This will eventually turn into the Third and Final stage. Organ failure that eventually forces the victim to enter a deep coma until the body eventually succumbs from respiratory or cardiac arrest, and in some cases due to Toxic blood as the body can no longer filter it.

But here's the peculiar side-effect the virus has on a 'clinically dead' victim whether it's a Human or Animal. The body's decaying process happens at a much slower pace than normal. At the same time, for whatever reason, the virus seems to "stimulate" the brain stem enough to the point where the body reanimates itself. The simplest of motoric function enables the body to walk and grasp again. Lungs seems to force themselves to fill with air once more, creating basic sounds from their vocal cords while the body's most primal instinct kicks in: the need to feed.

~Zombiepedia: The individuals of the story have yet to encounter any of these~


- Standard Zombies: Just your typical undead. They’re slow and stupid and get distracted by the simplest of things. They are also known to follow a noise or movement, even when they’ve forgotten about it they’ll continue to follow that general direction of their last stimulus. Easy to deal with when they’re alone or in groups of 1-3 but very dangerous when they start to form herds as their numbers quickly overwhelm.

- Standard Zombies Type 2: Technically these are not mutations but differences based on environments and condition of the body. Very cold environments tend to create a “frozen” zombie type, they move slower than your typical one but they are tougher to penetrate due to their bodies being frozen. Bloaters are swollen zombies that have been in contact with water for a long time, they can be tricky as their bodies tend to turn to sludge making them difficult to grasp. Very hot environments turn them dry and leathery. These are a few examples of those small differences that can make them appear as unique.

- Infected Animals: Even your beloved pets aren’t spared from the virus. They sadly undergo the same suffering and changes when the body reanimates. But they tend to be more aggressive than Zombies and depending on the condition of their body can prove to be faster than you’d like them to be. Make sure you wash off any blood traces on you as they tend to be drawn by smell.

- Banshees/Shriekers: A mild mutation but still a nuisance nonetheless. Your typical zombie makes raspy noises and wet gurgles due to their vocal cords suffering too much decay and lacking a control over it. But Banshees seem to have a better control over their vocal cords, most likely due to less damage. Which results in them shrieking and screaming more loudly and high-pitched when they get excited. This may not seem like much but their voices carry and manage to alert nearby zombies to investigate the ruckus. When you spot one, kill them fast or run like hell!

- Crawlers: A mutation that affected the zombie’s skin texture and extremities. They have microscopic hairs in dense numbers that are riddled upon the skin. Invisible to the naked eye but upon touch feels like the skin is sticky and hook on things like a cat’s tongue. Their extremities (legs and arms) appear almost stretched and skinny, and the joints contorted. These two changes combined has granted these zombies the ability to crawl on walls and even ceilings. When you secure a room, don’t forget to look up!

- Bloaters/Spitters: Not to be confused with the swollen water corpses. Another peculiar mutation caused by the virus. Some zombies tend to swell overtime as the body fills with a type of acid. How or why is unknown but this effect even seems to bother them as the body tries to regularly purge itself of those fluids. When these zombies get excited they tend to spray their prey with these acids, causing severe acid burns as flesh seems to melt. But there are rare occasions where the body fails to purge these fluids, causing the body to burst. Stay clear from these zombies. And if you find suspicious molten or even sizzling marks on the floor, you’ll know one is nearby.

- Hunters: The rarest of zombies. To call them smart might be a big word but you’ll notice that they definitely have a certain “learning curve” with the way they react to their environment. A quirk they have is to mimic actions or noises that they pick up on. Per example: if a group of zombie are focused on a door to break through, after a while the ‘hunter’ will begin to ‘learn’ that several people banging on the same unmoving door isn’t going to work out. So they move away and look for a different entrance. Another example: after observing encounters with the living they might recognize signs of aggression towards -them-, causing them to flinch or back away upon instinct. These zombies seem to learn as they go, learn from observation. In an early enough stage they may be easy to handle but who knows how intelligent they’ll grow if giving them enough time...

Links to our Threads:

OOC Thread: Ideas and Info is stored there.

Character Profiles with Template:
Bumping this.
I have multiple characters available for this. >.>
Males, females, teens, kids, elderly, civilians, cops, strippers, thieves...I got enough xD
I think pre-evac could be fun if the players were in 1-2 groups. Also, maybe it would help interest if you posted some possible chars you are considering playing? Nothing set in stone, just concepts to help get wheels turning? As for me, thinking a politician, desk worker, maybe professor.
I think I got about 12-15 ish characters that I might play? Various ages, genders, occupations. I might introduce them at different times during the rp though.

But for starters I'd probably use my sisters and the baby they got stuck with after evacuation.

Lucille 'Ghost' Wilder. She's a stripper and a member of a motorcycle gang who's involved with drug trafficking. She's 30.
Roxanne Perry. She's Indian-American [India], she's a teen and the little sister of Lucille. But lucille sort of adopted her due to her mother dying who helped her detox from a drug habit. She's 19
Then there's baby Cora who's 10 months old but if we're gonna do a Pre-evac story then she'll pop up later.

As for the others;

Joseph Arens. Retired sheriff who's a southern gentleman and 57 years old.
Mr. Patrick Klaus. He's 63. He's been a thief for most his live until he got too old to do the thieving. So he trains neglected and homeless teenagers to steal for him while he maintains a pawnshop to sell the goods.
Alastroinia 'Alice' Scolaighe. She's 32. She's a spoiled diva, a celebrity. Maybe news anchor? I might have her assisstants tag along.
Sarah Kent. in her early 20's. Shes a lesbian nerd. and her foster brother who's also in his early twenties is also a nerd.
Daisy Jones. 22, a lounge singer.

And more . I'm versatile. x-x
I love zombie apocalypses. I even intended to run one a long, long time ago with some twists thrown in to keep people on their toes (specifically, the make-up of the city where the RP would take place and the nature of the zombies). I can contribute that if you want, Wild, but I´d do it through PMs because it was meant as a GM-directed RP, not a fully free form one.

I´d be up for joining this one and I´d vote for pre-evac (because that´s always the most fun part of the ZA).

However, I do have one non-negotiable condition to join any ZA RP, which is that I´m not interested in roleplaying with Billy Badasses and Wet Works Johnnnies. I´m tired of ZA RPs being power fantasies where everyone is an ex-Special Forces guy or a SWAT officer with perfect close quarters combat abilities and access to enough weaponry to level half of a city. If the zombies are not dangerous because every character is a badass or, even worse, if half the characters are badass and the other half are useless, then what´s the point?
I agree with KR, here. I am a big fan of character sheets with limited point spending to prevent that very thing, because it invariably happens. Even if there is no dice-rolling, just an occasional reference to keep people honest.
i totally agree on that too. A soldier type might be a useful thing but if everyone wants to be one then there's no drama.
I'd much prefer a group like walking dead, those were people from all over the place: a sheriff, housewives, rednecks, regular family guys, etc...

I'll see if I can update the first post to add some 'limited' military spots then.

And I agree, starting a rp from pre-evac might be more interesting. I always see the ones that start out -after- everything is done :)

Alright, I'll do some editing and contact a staff to see if they can make a sub-forum for us. And then I'll start to do some organizing and make an OOC thread so we can all share our ideas and make our mark in the story. ^^
Voila. I updated the first post.
I'm going to make an OOC thread for us and I'll make a thread where we can all gather our characters in it too. :)
That way we'll have those things out of the way already.

According to the Group Rules, I need to wait until I have more people or more threads before I can turn this RP into a 'child-forum' thing. (have its own spot)
Awesome! The more the merrier. ^^
Oh oops. KR! i forgot to answer you. I've done the GM version of a ZA before, and I didn't find a lot of enjoyment in it. the GM's ends up carrying the story and what the 1-2 GM's might like as a plot-twist is not always something that others may like. So I'd like to make this story more free-form. That way everyone can satisfy their need and get their own spotlight once in a while. :)

There's 2 links in the first post. One leads to the OOC thread and the other to the Profiles. Feel free to add profiles already if you like. All characters are open except we're putting a limit on Military types due to them being OP. only 2 spots are available for them. But other than that feel free to make whatever character you'd like. Just keep them realistic. ^^
I posted my character profile. Gonna be playing a low-level Italian mob guy with a baseball bat if that's okay.

If you want, you can check out my group role-play "Warfighter 2000", centered around World War III in an alternate timeline where the Cold War never ended.
I understand. Warfighter 2000 is more of a survival RP that uses the war as the set-up. Sort of like a zombie apocalypse without the zombies, but I totally see where you are coming from.

More players are welcome! We're about ready to start writing!
The story takes place in the state of Georgia around Pre-Evacuation time. Which gives us the chance at a glimpse of the daily lives of our characters before shit hits the fan!
are you looking still? I might want to do a Free running girl who is good at running away and getting out of the way of zeds rather quickly. She would be perfect for small runs to get certain materials and such, what do you think?
All characters are welcome! Just jump in the OC thread to say hi, and set up your profile for the character in the other thread. Both links should be in the first post. :)
There's no limit to the amount of characters or players we accept. The more the better!

bring on the chaos!!

Most info should be in the section of "the story so far"
So we're still in the pre-evacuation phase. :)
new players are always welcome!
Just add a character profile and hop in the OOC to say hi and figure out in which thread you want to make or jump into.
The links to the threads should be in the first post :)
Sure! Take your time ^^
We're currently at a stage where the characters are offering a small glimpse on what their daily lives were like -before- shit hits the fan sort of speak. They're seeing suspicious news reports, there's more military activity, there's a curfew etc...
In other words the government is going to be at the point where they're going to loose control of the situation and start opening up refugee centers.

So people can either jump into threads or create their own ones, etc... :)
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