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Medusa, Maka and Me (MysteriousD & Himeko)


Star Fudge
Mar 9, 2014

That's what Diego was feeling. And he was feeling alot of it. He also lost a lot of blood. The only other thing he could feel was movement. He was barely conscious and he wasn't sure of what else. However, he knew why he was moving. His partner Maka Albarn was the one that carrying him.

He and Maka did not have the best of relations starting out and from looking at the two teenagers, it was not hard to see why. He was a hot-blooded Mexican-American with a temper and prone to laziness while Maka was general more level-headed and hard-working girl of Japanese descent, despite not looking like it. Despite this, they both had a lot in common. Both of them were highly intelligent, though this served to cause even more arguments since they were both smart. Furthermore, both had body issues. While Maka was one due to her modest chest size, Diego more due to his chubbiness. Granted, while his time as a Weapon did help get him in shape, he was still a bit round.

As for the arguments, well, it all started when Diego observed Maka's interactions with her father, Spirit. When he began pressing her on it and on what happened with her mother, she snapped back by accusing of having a "typical male attitude." This set Diego off who sharply pointed out her mother's lack of resposability before it delved into an argument session of him pointing the various holes in what happened between Mr. and Mrs. Albarn.

Why would she leave now? What did she do while Maka was out spying on her dad? Why did she do nothing for a decade until she finally decided a divorce instead of counciling? Why was she seldomly seen in the family photos and why was she absent for a good bit of Maka's early years?

Despite this, they were still partners and were pretty friendly at the start. He didn't have many if any friends as a kid and he had a complex relationship with his younger brother. Perhaps that's why he stood by Maka despite the arguments... she chose him. No one ever chose him before... it meant alot... it still does.

Though, Diego knew she chose him because he was a scythe. And he knew why he was. As a kid, he once had a nightmare about being abducted and was falling from the sky after experimentation. When he was older, it was discovered he was actually abducted from the hospital and experimented to give him the Weapon powers, a scythe one. One of the nurses was blackmailed by a witch, though she also rat them out to a DWMA offical.

Apparently, the falling was because the witch dropped him from the sky, thus gaining his fear of heights. Wait, why was he thinking this? Was it his life flashing before his eyes? After all, he was near Death's driveway... and he meant beyond Lord Death. They went to a city to check some activity. It was some sort of boy or girl with a black weapon.

They got beaten, and Diego shapeshifted out of weapon form to take the hit for her, and it was a fatal one. He was bleeding out, but he managed to remember Spirit and Dr. Stein coming to save them. Apparently, the child was an experiment of some sort of witch, but by that point, he blacked out. Maka also had her injuries, but was still able to help him to the med area. She even taped his glasses on him so they wouldn't fall off. His brown eyes were almsot closed as he struggled to remain conscious and his dark-colored hair was messy from the dirt and dust.

By the time he blacked out, they were in the med room of Shibusen.
Maka was bleeding badly, but no where near as bad as her partner. Sure he infuriated her at times, but she didn't want him to die, especially not now. She needed him, and deep down, she knew he needed her too. Panting heavily she fixed Diego's glasses again and heaved him back up onto her shoulder. "S-Stay with me..." She groaned as she paused to wipe the blood out of her eyes before continuing her walk back towards the school. She had to get to the nurse and fast.

That.... Girl was strong... And it was Maka's fault, all of it. It was her stupid idea to go into that church and to investigate what happened, instead of calling for back up. She had been cocky, too cocky, and it might end up costing both her's and her partner's life. "If only... If only I was... Stronger..." She mumbled as she finally reached the room before falling over. She looked up to her father and the last thing she remembered saying was "Save him... Forget me... Save him..."

She then passed out due to how much blood she had lost, but at least they were home safe, or at least that's what she thought. During her blackout she was seeing her mother again... The person who barely spent anytime with her, but yet proved time and time again that she, that Maka, was very loved.

Her mother had worked a lot during the time she was raising Maka, hence why she never was around for much of anything. But one thing she remembered about her mother was that she was one of the best meister's out there, and she admired that and aimed to be just as good, if not better than her mother.

And there was Diego... He was different... He was smart and not bad looking either... Other's tried to be her partner in the past. But she had chosen Diego over the other's in a heartbeat. He always blamed her for choosing him only because he was a scythe. Which deep down, it wasn't true. She had chosen him because unlike his brother or the others at the school, he put up with her shit.

No one else would, except for him. She liked that, someone to be on her level. Fuck this hurts... I just hope Diego is okay... Hope I made at least in time for them to save him... Was this what dying felt like? To remember little things about someone who was rarely ever there for them? She didn't know but her body was growing cold, and everything around her was like a mix between a dream and nightmare.

Everything flashing before her, things from the fight they just were in to her mother and father. But she knew she had to hold on, even if it's long enough to see Diego one more time...
I guess this is the first time we could actually talk like this...

Diego heard it... that voice. The one that sounded like his, yet wasn't. He didn't awake much as opened his eyes and was in a room. It was like his headspace. How he pictured the inside of his mind to be like. It was pretty esoteric for the most part, fitting an eccentric goofball like him. Filled with things that represented his different aspects in Jungian fashion. One such as a portrait of a scythe... his weapon form. It was a black shiny blade, looking made of obisidion with a gold line running through it and to the handle, it formed a Mesoamerican swirl pattern to it along a slate gray handle. But that voice... the one like his yet not...

"Crud... it can't be," Diego said as he looked to a darkened corner in his headspace. It was a cage... but that was leaking and cracking. The leaking was a strange black fluid. As it dripped onto the pale figure in front of him, he got fuller... and stronger.

Yup, it's me... there was someone else here... some little imp, but I took care of him for you. This is between you and me after all.

Diego was not a normal person in the head. Madness reacted with him differently. Rather than resist it, he used a go with the flow method with it. While he was prone to the madness and the unpredictability, he was still grounded with his wants and desires... he liked doing good and thus trying to use madness to turn him against people or incapcitate would usually result in failure.

But this had some side effects. Diego repressed his negatives. His anger... his envy... his possessive nature... his desires... he repressed it all. And he would imagine what would happen if he repressed too much. Would it form into some sort fo other self like what happened in that Jim Carrey movie tht he technically wasn't old enough to see, but still saw. His Other Self stood there with a smile. He was born from Madness... from Diego's desires. While Diego wasn't one who beleived desire was inherently bad, he always felt he had to suppress himself so he would not fly off the handle.

Something far different has happened. I now have the chance to grow stronger beyond the negative... And what lies in the future, we will see, his Other Self said before Diego just focused and the cell to reinforce itself and the straitjacket around his other self did too.

He then awoke.

Diego was covered in banadges. His glasses had been removes, leaving his brown eyes exposed and his dark hair had been less messy. He really couldn't move. He was a guy of average appearance. No, not necessarily. He was a bit paler than the average Mexican would be, because of his mom's side and he had a boyish face, his mild chubbiness accentuating that. Now he wasn't ugly or such, but he was a weird kid who was socially awkward . He didn't have much draw to him.

He turned his head and he squinted to see what looked like Maka there. He relaxed a bit. He was relieved... she was okay. He was able to protect her. He then turned and saw someone looking over her. It was a woman wearing a doctor's coat and with gold hair. He couldn't make much on his face without his glasses. He figured she was the nurse though.
Maka was still out cold when Diego woke up. Her injuries were on the surface not as bad as his, but the wounds on her insides were a different story. She had been bleeding badly internally and from her head wound it would take a miracle for her to recover. The attacks that person had done to her was what had finally done her in when she reached the nurses room.

She could hear a soft voice speaking to her, soothing her and telling her all would be okay soon. That this pain would subside in a few days. Does this mean I will die...? Her thoughts asked and as if the woman could hear her she heard the voice again. Telling her she wouldn't die but become stronger if she continued to fight.

And fight on is what she would do. No... I cannot die like this... She finally admitted and with that she could feel something poking her from the outside and then something had been injected into her. It was cold at first, very cold when it entered her bloodstream. But she didn't care, she wanted to live and would do anything to make sure both she and Diego would survive to become stronger.
Diego had noted that Maka was still out cold and that she had something being put into her, but he was too groggy to notice it. It looked... black... well, it was some dark color. Perhaps he was hit harder than he thought. Regardless, he was feeling tired. He rolled back up facing the ceiling, and content that his partner was all right. He was recalling some other memories. About him protecting her. The first time was when they were dueling against Stein. He knocked him back and out of Maka's hand. When Stein went for her, he got transformed into his human form, except keeping his hand as a scythe. Even if this was just after thier argument, he was not gonna leave her behind.

"Don't go near hear... I won't let you hurt her..."

Then there was that battle. Despite it being equal at first, the figure had some weird and dangerous tricks and Diego had blocked a fierce attack with vibrations.

"I won't let her you. You're my partner, Maka!!"

Then of course, him taking the blow. He would do anything for his friends... that's how he was. And the fact he got to prove it... it was kinda nice. He fell asleep again, content he was able to do some help with her.

Hours would pass by and he would wake up. When they got back, it was sunset and now it was sunrise... or was it the other way around...? Nope, it was sunrise thank goodness. He felt a bit less hurt and his arm was free to put on his glasses. He the looked to see the nurse there, looking at a clipboard with an analytical look on her face.

"You're the school nurse, right? Thanks," Diego managed to say.
Medusa looked down at Maka, taking notes on her. Oh how brave was the lad acting, acting as if he of all people would be able to stop what she had done to his partner. She leaned in to check Maka's vitals again, while sneaking in words with her. "Oh my dear... These nightmares are only the beginning..." She whispered to Maka as she wrote down her vitals. The healing process of the black blood she injected Maka a few hours ago was already working it's corrupt magic over her.

Her internal bleeding had completely stopped as well as the wound on her head being healed, only leaving a minor scar. Medusa took note on all of it, including the random fits she had from her nightmares.

Maka, still trapped in her own mind while her body was having reactions to whatever it was the nurse injected her with. She could feel she was no longer at deaths door and knew she'd make a speedy recovery.

After a few more hours, she started to stir. "Nnnn... What... How am I still alive?" Maka asked in a groggy voice. "Now Maka, I need you to take it easy, we don't need you ripping your iv out." Medusa said as she walked back over to her. "Diego's been here waiting for you to wake up, you've been out for quiet some time." Medusa started as she gestured towards the healed boy.

"Die-Diego?! You made it?! I am so glad that you made it! Ow." She yelped as she felt another prick in her arm. Looking down she noticed the black substance and then looked at the nurse. "This? This is a special medicine I made to help with speedy recoveries." Medusa said with a small smile. As she took out the needle she then moved back behind the curtains and 'properly' disposed of it, leaving no traces behind like from the first injection.

Three injections should be enough to have the girl go mad and then seek her out for... Guidance. Or so to say.
Madness... It was tied to obsession, at least the way Diego understood it. Everyone has at least a bit of it. It wasn't desire per say, but drives or something gone completely unhinged. Diego's madness... he wasn't sure which was it. He needed to read up more on it. Especially since now he was personally affected by it.

"M-Maka?" Diego said before he moved up a bit to see the nurse was injecting Maka with something. According to her, it was a medicine... "Glad you're okay," Diego noted to her with a smile. He looked to the nurse and something about her seemed to rub him the wrong way.

"Oh, so you're both awake. That's a relief," a new voice said, causing Diego to turn. It was none other than Dr. Fraken Stein himself. He was the one who probably patched the two of them. "The surgery looks like it was a complete success," he explained before looking at Medusa. "Dr. Medusa, thank you for tending to these two, I'll take over from here," Dr. Stein says to check up on the vitals.

Dr. Stein then tended to them and while he tried his best to hide it, something had surprised him to say the least.

Black Blood.

When he checked up on Diego during the surgery, he was surprised to see the Black Blood, but looking back, it made sense. However, during his check-ups, he found that Maka had Black Blood too.

"How did I miss this? Did it take longer for it to manifest itself in her? Or is something else entirely?" Stein noted to himself. He would need to talk to them later. For now, they needed their rest. More importantly, he had no idea how to tell Spirit this. Hell, what would even happen? Maka possesses the Anti-Demon Wavelength so that should at least keep the madness of her Black Blood at bay, but he would have no idea what would happen if Maka and Diego performed Soul Resonance together. Would her Anti-Demon Wavelength be amplified by their frequence and completely nullify the Black Blood or would it be drowned out by them feeding each other's madness.

He then turned to Dr Medusa who left the office and headed to the staff breakroom. Stein decided to go to Spirit to tell him the bad news so they could inform Lord Death.

"How are you feeling?" Diego asked Maka as both were lying in their beds.
After Stein had entered the room Medusa straightened up and nodded to him. "Anything for the students my dear Stein." She replied as she gathered her personal things from her own tests and took her leave of the room.

Damnit... I cannot do my research with him in there. I'll just have to watch from a distance and make sure she gets her last injection. Giving her the pills now would only rise suspicion with Stein, so I'll just give them to her after her last injection. The pills should help... Taint the Anti-Demon Wavelength... Make it more, against the light. She could prove a good test subject since my own child won't develop any further for me...

Was what was running through Medusa's head right now as she headed to the staff breakroom.

Maka was very happy to see Stein when he arrived, though she did see the minor concern in his eyes when he checked her vitals. "So, Diego and I will make a quick recovery? That's what Dr. Medusa said to us." Maka stated as she looked at Diego from her bed. "As for how I'm feeling, not too bad all things considered." She replied as she stayed quiet to herself about the nightmares she had before.

She didn't want to rise any concerns because she thought it was just her own guilt for being weak. I'll get stronger... For you Diego... She thought as she could feel herself slipping back into her maddened dreams.

Her nightmares were filled of the previous fight with the demon sword and being surrounded in complete black. She found herself drowning in the darkness and could even feel herself slipping into what seemed like madness.
Yes madness, that's what it was. She couldn't help it but found herself drawn to it and wanted more...

Granted what she was really wanting was more power, but this was just the first step into that world.
Diego could not go back to sleep. He slept alot and he was already just taking a rest. Of course, after about an hour of reading one of the medical textbooks nearby, he was born out of his mind until he heard he had a guest. Diego raised an eyebrow before agreeing to open the door. He thought it might be Black Star and Tsubaki, but nope. It turns out it was his brother.


While Diego was a chubby scholarly weirdo, Sebas was a charismatic and athletic young man, even if his athleticness consisted of things like disc golf and so on. Furthermore, he was in the band at the high school back in their home state.

The two stood quiet. Things got more complicated when Diego went over this school. Sebas said it would be nice since he wouldn't be in his brother's shadow when he entered high school, but the town was a fair bit proud of having a Weapon from there. Eventually, Sebas smiled and told a joke, causing Diego to laugh and the two brothers manage to talk a bit. He was the one who did everything to ensure their parents weren't too worried over what Diego was undergoing there and were proud for his grades and accomplishments.

However, Diego appreciated something about his briother at the moment: his observational skills. "Your... Mesiter was it? She looks like she's having a bad dream," Sebas said. When he saw Diego turn over to reach her hand, he pushed the beds closer until Diego could grow and squeeze Maka's hand to comfort her.

"Well, just stay safe. Also, that blond nurse... she's kinda creepy or at least had a creepy smile when I saw her go to the bathroom," Sebas said before his time was up and he was heading out back to their hometown. Diego laid in bed and hoped Maka would awake so they could talk while wondering what his brother meant.
Medusa knew she had to be very careful around everyone here, making sure no one knew her intentions, at least not to Maka and Diego just yet. No, she will wait till she could be alone with them again. For now she continued to work around the school masquerading as a school nurse. It was very easy to hide herself with her precious soul protect on, not even Lord Shinigami himself could see through her disguise and as long as she refrained from using magic and not her snakes.

Yes her snakes were not just magical on their own, but were apart of Medusa's entire being. She was born with snakes living inside of her and she learned to harvest their powers, thus granting her semi-immortality.

When Maka woke up she felt Diego's hand clutching hers, causing her to blush slightly. "Umm... I'm fine now... Really..." She said as she looked over at Diego and was about to tell him about the nightmares when she heard that same voice in her head. No. You must keep him away from this. He doesn't need to know about this just yet... He won't understand the power I'm about to grant you... Yet. In time he will, but not now. Maka swallowed hard and forced a smile on her face. "See? I'm just fine, just don't wish to rip out the iv is all." She said more cheerfully.
"Maka... we're partners," Diego said as he managed to turn a bit to face her. His brown eyes were looking into her own green ones. Even though both weren't considered attractive by conventional standards for differing reasons, he always find her cute... not, not just that. If there was one thing Diego did like about Maka physically, it would be her long, slender legs, though it was something he wouldn't admit obviously.

"We have to tell each everything, no matter what," Diego told her. "Something is bothering you," he added as he looked at her. Both were on their way to recovery and it wouldn't be long before they were gonna be releaseds from the medroom and get to go back home. He gently squeezed her hand.

"MAKA! DIEGO! ARE YOU OKAY?!" A loud voice said as Diego turned and he saw it was good ol' Black Star.

"Well, we've been better," Diego said as he smiled at seeing Black Star and Tsubaki there.
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