Genak's thoughts, rants, and raves


Jan 21, 2018
Patience... not just for doctors it appears (yes I know they are spelled differently). I realize that my time here at BMR is still young, that being patient for roleplays to come along is a natural part of life but it is hard.

I left my previous two roleplaying homes because I did something I never should have... I caved on my roleplaying desires and started stories that did not fit the mold of keeping my interest. Because of that I felt like writing was more forced, I didn't look forward to it at all, and it became unpleasant. Now the issue I face is that my requests are very specific, and the liklihood of finding a partner is thin. As of this writing my RT has been viewed over 100 times and not one bite, not one little inkling of interest. I don't take it personally, but it is disheartening all the same.

That being said I have gone the other route and searched. I love the search feature on this site by the way. It is better than other sites I have been on. I have found plenty who like similar fandoms, but lack the dominance I seek, or those who are dominant (which is very rare for females here or anywhere) who are into similar plots as I am. I thought I found a few, but no response came, save for one which I was at least grateful for. I like to think when I approach others I am not a complete ass. I don't just say "hey lets rp" I throw out suggestions and ideas, I try to be respectful, and include anything mentioned in their RT that they ask for.

deep sigh With all that said I am still optimistic that this place can be a great home. I will continue to be patient, search, and lurk in waiting. If you read through all of this kudos to you. Have a great day,

Never sacrifice your own interests to please others. Roleplay is always about fun! If you aren't enjoying it, it isn't worth your time.

What Bear said, sacrificing what you like for the sake of others is definitely a road to sadness, but I totally get it. It's tough when you're cravings and interests are more niche or the pool of people you're looking for are smaller than others. It can feel a bit hopeless, not getting any bites at all after several bumps over the course of several days. and then even if you do get a bite, it doens't mean anything. I don't know how often I've finally got a PM only to learn they want me to compromise on what they want.

Don't get yourself down. <3 As cliche as it is to say, give it time. I've been here a few years now and I can say with honesty that there were stretches where I could never find anyone that I meshed with, but I've also had stretches where I find myself overwhelmed because I suddenly had 6 or 7 great RP's on the go.

As you said, approaching others with thoughtful PM's definitely helps in getting a response and garnering interest, but yeah not everyones going to reply back, it's just how it is. Best you can do is keep your head up, keep meeting people, eventually, you'll meet some that are compatible and hit it off with them. BMR is a massive site and many great writers will take breaks and then return after a few months, so everynow and then you'll always see unfamiliar faces sprinkled in with the others as well as the new who are joining all the time.

There's definitely dominant women out there in BMR, I'm sure you'll meet some you can hit it off with eventually. I understand your frustration, but as you said, it's early.
HeyThereLittleBear said:
Never sacrifice your own interests to please others. Roleplay is always about fun! If you aren't enjoying it, it isn't worth your time.


Raina_Reader said:
What Bear said, sacrificing what you like for the sake of others is definitely a road to sadness, but I totally get it. It's tough when you're cravings and interests are more niche or the pool of people you're looking for are smaller than others. It can feel a bit hopeless, not getting any bites at all after several bumps over the course of several days. and then even if you do get a bite, it doens't mean anything. I don't know how often I've finally got a PM only to learn they want me to compromise on what they want.

Don't get yourself down. <3 As cliche as it is to say, give it time. I've been here a few years now and I can say with honesty that there were stretches where I could never find anyone that I meshed with, but I've also had stretches where I find myself overwhelmed because I suddenly had 6 or 7 great RP's on the go.

As you said, approaching others with thoughtful PM's definitely helps in getting a response and garnering interest, but yeah not everyones going to reply back, it's just how it is. Best you can do is keep your head up, keep meeting people, eventually, you'll meet some that are compatible and hit it off with them. BMR is a massive site and many great writers will take breaks and then return after a few months, so everynow and then you'll always see unfamiliar faces sprinkled in with the others as well as the new who are joining all the time.

There's definitely dominant women out there in BMR, I'm sure you'll meet some you can hit it off with eventually. I understand your frustration, but as you said, it's early.

Thank you both for the responses. I have learned my lesson about compromising my wants for the sake of an rp. I once had 20+ concurrent rps, and yes I kept up with them all. Sadly not a single one was truly what I was looking for. On the bright side I did gain some valuable writing experience during that time.

I feel better after venting, and as I stated I will remain optomistic about times ahead. Thanks again, it is nice to be listened to and encouraged.
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