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The Legend of Dragoon: Next Stage (Eldrithe Whisperwind & I)


Forgotten Dark Phantom Knight
Dec 21, 2016
Somewhere you can find me
Forest outside Seles

"You're outta luck!!" The young man yelled, a hand-and-a-half sword that appeared to be enshrouded in dragon scales impaling an Orc in the chest as he hovered above it, "Astral Drain!!"

The Orc keeled over without so much as a sound, the sword leaving it a shrunken husk of what it used to be as the young man felt his hurled sword return to his hand. Relieve washed over him as his hurts were healed using the stolen vitality from the now dead Orc. There was two left, but they were dispirited and fearful of him. Which was to be expected, since he'd single-handedly eliminated at least forty of them within an hour. They were afraid of him now after he became a Dragoon.

Oh right, the young man was a Dragoon. To be exact, he was the wielder of the Dark Dragoon spirit. An honor that he took rather seriously since being a Dragoon was in his blood. Both his father and grandfather had been Dragoons. He never knew of his grandfather, but his father had been a cruel teacher of using a Dragoon spirit when he was growing up. It was like hell on earth without end.

"Come at me, you Brainless sacks of shit!!" He howled, practically blind with bloodlust as the Orc forfeit the field, "Cowards!! FUCKING Cowards!!"

As much as his bloodlust demanded he chase after them, he restrained himself by releasing his Dragoon form. The winged black and purple armor with red trim he wore vanished as his true appearance returned. He knew the Orcs would not get far with the high number of Basilian Knights mulling about. His job was done, considering all the unexpected technicalities. The new king would want to hear what he'd done.

"When will my forced servitude end....." He sighed, looking up at the sky as he say two seagulls with red and purple streaks along their bodies circle above him before hearing a crash in the vicinity, "Who's there?"

He'd heard rumors that Wingies had become more social with the world in recent years and had populated the area he was in. Never met one before but he wasn't looking to. Being made to serve a idiot of a king had made him a isolationist of sorts. It was exceedingly rare for him to commit to a group's affairs unless he had some kind of stake in it. He preferred to be alone.

"Either come out or be dragged out!!" He warned loudly, distrust clearly discernible in his voice as he dropped into a tense ready stance with his sword drawn, "Consider this your only warning!!"
Earlier that morning at Limestone Cave​

"I found something!" squealed an excited young wingly female who was crouched over a dirt hole. With delicate fingers, she dug out a small limestone statue
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