seeking rp partners - NEW pairings and plots added (mxf mxfuta)


Mar 13, 2016
Hello and welcome to my thread!
So I've never made a thread here before and thought it was time that I did. To start with, here are a few things I'm looking for.

Length: My posts are usually 1-3+ paragraphs, depending on what my partner gives me. So I'm looking for someone who can post at least 1 paragraph
Posting: I respond anywhere from several times a day to once or twice a week so I'm looking for someone who can respond at least once a week.
Grammar needs to be decent though I do understand mistakes and whatnot.

I prefer to do mxf pairings though, I may be willing to do a mxfuta if you really want to. I've never done any futa rps but I'm interested in trying it out.

the number of ** means how much I want to do that pairing.

animal x human ***
centaur x human **
werewolf x werewolf/human
pokemon x trainer ***
anthro x human/anthro
pokemon x pokemon
furry/anthro x human/anthro
shape shifter x human


Summer at the Ranch
A girl who's family is struggling sends her off to live with her relatives while they go off on a business trip to hopefully allow them to make some more money and get back on their feet. However, what the girl doesn't expect is that while she's at the ranch, she not only discovers the company of the animals, but also enjoys the pleasure she can give back to them in return while she's there.

Lost Bet
At a small party with several friends, the girl finds herself bored and decides to go hang with the guys for a bit who are playing a card game (poker or something else). She asks if she can join and they agree, teaching her how to play since she's never played that game before. However, after a while they get more competitive and start to make bets. Since she's been winning a few times, she agrees to a bet that she thought she'd win. However, she ends up loosing which means she has to whatever sexual things they want her to do for the next 24 hours. (time can be extended to 48 hours, a week, and so on. A few of the things they could do is get the family dog involved, pleasure multiple of them at a time, go out in public and so on)

A Night for Adventure
A girl decides to go have some fun and ends up at a club. She's never drunk much alcohol before so in time she's lost in the heat of the music and dancing. She ends up bumping into a guy and they begin to dance together. Things start to get heated between them and soon their hands are wandering over each other. Before long, the two have escalated to having sex on the dance floor, swaying to the music as they do so. This gets the attention of nearby fellow dancers who start to enjoy the show. Wanting to see more, they begin to slowly strip the girl of her clothes. Due to being drunk, she doesn't fully realize what the situation is turning into. As the night progresses, different guys come and pleasure her, as well as get her to pleasure them all in front of the crowd of people in the club.

Mystery in the Garden
Going out to water her garden one day, a girl discovers a strange looking plant in the far corner of the garden. It's viny stems occasionally move and sway, though she assumes it's just because of a breeze. Finding this plant fascinating, she moves into a planter and brings it into her home where she can keep a better eye on it and enjoy it's beauty in her home. But as she cares for it, she discovers its little vines move on their own and if she reaches toward it, it'll occasionally lightly wrap a vine or two around her finger. It never holds on tight or tries does anything else, so she keeps it, still amazed by it. It doesn't take long for the plant to grow larger and larger so she has to continually move it to a bigger planter. It's vines grow longer and occasionally explores it's surroundings by touch/grabbing different objects so she tends to keep most objects away from the plant.
One day, it sprouts a bud in the center and after a bit more waiting, it finally blooms. However, once it's bloomed, it lets out a scent that causes the girl to seek pleasure. She tries to pleasure herself but it just doesn't satisfy. And on one such a day, she's walking around the house naked and goes to water the plant. However, as she does so, the plant starts to move it's vines around her begins to pleasure her itself.

Pokemon: New Trainer
In a small town, far off from any city where they could get starter pokemon, a girl dreams of starting her own pokemon adventure. She gets tired of seeing everyone else have fun with their pokemon while she has none. So one day, she decides to venture out with a few pokeballs into the woods where pokemon are known to be. However, most of the pokemon there are very dangerous.
As she goes around, she runs into a pokemon that was recently defeated in a battle with another pokemon. Feeling bad for the poor thing that seem to be scared and weak, she decided to sit with it and fed it half her lunch as she ate with it as well. Slowly, the pokemon starts to relax around her. They spend a bit of time together and go down to the river to get some water. As they rest on the riverbank, the girl falls asleep. After a while, she's awoken to feeling something moving between her legs, under her skirt. Not long after, things lead to the pokemon mating with the girl and she ends up capturing him in one of the pokeballs.
From there on, they start their adventure of running into pokemon. And while other trainers fight the pokemon to catch them, she ends up pleasuring them to the point they're spent and then capturing them.
(this can lead to some interesting scenarios when a fellow trainer passes by and sees this as well as what happens if other trainers pokemon see this and want it as well and so on)

Shapeshifter x Human
Character A was separated from their parents at a young age and had to live on the streets. The thing is though, A is a shapeshifter. So they could live on the streets as whichever animal they wanted to be able to survive. Character B was just an average person. However, when their paths crossed, A was in their animal form which they preferred since it kept the safest, B decided to take A home and take care of it. For the next few weeks to month, B tends to A who has remained in animal form. But then one day, as B is going about some normal task, A turns human, finally revealing their secret.

Great Escape
Aliens have crash landed on earth and are given an area of land to live. However, the government keeps the population in control and because they don’t have a very nice place to live, they’re able to take different ones to experiment on.

Character A is an alien and has learnt of how the government works and is trying to find a way to get his people home even though no one ever takes him seriously. Character B has always been curious about the aliens and wants to help them out since she can tell they’re not being treated kindly. She sneaks into the camp and brings them fresh food that they normally don’t get. It’s during one of these trips that she runs into A. At first, they don’t get along too well but A can’t help seeing her every time she comes. After a bit, things become much better between them.
But just as things seem to be the best they’ve ever been and are on the verge of gaining enough power to rebel against the government, the military decides it’s time to wipe them off the face of the earth. But with the way things play out, it makes it seem as though B was truly a spy and has betrayed A and all the rest of the aliens. But B has a secret and she has to tell A. She manages to get to him but he refuses to talk to her, believe her to be traitor. But just as the soldiers get to the room where A is being held, B blurts out that she’s pregnant with his child. That’s when A has to make the ultimate decision. Either believe B was telling the truth and try to save her from the men he thinks are working with her, or refuse to believe her and leave her behind to save his own people.
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