Casual roleplayer looking for some beast or pokemon love


Aug 17, 2013
ABOUT: Hello, I'm kismet and I'm a woman in her twenties looking for anyone who's willing to play a non-human role for my ofc. I'm very flexible with the appearance of my character (real faces>anime but anime is acceptable) so please let me know your preferences -just know I am only interested in playing girls in the 18-30 age range with preference for 18-22. All of my plots will be 90% smut based.

Need a post every day? Leave now! I've got a boring adult life full of soul-sucking adult responsibilities, I'm simply not going to have a regular posting speed. I will try to post weekly but I need someone who's prepared to wait longer. Likewise, take your own time with posts, there's no race. Ideally, please communicate if you know you'll be gone for a time, but I won't hold it against you if you don't.

POSTS: PM's only, sorry. My average post is 2 or more full paragraphs and I expect at least that much in return. Description description description! Don't just speed to the destination, enjoy the journey. ;)

KINKS: As I said above, I'm looking for non-humans. Primarily canines or Pokemon, but I'm also open to equines and monsters.

The roleplay will not be limited to these and I am open to hearing what kinks you enjoy. I do have an f-list but it's not updated and I've forgotten the password, so I won't link it (link in profile if you really want to know). Instead, here is my 'must have' and 'would like' lists:

All: knotting, oral, cervical penetration, breeding (in mindset and/or reality, depending on the creature), stomach bulging (from insertion; optional for canines), cocks and cum that are hotter than a humans.
Addition for Pokemon/Monster: pregnancy/oviposition, unusual cocks.

Would Like...
All: noncon or dubcon to start, scratching, biting, stomach bulging (from cum), light somnophilia (oral or tentacle to arouse, then wake up around the point of penetration), public/risk of discovery.
Addition for Pokemon/Monster: lactation, cum marking, sloppy seconds, tentacles, being pinned/restrained.

PLOTS: I don't have many, so I'm open to hearing your plots as well!

Canine (& Equine)...

-MC finally has a place of her own and she can't wait to finally have a dog! She hasn't had one since she was a kid, so she's a little rusty on handling them and reading behavior, but her eagerness feeds her confidence and she jumps in with little thought or research. She intended to adopt from an agency, but in her searches she found the perfect dog! Fairly young male [german shepherd/rottweiler/bullmastiff/your choice], big gorgeous dog, and he's free! Apparently they had trouble dealing with his "high energy" but MC isn't deterred, believing it's something she can just walk out of him. Of course, the seller doesn't tell her this 'energy' is due to the fact he hasn't been neutered and would try to mount everything that moves, but it won't be long before MC finds out...

-MC's grandparents lived on a small farm their entire life, where they made a business supplying prized dogs and horses for stud. Sadly, they've reached the point in their life where staying at home is no longer safe, but the stubborn pair refuse to sell. Instead, it's up to their family to care for the farm, and because MC has just graduated (high school or college, depending on preferred age) and has no job or obligations they've tasked her to the upkeep of the home and care of the animals. However, stud services have ground to a halt and it doesn't take long before the dogs decide she must be their new bitch. At first it's noncon/dubcon, but once she's embraced her new sex life she sees the poor stallions getting antsy and decides they deserve some release too.

Optional alternative: her brother or uncle comes by to check up on her and catches her in the act with the dogs. Seeing what a perverted slut their sister/niece is, they drag her to the barn and make her take horse cock as 'punishment'. They can fuck her too.


-In the city, with their busy lives and distance from nature, it's much more common for people to simply buy their Pokemon. Running a Pokemon daycare is easy money, and a smart daycare breeds too, keeping their own selection of females and using their guests as studs. The city caught wise to this, and now those who don't own their own studs pay a tax/fee for the right to breed. The loophole: if you don't own females, they can't charge you with the breeding costs. Now, of course there are many ways to go about exploiting this, but there's a little known bit of science the mass population are ignorant of because of its taboo nature: many Pokemon have the ability to deposit eggs with their sperm and human women are the perfect incubators. In many cases, they can be even more fertile than Pokemon, their bodies carrying the eggs for shorter periods and even capable of holding a larger clutch.

If you want noncon/dubcon: MC gets hired for a "direct care" role at a daycare and doesn't know what her job description means until she's stripped and shoved into the pen. If you don't: MC runs a daycare and just found out this juicy detail, from someone who says they can sell the eggs without questions. Her business was struggling to compete without breeding on the side, but with this perfect solution she's decided to push her morals aside and become a part of her new breeding program.

-MC's parents valued school over Pokemon, but now that she's an adult she's decided to take a year off an try out being a trainer! The only problem is, she has no Pokemon. Of course, there are ways to catch Pokemon without a battle, be it food or love or some other respectable way, but she also remembers a rumor that floated around her school: if you have sex with a Pokemon it will let you catch it. Well, MC is now in the wilderness with a pocket full of pokeballs and this rumor is her only plan, and she really hopes the rumors were true because she's pretty sure she hears something coming...

This one would have a limit of 6 that stick with her, but could also include a few powerful/legendaries that breed her and run.


I'm not really craving this one, so you'll have to tempt me with your own ideas. Just know that:
-your monster has to be big and strong
-the less humanoid the better
-this MUST have noncon/dubcon
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