Fx Any Seeking adventure! (fantasy/supers)


Geeky old married chick
Jan 10, 2014
Midwest USA
UPDATED 11-24-19 - plots added to the latest post below!

Welcome and thank you for reading!

Who am I?

I am a long time roleplayer and writer. I have a few stories floating around the internet and an art page which you can probably google if you are bored. I have played RPGs for a pretty long time, and met my husband at a D&D table. The wonder of the internet is that I can explore some of those RPG elements in stories that go far beyond what you can do at a gaming table, and do it safely and somewhat anonymously (and those two go hand in hand). In roleplay, you can be someone with magic abilities or skilled with a sword or superpowers you could never have in real life. And you definitely can't add all the naughty parts to a story that you can add here. Generally I play against male characters, but I'm curious about expanding my interests. A female partner might just be that, partners working together, or more romantic.

What do I want?

I want adventure. Right now I'm craving a mix of dark perils and fun sexual encounters with a handsome hero, but I can be flexible and have one or the other. I want storytelling, build up, and, of course, smut.

I suppose my smut to plot ratio is about 50/50, and I don't mind light, dark or kinky ideas! I love OOC brainstorming and chatting, so feel free to PM me during the writing of the story. I want someone that is willing to chat OOCly before and during the story so we are both on track and both enjoying the story. I truly do want a story to go with all of the naughty stuff. I don't want neverending grimdark; the heroine should get free or win now and then. I'd consider a temporary bad ending (i.e. frozen in carbonite, regenerating like Wolverine, etc.) if we wanted a story with a chapter like that.

I average a reply anywhere from a once or twice a day to every other day, with the work week slowing me down and weekends allowing a bit more speed. If your turns average 4+ days, I'm probably going to have difficulty maintaining my interest level. I always strive for at least three paragraphs, and sometimes much more when the situation is appropriate (like during plot setup and so on). I kind of insist that my writing partner is mostly literate. I don't mind typos (and I am the Typo Queen), but I do want some attempt at basic grammar and spelling. We all make mistakes and I will make an embarrassing number of them, but please make an effort. Please acknowledge and react to what I write, and I'll do the same. I won't write for your character, unless we agree in advance to keep the story flowing, and vice versa.

What are my story ideas?

My ideal story is an adventure containing characters, roleplaying, perils, romance, dangers, battles and (of course) lots of sex. Here is my F-List. Defeated, victorious, ravished by villains and loved by heroes; take a comic book adventure/fantasy novel, add in plenty of adventure, roleplaying, non-con and consensual sex, and a living world and off you go! Here are some of the story ideas I would love to work on:

The Wheel of Time. (taken) The Wheel of Time is a series of fantasy novels, and if you like reading high fantasy, I recommend them! The story could be a dangerous adventure that brings two people together, or dangerous and erotic perils that brings a heroine down. Right now I'm leaning more towards the romantic dangerous adventures, but I am willing to listen to most anything in this universe. I don't want to play canon characters; I'd much rather forge our own stories with OC characters, but I don't mind running across a few canon characters along the way! The adventure could take place at any point in the WoT story.

Superheroine Adventures: (open) Take a classic comic book story, add smut and peril and naughtiness and danger, maybe add a handsome superhero for rescues and/or partnership and/or just good old casual super sex, and there you go! We come up with a villainous plot, add a great superheroine to stop him, add some dark perils and non-con sex, maybe a muscular, handsome hero for rescuing or sexual release, mix, and end up with a great story! The story could go in any number of directions. Perhaps the villain's plot changes, and the heroine herself becomes his target, his future perfect mate. So many idea out there that I can't go into them all here, but if you have a crazy twisted idea, I may not love it but I will love to hear it. :) I'm a bit tired of canon characters, so I would prefer either canon or alternate universe versions. Building an alternate universe could be fun (i.e. genderbent Avengers! Blonde Wonder Woman and Asian Superman and African-American Batman. And so on and and so on...).

Another idea in this same vein is the hero and heroine (or two heroines) who have these adventures together. I can play various characters in a story, with a main heroine and various other females the two may come across. It could be fun. :)

Superheroes in Peril. A brave superhero is out to stop the plot of a sexy villainess. This villainess, however, is not like the others he has met. She will defeat him over and over, leaving him behind in a sticky, orgasmed, defeated mess! - I wanted to do a bit of a gender swap of the usual superheroine in peril type of stories. Place a male superhero in all of the usual sexual and physical perils, add a sexy villainess, and see where it goes! After about five false starts, I'm giving up on this one.

Classic Fantasy Adventure: (maybe, I'm not sure since I'm already doing a Wheel of Time story) A new or experienced adventurer in the D&D mold goes out into the world and finds a series of dangerous and sexual adventures. Whether it is a rogue that goes into the wrong tomb and is cursed, or a noble paladin who battling against slavers, a brave elf leaving her home to bring back some macguffin, or a sorceress stumbling into the hands of a demon cult, the adventurer finds handsome heroes, malignant and naughty villains, and dire sexual perils!

If you have an idea of your own, feel free to pitch it my way! I can't say that I'll find everything of interest to me right now, but I love to chat and share ideas. I will do my best to keep communication open, and I love OOC chatting to share our ideas and where we are headed in our story. We are pretty big geeks here (and still play D&D every week), so just chatting about those kinds of things can be fun as we write our story. :)

Thank you for your patience in reading all of this!
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Edited to add a blurb about literacy. Please have a few writing skills. Apostrophes, paragraph breaks and spell check are your friends! :)
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A little bump. Looking for a fantasy adventure, please read and see if anything interests you. Thank you for looking!
A little bump. Looking to dominate a handsome superhero, or have some vile villain imperil Wonder Woman!
Having trouble finding a great superheroine story, so bumping up for one of these. I might consider a fantasy story. I'm in two of those already, but I'm always willing to listen. :)
Another silly bump. Still looking for someone for a superheroine story or a great fantasy story. If you love to chat OOC, please say hello. :)
I'm definitely leaning towards a supers story right now.

It could be two superheroines that are friends or rivals or strangers, thrown into a plot where they meet danger, sex, peril, battle, and all that. Will one or both of them survive, or fall? I tend to like them winning in the end, although they certainly lose plenty of battles along the way! I'm open to ideas, like a genderbent version of Captain America: Winter Soldier. Something adventurous with a plot and lots of perils and sex. :)

Of course there's the villain/heroine roleplay which is a blast. Like above, I do want a plot and roleplaying to go with all of the perils and dangers and sex and all that. :)

My previous request is still here, and you can google me to find my dorky art floating around the internet. I love the genre, so feel free to write. :)
Still seeking a great superheroine story. Instead of general ideas, I thought I'd come up with some actual plots. Each plot will list a type of villain, type of heroine, the plot, and possible endings. Nothing is written in stone, so if you are interested and would like to tweak something, I'm always willing to chat about it! I generally like the heroine to win in the end, so she can have more adventures, but I'll discuss a bad ending if that's something you really want to explore. I'm also always happy to throw in some romantic sexy interludes with a superhero, if it fits the plot.

The Story: The basic idea of the story.
The Heroine: What type of heroine I am thinking about, with canon examples just for clarification.
The Villain: What type of villain I am thinking about for this story.
The Plot: Um, the plot!
Endgame: How the story could end, including possible bad endings.

The Story: Hulking rage monsters are popping up across the city. The heroine must find out why, and stop it.
The Heroine: Super-types, Wonder-types, Superpatriot-types, and so on. Someone that could handle the punishment of a hulking rage monster, and survive the orgasms that may follow...
The Villain: Mad scientist, amoral corporate billionaire, secret government agency, agent of chaos.
The Plot: Our heroine is in the city on a normal day when a eight foot tall rage monster starts destroying things. After a tough fight, she defeats it, only to watch the massive figure shrink down into a confused normal person. More plot, then the heroine discovers one of the scientists, who drinks/injects the evil serum that turns him into a rage monster. This larger, more powerful version pounds the heroine down, and ravishes her. When the rage monster orgasms, he turns back into an exhausted or now-dead scientist. Perhaps there's a chapter where the agent/detective helping her gets injected and turns into a rage monster himself; the heroine knows she can't defeat the rage monster, because he's too powerful or she can't bring herself to punch him, so...sex. She defeats whoever affected the detective/agent, which leads her to the secret lab, for a final showdown.
Endgame: It could go many ways. The heroine is defeated by multiple rage monsters and gets a giant ragemonster gangbang. She is captured but escapes and destroys the lab, or turns herself into a rage monster and destroys the lab. For the bad ending, she is put into storage, soon to be the lab's latest experiment.

The Story: A new high tech gang appears on the shadowy streets of a dark city.
The Heroine: Dark street heroine. Alternately, more of a lower powered superpatriot or Wonder-type.
The Villain: A mercenary group using lots of tech, shadowy world cabal, etc.
The Plot: A string of break-ins and robberies strike tech companies at night. The heroine investigates, defeating regular gangs like always, until she confronts this new gang. The heroine is defeated, and left behind after the gang has their fun. Later she finds one member and gets information from him. What she doesn't know is that they have figured out who she is too. Her mansion/secret lair is invaded one night and she is captured and taken. Escaping, she is on the run in the dark city. She returns to her home for a final confrontation with the gang.
Endgame: The heroine wins, and perhaps her home/lair is destroyed. Bad ending: she loses, and is sold off along with all of her own tech.

The Story: People are being replaced by android duplicates.
The Heroine: Wonder-type, superpatriot-type.
The Villain: Secret government cabal, evil corporation, etc.
The Plot: The heroine discovers an ally/compatriot stealing something like government secrets. In her secret identity, the heroine is pounded and defeated, or simply knocked aside. She stops him in her superheroine identity, and discovers that he's an android duplicate. Following the trail, she investigates and gets the villains' attention. They ambush her with two human-looking androids, either in her secret identity at home, or superheroine identity, and is defeated and ravished. Captured and bound, she is taken back to the villains' lair. She escapes and finds a master shutdown for all of the androids, but must first defeat the android duplicate of herself.
Endgame: The heroine barely defeats her duplicate, shuts down the androids, and defeats the villains. Bad ending: The heroine is replaced, and ends up frozen like all the others she had come to save. Perhaps she is later saved by another hero/heroine...

The Story: Aliens want to rejuvenate their race.
The Heroine: Super-type, Wonder-type, space-heroine-type.
The Villain: Aliens! Either gray men aliens, the last survivors of an otherworldly apocalypse, or the last man of the Super-type.
The Plot: The plot depends on the aliens and the heroine. The Super-type and Wonder-type are targeted on Earth; the space-heroine-type (Captain Marvel-ish) may be drawn to another planet, or some derelict spaceship. Perhaps the aliens send out minions to defeat and capture the heroine. This plot is definitely needing to be fleshed out a bit more.
Endgame: She defeats the aliens, destroying them or sending them off into space or another dimension. Bad ending: she is impregnated and taken away by the aliens.

That's a good start, I might come back and add more plots as they come to me. If you're interested, like to chat OOCly, like to plot and want to write a good story with lots of character, plot, action, dark perils and smut, feel free to write! :)
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