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Lord of the wolves (Alvis Alendran x anjalikkeoliver2905)

Jun 15, 2017
Winter had been brutal with a thick heavy snowfall driving a lot of pray into the lower lands making food very hard to find. This far into the wilds human settlements were also very hard to find making it almost impossible to scrounge off what humans threw out. She could hardly remember the last time her stomach was full nor the last time she had managed to get anything substantial to eat. She had been managing to hunt enough to just keep herself going as she slowly started venturing closer the last place she could think of humans being. Her path had went through thick woods and in the distance her sensitive sense of smell would pick up humans, horses carts and burning camp fires. Smells she had picked up before in human caravans which would mean food for her. That was before she picked up another scent. A scent that made her stop dead in her tracks. The scent of a Dúnedain that seemed to be following some orcs. Such a thing was not a worry to her. What did worry her was the far larger scent of a group of orcs following behind the ranger. The hunter was being hunter and would be none the wiser. Even though her kind had been forgotten by the outside world there had always been stories of close bonds that had once been formed with the Dúnedain. Such was the only reason she stopped. Even though her stomach was almost empty the choice to follow was almost instant as she turned following the trail of orcs.

The path they took followed deeper into woods as the smell of ranger and orc continued growing stronger as she followed the trail. Her pure white form would blind quite well with the snow covered lands making her seem like nothing more than ghoest. It was only when the smell started growing strong that her steps would slow. They would come to a crawl as the sounds of battle and the smell of blood would will the air. From what she could gather three or four orcs were already dead and the Dúnedain was gravely injured.

Slowly she would move along a ridge using thick snow heavy bushes watching the orcs starting to surround a blood and seemingly battle worn ranger. As the orcs surrounded the ranger it was clear that they had more than enough numbers to throw at him until he would fall. The group would slowly start to converge on the ranger slowly forcing him back into a corner. Slowly from the group a larger orc would part the others as he grinned down at the wounded ranger. His black blade was already slick with blood having already placed a couple deep cuts on the ranger. His heavy steps would draw him closer to the bleeding ranger as his blade readjusted in his hand ready to deal a death blow.

“Now Ranger, your life is going to end,” The orc growled out as he stalked closer to the wounded ranger only to be stopped from a long loud growl coming from the ridge just above the injured ranger. For a few seconds the larger orcs attention was drawn away from the ranger as something above him parted the bushes sending a small shower of snow down on the ranger as another long growl erupted from above him. No sooner had the snow landed on the wounded ranger than a larger shower of snow would fall on the ranger once more as the massive form of a white beast lunged forward its massive jaw sinking into the throat of the orc that would clam his life as its black blood stained the ground below. The wolves massive body would be strong enough to force the orc down as the others slowly back away slightly surprised.
It was not a good thing to die far from home.

It hadn't been his idea really, this undertaking. The sensible thing would have been to keep moving, find other groups of his people, but that hadn't been an option. Blood had been spilt on his home soil, and the band responsible had turned tail when a more concerted effort to repel them had been managed. Left to their own devices, they might rally help, return to wipe out the newfound concentrations of people. They had to be put down.

And so a ranger was sent to see them off.

One man against a pack of twenty, these were not odds that a man would face head on. But his people were skilled in the use of the bow, and the forest were his home. One by one, he stalked them as they moved away from his home land, one by one he slew them, whittling their numbers down. They rounded on him only twice, trying to turn the tables on him, but each time they blundered inot carefully laid snares and traps, bringing more of them to an untimely end. Soon the hunt would be over, and the last of them would be fallen, and the ranger could turn back to the north.

He was down to the last of his arrows, and had no time to stop to craft more. So he played for time, preparing for his final assault, intending to purge the orcs once and for all up close, with fire and glory.

This was perhaps not the best of plans that he could have hatched.

As he came from the trees into the clearing hte last of hte orcs had been camping within, he found himself facing not the broken few survivors of the band he'd been hunting, but those same orcs now joined by a larger band of orcs, these bearing the size and look of those that came down from Gundabar. The orcs gave a roar and charged. There was the option of running, trying to lose them int he trees, but he knew that in the end, they would have him this time. Too many of them, and too close, he'd only wear himself out trying to escape.

And that left attack.

His sword was already free in his hand, and he met the charge head on. leangin aside a swung blade, his sword flicked up, meeting hte gap int he armour between shoulder and arm, and with a hard pull, the blade laid open the artery that was there. The orc yowled, an ungodly sound that would have made him wince if he hadn't been running on pure adrenaline. He parried a blow, swatting it aside only to sweep his blade back to take the throat of his attacker. He had to keep moving, to stay still, plant his feet, was to let hismelf die.

Skirmishing across the clearing, he fought with all he had, reserves that he hadn't known he possessed, finding a new height to his skills, slaying five more when the band backed away from him. A orc that had to be the leader of this band stepped forward, larger than the others, adn in their society, more often than not, might made right. Not sparing a moment longer, he threw himself at hte orc.

Sparks flew in the night air from the course weapon of his foe, faced with his finely honed sword, prodiced in times long past in the forges of Arnor beofre that kingdom fell, when his people were a proud race, not a broken people running through the bones of their ancient glory. The world thought that the blood of Numenor was spent, but here and now, this ranger put that thought to rest. Weapons moved in a blur, and a widely swung blow left him an opening, his sword raked along his foe, ripping a wound that would have slain a man outright. But his foe was not a man, and while such a wound told, it did not slay. The crude sword of the orc slashed along the ranger, parting cloth and flesh, staggering him away. Blood was in the air now, the orcs roaring in pleasure at the sight of it. The mob swept in at hte site, bloodlust replacing their respect of the challenge to their leader. He took the head from one with a desperate slash of his sword, but then hands were on his arms, pushing him to his knees. Their leader came on, slow, leasuirely, speaking of the end of his life.

He spat at the orc, a last act of defiance. And then the orc went down under a mass of fangs and fur. A wolf, quite the largest he'd seen in a long time, taking the orc down. Never one to question a fortunate turn in a battle, the ranger drew a fighting knife and stabbed it through the foot of one of his captors. Teh screech of pain ended as he slammed the knife into it's throat. Seizing his fallen sword, he heaved himself back to his feet, swinging it in a wide arc to buy him space, driving the enemy back. He took stock of the situation. he was only a few feet away from the wolf, sparing it a glance, giving a nod to it. Whatever drove the beast on, he would honour it's aid and courage.
The death sound of an orc and the smell of tainted blood was the first thing that reached her senses telling her of the battle that raged not more than a few yards away. While most battles to be remembered were wagged on a grander scale to her this held importance though she could not speak as to why yet. It was the tainted smell of blood that burned her senses more than anything she had smelled in a long while. More and more the smell of tainted blood would fill her senses telling her what she couldn’t see of the battle that was being fought. The closer she crept to the fighting hearing the ringing of metal sounding through the cold winter air. In rapid succession more lives were cut short and more tainted blood filled the air. She had just cleared the small area over them as the leader of the groupe stepped forward being far larger than what she had seen before. Ice blue eyes watched as the battle warn ranger threw himself at the orc that was clearly their leader.

From her vantage point she would watch the ranger waging his war as once more the sounds of metal ringing against metal would floor the cold air around them. The sight of the ranger fighting was truly something to behold and worthy of the tales that had been handed down by her people. Her lean muscles would tense as the blade ripped a wound that would have killed near any other opponent. The smell of the blood of the ranger would fill her senses as her body remained tense knowing that this was not going to be well. The threat to the rangers life would not sit well with her as a long growl erupted from her throat before her massive form launched forward fangs sinking deep into the throat of the orc as the taste of tainted blood would flood her mouth sickining her from the taiste of it. As their bodies fell her fangs would continue to rip into the orcs throat sending gushes of black blood flowing out staning the snow. It wasn’t until the body stopped twitching under her paws that her blood soaked mouth would leave the dying creatures ripped throat.

As she stood on the slain body of her prey black blood would drip down from her muzzle as a growl mixed with a bark would erupt in the night air. Behind her she could hear the whistle of the rangers blade slicing through the air. Her ice blue eyes would move back to the ranger for just a few seconds catching only a fleeting glance before the sudden movement of an orc lunging towards the beast whom had slain their leader as her eyes snapped to the orc as her body tensed before her massive form would once more lung forward moving with an odd amount of grace. She had just closed the distance between them as the creature brought its blade down intent on killing the beast. Despite her large size she moved with an almost unnatural amount of grace as her body lunged up her massive jaw clenching down on the creatures shoulder as her fangs would tear through a small bit of metal before finding tainted flesh once more.

With her fangs firmly set her body would twist or writhe as ligaments and bones started to separate causing the creature to howle in pain. Once more the taste of tainted blood would fill her mouth making her stomach turn from the flavor. No matter how much of the rancid blood filled her mouth she refused to release her grasp from the creature until the last of the skin and muscle separated causing the arm to fall lifelessly to the ground as the creature started bleeding out. All four paws would no sooner touch the snow ladened ground than she would be in prosuite of her next target finding that many of the orcs had long since lost their will to fight now with their leaders dead body laying before them and a renewed effort of those that would see their lives end tonight. All she knew knew was that so long as she still drew breath one of the blood of Numenor would not fall here.
Animalistic savagery was something that was usually opposing him, not aiding him, but in this one case, he would not question it. When the wolf looked at him, the colour of the ewyes caught his attention. Blue. On a wolf. It wasn't natural, shouldn't be possible, but it told him something.

What came to aid him was not an animal of any stripe found in the truly natural world.

All of this was set aside for the current need was to survive the fight now, break the will of hte band, and with the great beast aiding him, he might be able to manage it. Moving was aggravating his wound, but he had little choice in the matter. There was less finesse in his movements now, less control, but he still picked his blows carefully, the keen edge of his sword slamming home with lethal force and precision every time. Limbs came free, heads where it was possible. He saw the wolf bringing down another orc, the jaws working into the body, seeing flesh parting, bones start to crumple under the relentless pressure fo the beast. He saw an orc charging at the flank of the wolf, adn knew that turnabout was fair play. He plucked a blade from his torso, adn heaved, casting it with all his might.

It was likely the best throw he'd yet managed in a long time.

Kinfe sinking to the hilt in the eye of the orc, the creature died with a gurgle. The ranger was back in motion, swirling his cloak out as he moved, shielding his motions from some, making hismelf look larger than he really was to others, anything to give him an advantage.
"An Arnor! An túr!" He bellowed in Sindarin, his human voice not quite bringing hte rounded adn musical sound of the language to it's normal fruition, but the sound of it seemed to rattle the remaining orcs further. Only a handful of them, but they started to flee. Dropping his sword, he quickly drew out his bow, adn started to fire.

It was barely a few moments later, and things fell silent. Battle seemed a poor word to describe what had gone on. A small war perhaps. The clearing was littered with proof of his small war, carnage strewn out along the ground for all to see. He staggered, letting his bow fall tot eh blood smeared snow. He reached out for a tree, finding one close enough to lean on. His hand pressed to his side, slick with blood now from his wound. He hissed, looking up at the wolf, knowing that if it decided that he was next on the list, then there was nothing he would be able to really accomplish against it. he had some smaller blades that might wound it, but he doubted he'd be able to kill it if needed. He hissed again, keeping an eye on it, waiting to see what it's next move was.
Animalistic savagery was one thing she had come to rely on and had seen her through many winters. Now the more wild side of her nature was brought to bear against his enemies. She would see him through this fight after would be another question. True between the two of them they could have slaine all the band before them though something told her the price would be higher than either would wish to pay. So rather this time better to break their will and send them on their way. As the ranger started to move so would she as their attack was launched. As her jaws worked on the shoulder of one of the orcs her vision would just catch sight of a blade impaling itself in the eye of one that had sought to attack her. It would seem in part they were looking out after one another in this battle. As he bellowed his words breaking the last of the will of the orcs she would be but a few yards away letting out her own mix of barks and growls. When the first arrow flew her eyes would turn back to the ranger she had added watching the ease at which he fired knowing that should he choice just as quickly one of those arrows could be aimed in her direction.

Her eyes would not move off of him even as silence covered the battlefield just as thickly as the snow covered the ground. All around would be the remains of what had happened this day and the small war they had survived. Her head would perk up as her ears focused in his direction as the rangers bow fell to the blood smeared snow and his form staggered. As he moved she could pick up on the scent of fresh blood knowing whatever wound he had received was still bleeding. Her form wouldn’t move as he reached out for a tree finding one close enough he could lean on. From the way he was moving she could tell his injuries might be more severe than she thought. Her ears would twitch softly hearing the sharp hissing sound as his hand found the wound on his side. Her body was attentive to his movements as her eyes moved up to meet his. It seemed no sooner than their eyes met that she could almost sense the worry that laid heavy on his mind. The thought that he could easily be next to fall prey to her attack. Her original plan had been to leave him after the battle was done having done her part but now it seemed less likely to happen. His injury was worse than she had thought and the thread of other attacks still loomed, as he was now he would be easier pray than she would like. She did know if she stayed by his side than she wanted to keep her other form a secret. Better he think her an odd creature than to have him know the truth of what she was.

It took a little before she realized she had been staring at the man for far longer than she should have. Slowly and almost hesitant she would slowly start moving towards him her eyes remaining on him in case he should try to attack first. As she drew closer her size would be all that more apparent coming closer to the size common among wargs still all of her features were that of a wolf. Her slow approach would continue until she was standing no more than three feet from him she would turn slightly in the direction the orcs had taken off in before her large form would slowly lay down on the snow. All the while her eyes would remain on him hoping that while she didn’t fully trust him she also did not seek to end his life here.

It was the only thing that came to mind when watching hte wolf. There had been an instant of wondering if it might have been a white warg, he'd killed a few of those in his time, but the longer he looked at the beast he knew it couldn't be. The muzzle was too pronounced, adn it moved with faar too much grace and not nearly enough amlice. There was no sense of darkness coming from it. But still, wolves simply didn't get this large, not in nature.

And so he wa still at the same point as he had been before. Animal and predator, staring directly at him. He was next. he knew it. But he'd seen it move, seen how it fought. He might have been a match for it at his best, fully in hte peak of health and strength.

But he was far from that point now.

Blood was still leaking from his side, and what was worse, it was starting to slow down. That wasn't a good sign to his knowledge. He grit his teeth, his hand still gripping the blade of his dagger like he meant to be able to use it. This was not how he'd intended thing to go. Not how someone like him was supposed to meet their end. He would have been contented to have died in battle with teh orcs. He calmed himself at that thought. He'd slain the band, as well as it's reinforcements. He'd done his task and more. He could die with that being done. Perhaps not in glorious battle defending the honour of fallen Arnor, but it was enough.

He smiled at the wolf, actually smiled at what he could only assume was his doom. To go out smiling. That was a fate that could have been worse. His grip slackened on his wound, and he slipped from the tree to land in the snow with a muffled thump, his vision going black, and conciousness fleeing.
As she felt the cold snow forming under her body as she lay there her cold blue eyes would remain on the wounded ranger before her. Her eyes would never waver from him through her ears would move catching any sound that may have been around them. With her stomach feeling as empty as it was she would be lying if she hadn’t said that the thought of eating fresh meat hadn’t crossed her mind for a half a second. The discipline of the more human part of her mind kept the hunger in check even if it was becoming harder with the smell of fresh blood hanging in the air. All at once her ears were just as focused on him as her eyes had been. She heard his heartbeat slowing as the hormones coming off of him had changed as though he were calmed. Her head would tilt slightly as a smile crossed his lips wondering if he was planning on launching himself forward to try and kill her. She continues watching him as his grip loosened on his wound seconds before he slipped from the tree landing in the snow with a muffled thump. A long growl of annoyance would slowly slip from her lips seeing this was quickly becoming far more complicated than she had first thought it would be.

Her form would change quickly and in such a way that if someone wasn’t fully paying attention they would have swore that the woman had always been there. Slowly her slender from rose from its crouched position showing her height was far shorter than the ranger she had just been facing down. A head full of dirty light blond hair would flutter in the wind as she slowly approached the prone figure that was still bleeding. Kneeling down beside him she would gather his cloak quickly pressing it as tightly as she could against his wound as her head slowly lowered against his chest just above his heart. Her hand would stay pressed against his wound tell she felt the flow of blood stopping. Her ear remained trained on the steady beating of his heart making sure that he was still alive. Leaning up she would start digging through his pockets knowing that anyone who traveled far away from humans like him would always carry some type of herbs to help with things. It was tucked away on his person that she found what she had been looking for. She recognised the smell of Yarrow anywhere knowing it was good for helping stop bleeding. Crewing it up the bitter taste would flood her mouth thankfully helping with taste or orc blood. Coating his wound the best she could she would shred part of her ratty cloak bandaging his wound the best she could. Her form once more would shift back to that of the large beast he had first encounter as she walked around him gripping his cloak in her mouth before she started to pull him along the snow covered ground.

Where he would awaken was far different than the snow covered field or the inside of a creatures stomach as he might have been thinking. Rather it was a dimly lit cave with a small crackling fire nearby. The scent of cooking fish would fill the air from a nearby stream would fill the air. The pale skinned fair haired woman would be sitting across the cave from him. Her clothing ratty and ill fitting. Those same ice blue eyes would be watching him intently before she would finally speak breaking the silence between them. “I wasn’t planning on eating you. I do not eat humans out of principle. I won’t think of eating one of your bloodline,”
It was quiet. Passing out like that wasn't a terrible fate. If he was going to die, then doing so with some peace was not a horrible fate. There was a brief moment that he felt like he might have someone else near by. Had the wolf come for him? Would the peace of death be shattered by the hunger of the beast? He didn't know.

His unconciousness was not peaceful. There were dreams of war and battle. Uncounted ranks of men, wearinghte almost lost heraldry of hte king of Arnor, facing the unnumbered masses of the foe, fighting and dying. Each one a hero worthy of song, but each one fell, unsung and unremembered. The dead were beyond the count of grief, and still mounting.

He had not been there.

Such ahd happened ages past, but there were some of the blood of Numenor that still dreamed of it. Saw what it was that they had lost. Most thbought that the days of their people were gone, but some few held faith that given time they might be able to hold once their lands more, to push the darkness back. See the banners of Arnor hoisted high once more.

But for that to happen, they had to stop dying like they had. There simply were not enough of them to do more than run and hide, larger bands splitting up to reduce their needs and avoid notice. It was no life for a proud people.

He felt warmth, smelled burning softwood, felt the ground beneath his back. He opened his eyes, surprised that he was capable of doing so. He'd thought that his end had come to him. He'd made his peace with that. But to would depend on what condition he was in. He recalled his wound, did not jar himself needlessly. If the wound had even started to heal, then there was no sense in undoing that work. His nose also caught the scnet of fish, cooking in it's own skin at the small fire. His stomach made a faint sound at the thought of food, reminding him it had been some time since he'd had much proper nourishment. He flicked his gaze fromt he flames to the place he was in. The stony walls spoke of a cave, something that was likely well covered in earth, out of sight, adn would provide some degree on insulation from the cold. The small fire would be sufficient he judged. He tracked his gaze around again, and this time found a far more important detail.

He was not alone.

He shifted, supporessing hte instinct to react to a threat. Had this person wished him ill it was unlikely they would have simply waited for him to awaken before making a move. He picked out the details of her face, of the ill fit of her clothes, the general state of them, noting that she was not dressed for hte climate. She should have frozen to death by now unless there was more to this woman than he knew. And then he met her gaze, that direct, uncompromising gaze. Her eyes did not simply look at him over the fire. They fairly blazed int he light. He ahd been about to speak, when his memory was triggered to recall something else, something very important.

He knew those eyes.

When she spoke to him, he listened carefully. Eating humans? Not his bloodline? Just what was it he was facing here? And was it a threat to him now? But whatever else she was, she was not threatening him, and she was likely the reason he was still alive. And for that, he did owe her courtesy at least.
"I...appreciate such defference." He managed. His voice was cracked, dry. He reached to his hi, found that his waterskin was still present, though low on supply. He took a swift drink, letting the moisture restore him a little. Hius mind tried to grapple with what he was seeing, what his heart told him must be, regardless of the impossibility of it. "And...we have met before this moment, haven't we miss?" He asked slowly. "You are...somehow connected to the wolf that aided me?" It was not what he truly felt was the case, but his mind did not concur with heart. He needed to hear the situation for himself.
She had watched over him the best she could as he slept seeing that his dreams were not restful but rather much like her own filled with things most would not wish to see. When his eyes opened the whole of her attention would be focused on him now sure how he would take what he was waking up to. All her sense were focused fully on him as the fire softly flickered between them. She was thankful that he didn't move too quickly as it would risk reopening his wound. She watched his nose flare slightly wondering if it was the scent of the cooking fish that he was smelling. When her hearing picked up the faint sound of his stomach she knew that it was. She watched silently as his eyes moved to the fire then around the small cave she had found for the two of them. It wasn't much but it would provide shelter that they needed from the cold winter night outside. When his eyes finally fell on her she knew that the questions and uneasiness would quickly follow as it always did when people found out.

He did have control that much she could surmise in that he suppressed the response that would have washed through anyones mind in waking up as he had. Everything about her was youthful but also slightly dirty in appearance. Her clothing was a little too big and looked as though it had been a few years since they were in good shape. The look in her eyes came both from man and beast judging the soul before them. Wondering just how much to tell him if anything. The words she did speak might have seemed odd but before anything else was revealed she felt it best that he knew that she was not one to eat humans. When she did speak she could see that there was some confusion in his eyes. "I simply did not want to wish to continues speaking with the question being left unspoken," she spoke as she watched him retrieving his water skin before taking a long drink.

Leaning forward she slowly pulled two fish from the stick that they had been cooking on before carefully handing them to him. "You are quicker at putting things together than most that I have met before. The fish is safe to eat if I meant you harm you would not have left the battlefield," She said as she carefully laid them down before retrieving her own two. Peeling off a chunk of meat she would down it quickly. "It is hard to explain and more than likely our paths will diverge before it become too much comes to light. For now though I will say that the beast that aided you and I are very closely connected. It was our thought to leave you after the battle was over with only the thought that some odd creature had come to your aid before disappearing back into the woods. Your injury was too grave and and the scent of orcs was still too strong in the air to leave you there. So we decided that this was the best choice," she said taking a few more bites out of the fish before she would retrieve her own water skin taking a drink before offering him a drink. "So if you will allow we will see you safely to a human settlement. If you do now allow we will leave in the morning," she said as she looked over at him knowing at best she was being cryptic.
His eyes didn't stop tracking her movements. Picking at her words in his mind, she was a curious creature. He knew that thinking of another person as a creature wasn't really a terribly polite approach, but something inn his mind wondered if he should so ready to be convinced that she was a person the way he normally defined it.

She spoke readily as thoiugh she understood the beast, as though privy to it's thought, and that made him wary. But everything else she'd established was correct. Had she wanted him dead, she could have simply left him to his fate. It made ill sense to poison him now. He lifted the first fish, his hand finding his small knife still in place on his belt. Something else that indicated he wasn't among an enemy. It wasn't likely that a foe would have left him with any means of fighting. this aprticular blade wasn't well suited to the task of killing a person, but he'd managed it before when needed. He instead pierced hte skin of the fish, slicing it open to expose the meat. Steam rose, encouraging him. He ate quickly, famished. Being on hte ru with little but brief moments of trail food and what water he could harvest left him craving proper nourishment.

As he set aside the now picked clean fish, he turned his attention back to his host. He accepted her offer of hte waterskin. It was fresher than his own, and he took a breath at the taste, handing it back to her with a nod of thanks. Her doging around the issue of hte wolf did bother him, but not in so much as it would leave him ungrateful for aid offered. It was a gernerous offer. He had a good idea of the nearest village, adn it was several days distant from them.
"It is something of a...long journey tot he nearest village. I am not without gratitude for your offer, it is generous. And shoudl the distance not daunt you, then I would be pleased to have some company on the journey."
With every movement that she made she could feel his eyes staying on her though honestly she couldn't blame him. They did not know each other and the threat was still real that one of them was not what they seemed. In truth she hadn't been around humans in a long while even longer since she had manage to sit down and have a full conversation with one. She knew that her words and the way she choice to speak would sound odd to most. Her eyes was on him as he lifted the first fish seeing that there was a bit of trust between them even if it was on a small level. While he would cut at the fish her fingers would make quick work tearing chunks off where she could. In trust she was too hungry to care about eating politely in front of another. In truth she ate about as quickly as he did finding that they both were hungry.

She would offer him a nod back as she took her water skin back taking another deep drink before setting it down where it could be within easy reach of either of them. Picking up the second fish she would careful start picking at it though without the vigor that she had with the first. Hearing him speak about how if would be a long journey to the nearest village she would softly shake her head. "The distance should no be the worry," she spoke softly as she picked another small chunk of meat from the fish. "We may not be much help with hunting the fish today was somewhat a turn in fortune. Where ever we can be of aid we will lend it without question," she said finishing the last of the meat the fish had to offer before she leaned back looking over at him wondering just how much she should tell him. Even if they traveled with each other for a few days there would be some basic things that he would need to know.

"Among my people they call me Calista," she said extending her hand to him if for nothing else a sign of acceptance while they would be traveling with each other. Leaning back she would soak in the warmth of the fire as her mind worked on how to speak of this next part. It would be a while before she would finally speak deciding it best simply to say it no matter how mad it would make her seem. "If we are to be traveling together for a few days there are some things you will need to know. I would rather they be known here rather than when he leave so that they will not become a distraction. I know you will probably think me mad. The wolf that you aided you in your fight and the person who speaks to you now are one in the same. We have the gift to switch between forms when needed. That is how I can speak to her thoughts," she said as she watched him awaiting for the questions she was sure would be coming.
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